Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will, Mama. Yes, I will. This week I was able to do the 4 that you asked, did you like it? How nice! And the voice of the dubber, did you like it too?
Yes, how nice! I will provide more. Yes, I will.
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all again to love! Dilate your hearts to Agape Love by praying more, making more sacrifices of love, meditating. And above all, little children, fight within yourselves the pride that is one of the great enemies of Agape Love.
When man is proud before God, he does not recognize his misery, he does not recognize his own faults and he hardens himself in his will, in his way of thinking, in his pride, he closes his heart to Agape Love. This love cannot enter into the heart that has pride, and then Eros love enters there that is also haughty, that is also vain and proud.
Then, man falls deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin, selfishness, love and self adoration of himself, moving further and further away from God's love. And even to the point of despising God's love for himself, for his will and for what he wants, for the things of this world, for worldly things.
My children, fight then this pride that is very dangerous, first with humility and then dilating your hearts to Agape Love by doing violence to yourselves. So that then you can widen your hearts more, receive more of this love in your heart and thus be love and give love to all mankind, so that all mankind may believe that God is Love, that the essence of God is Love.
Then the hearts of men will quickly open to this Love, accept it, have it and finally this Love that is also My Flame of Love will triumph throughout the world.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, through the Rosary prayed with the heart I dilate your hearts ever more for the Agape Love, the Supernatural Love. This Love that has nothing human, has nothing earthly.
This Love that is from Heaven and that makes you not only love God and Me with pure Love, without interest. But also love your neighbor without any interest, a pure love that only wants to give itself, to sacrifice itself, to consume itself for love, for the happiness of your neighbor, of being loved.
Then truly you will be Love in this loveless world and I will be able to transform this hell of violence, selfishness, hatred, dishonesty and total absence of charity into a green garden of Love. I will transform the world into a true furnace of love.
Continue, therefore, praying My Rosary, for it you will quickly reach Supernatural Love, Agape Love and when this happens My Triumph, My Heart will truly triumph, My Triumph will happen.
To you, my dear son Carlos Tadeu, who today is once again here in my home and in my presence, I say: I love you very much My beloved son, you cannot imagine the joy that comes from coming here to my home to be with me.
Yes, at this very moment I show My son Marcos 358 swords of Pain to My feet, taken by you here this afternoon. Most of these swords were drawn mainly by consecrated souls who were loved by God and Me with a much greater love of predilection than others and favored with much more graces.
And they who should give us more love and obedience pierce these swords into Our Hearts with their indifference, with their disobedience, with their life of sin.
You My little son does more than they do and loves Me more than they do, so your love takes from Me all the swords of Pain they pierce. And they give you even great merits in Heaven that will greatly increase your glory, your joy and the enjoyment of divinity.
Today, I solemnly tell you: On Christmas Eve when I brought the Savior into the world, I cried, I cried a lot, not only for bringing the Savior into the world in such poverty in the cave of Bethlehem. But I cried because at that moment I saw all humanity and all souls that despite the sacrifice of My son born in such poverty would not love Him, would not worship Him, would not follow Him, would not serve Him.
And I wept, I wept especially for the souls who, unlike My son, would despise holy poverty and seek only the riches, pleasures and stewardship of this world despising Him and despising the Cross.
Then My son Jesus showed Me in vision in the cave of Bethlehem to you praying and loving Me so much, loving My son with such affection and love. And the vision of your love, of your future obedience consoled My Heart.
Yes, My son, it comforted My Heart and the Heart of My son Jesus so much that seeing you in that vision also stopped crying with Me. My comforter goes on comforting Our Hearts with his love and does not stop for anything.
Do you see now how much I love you? How much I love you? I gave you for a son the one I chose and embraced myself by letting Me photograph and see for My children all over the world. This My son, Marcos, whom I embrace with so much Love, is My consolation, My last hope. He on whom rest not only my hopes, but also the great prophecies of my Heart.
This son who is My comforting Angel on Earth is the one I gave you as a son, showing you truly how much I love you and how much I have honored you.
Love, because the precious son I gave you, he loves you very much, you can't imagine. If one day he would open his chest and leave the flames of love that he has for you out, he would reduce you to ashes in the same instant.
Yes, truly if it were natural fire it would consume you. Let yourself be loved by this Agape love that I put in it for you, so that you can truly feel my love. And then, filled with My Love may I also radiate My Love to all My children who do not yet know Me and therefore suffer wandering in this world.
I love you very much and for you I do crazy things of Love. Do not fear what happened to you, the accident that happened to you, this is the work of My enemy's rage. But the Mother in Heaven is attentive with the Saints taking care of you. You were allowed to see how much hatred he has for you and how much good you are doing, because he only hates those who truly save souls and are destined to Heaven.
So son, go ahead and don't be afraid, I will guard you and defend you much more vehemently than the lioness defends her little daughter.
I bless you and I bless all My children who have come to comfort Me today that I love so much Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí".
(St. Genesius): "Dear brothers My, I, Genesius, rejoice in coming with the Mother of God today for the first time. I love you very much, I keep you and I always protect you from all evil.
I protect you and defend you from all the snares of Satan, so do not be afraid, in the end the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God will triumph and all the power of hell will finally be broken and destroyed.
Love Love and live this perfect love by giving the Mother of God and the Lord the loving response of your hearts so that then this love will triumph in the world through you.
Love Love by expanding your hearts to this Love and letting this Love reign in your hearts. Do not be afraid of God's Love or of being loved by Him or of loving Him, because this Love that in the beginning really demands: renunciation, conversion, change of many things in your life, finally leads you to true and complete peace of heart and total sanctification of your souls.
Love Love, without fear, so that this love which is the Flame of Love of the Mother of God can finally realize in your hearts the great transformation that she so much expects from souls full of love Eros, into souls full of Agape Love, which like flames burning with love will set the whole world on fire.
And continue praying the Rosary every day, for whoever prays it will never be defeated by Satan. And the soul who prays the Rosary will never be enslaved by him.
The devil has never been heard to say that he has triumphed over the soul who prays the Rosary and will never be heard, because when the soul prays the Rosary Satan is afraid of it and shakes all hell. Pray it, the more you pray the Rosary the more you will be loved by the Mother of God and by Us from Heaven.
I bless you all and especially you My most beloved Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love so much, and also protect and defend. Don't worry about what happened to you, this was allowed to you as a confirmation that you are truly of the Immaculate One, if it weren't for the devil I wouldn't molest you.
On the contrary, he would do what he does to sinners, he would help you, he would favor you, he would make everything easier for you.
But since you are of the Immaculate one who hates you and sometimes attacks you, but don't be much more vigilant than a father over his son, We from Heaven, I am with you, and I won't let any evil prevail over you. You are strong, remain strong in the love of the Immaculate One and with her you will always have victory.
I am your protector too, I am your personal guard that together with the other Saints I accompany you. Why do you have so many Saints who guard you? Because you are destined to great things and you are the Father of the one who is all the hope of the Blessed Virgin and who is the son of her prophecies. Therefore, you must have all our protection so that you can truly accomplish such a great mission that you will finally bring down the infernal empire and make the Immaculate Heart triumph.
I love you and bless you and I also love and bless you My beloved Leandro, I am your holy protector, I keep you, I never leave you, everything you need comes to Me, ask Me and I will offer My merits to the Lord for you and I will obtain all Graces from you.
To all I bless with love from Rome, Jerusalem and Jacari".
(Marcos): "See you tomorrow, see you soon Mama. See you soon, dear Genesis".