Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, yes I will. Yes, I will.
I'm glad you liked it, next week I'll do the others. Yes."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today again I call you all to live Supernatural Love. So that you can have this love in your heart, you must always seek intimacy with God in prayer.
The Lord has established that all His graces be given to man through prayer, including the greatest of all: the grace of Love. If you do not pray you will not be able to have this Supernatural Love in your hearts and therefore your souls will always be far from Love and therefore far from God.
Come closer to God who is Love by praying with your heart, by praying the prayer of Love! In this way you will truly be able to open your hearts to receive in them, the Supernatural Love, the Love of God. And then God himself will come to live in your hearts and give the world his Love.
Pray My Rosary every day, because through it more and more, I will fill your hearts with Divine Love, the Love of God. My children, only in the heart that prays can there be Love. Because the human being does not pray there is no Love of God.
Understand that this love will only be born in you when your life is pure prayer, prayer of love. May your hearts only have goodness and love, so that through your goodness and love My children and the whole world may know and feel My Love.
I wish you to give 10 Hours of Peace 74 and 10 Hours of Peace 75 to My children who do not yet know these Hours of Prayer. It is necessary that My children know the Messages and Meditations recorded by My son Marcos in these Hours of Prayer. Give them to all My children, I ask you!
And in this month of the Anniversary of My Appearance at La Salette, may you all also give 10 films La Salette #1, 10 La Salette #2, 10 La Salette #3 to My children, so that they may know My Appearance, My Secret of La Salette.
And so, My children hasten their conversion, because we are in the last half hour of God's day and now it is no longer possible to sleep in the sleep of indifference and sin. It is necessary for everyone to convert and reform their lives quickly by praying more and living more focused on heavenly things and less on worldly and material things.
To all I bless with Love and especially to you my little son Marcos, who today with the new Rosary of Mercy that you recorded, number 58, has deeply consoled the Heart of my son Jesus and my Heart giving my children to know our Messages and also the life of my son Saint Nicholas.
To you and to my beloved son Carlos Tadeu, who with his Cenacles has continued to remove many thorns from my Immaculate Heart, son whom I love with all my Love, with all my maternal affection and to all my children I now bless from Fatima, from Puilaron and from Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dear Mother of Heaven, can you touch these objects and Rosaries that we have made for the prayer and protection of your children?