Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 1, 2021
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
The world must now know the full force of the Mother of God

"Dear children, I am the Mother of God! I loved God so much that I became his Mother, and God loved me so much that he became incarnate in me and became my son. So today, on the day of my feast, I call all of you again to true love for me. Because I am the true Mother of God, I am also the true mother of all of you, because my son gave me to all of you as mother on Calvary. So, little children, live the true love for me, which is the love that sacrifices itself for me, that is, that renounces everything for me, that suffers everything for me, that renounces all sin for me, that avoids all sin for me, that leaves everything for me and makes the soul do everything for my love. This is true love and the summary of all my messages! Live the true love for me that I have come here to seek, so that then, you can definitely become the powerful instruments of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. The world must now know all the strength of the Mother of God, all my strength, the strength of my Heart, through you. Therefore, open your hearts without limit and without reserve to my flame of love, to my transforming grace, so that I may truly transform you into the signs of my love for this world rotten in sin, which is already in decomposition and now can only be saved, can only be resurrected by a miracle coming directly from Heaven, directly from the Lord. This miracle will happen through prayer, sacrifice, obedience, work and your yes to the plans of my Immaculate Heart. Renounce once and for all all your sins, all worldly things, so that at last salvation may enter your lives, because time is practically over. How many continue to want Heaven and all the earth, that is, worldly and carnal pleasures. This is impossible, God does not accept this, not even I! Decide either for God or for the world, because you cannot serve two masters. Convert without delay, that sums up the whole Gospel. That is what my son came to ask and I ask today: Conversion! Convert! Keep praying my Rosary every day, because with the Rosary I will lead you to perfect conversion and it will lead you to salvation. Ask for the grace of true love and strive to create this love in yourself, renouncing yourselves and sacrificing yourself for me. I bless you all with love now and especially you, my little son Marcos. Thank you for the sacrifice of your headache of all the days of this week, as well as the other illness I asked you to offer. You saved 80,702 souls and achieved for your father Carlos Thaddeus 112 new graces that he will receive this month of January. I bless you with love now and all my children too and I say: here my Immaculate Heart, in spite of everything, will triumph! And in the person and yes of my little son Marcos, I will perform the greatest wonders for the salvation of all my children. I bless them: Lourdes, Pellevoisin and Jacareí. Peace, my beloved little children". MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY AFTER TAKING THE RELIGIOUS OBJECTS "As I said before, wherever one of these Rosaries arrives, I will be alive with my children Cuniberto and Efigênia carrying great graces from the Lord. Fear not, I am with you! In these troubled times it seems that the enemy wants to make you believe that I am far away, but it is not true. I am near and I am with you and I see all your sufferings and as Mother of God I tell my son to help you all and give his grace to all of you. Forward! Pray, pray a lot! Only prayer can save you and my work here from all the evil that Satan plans against you. Pray, pray, pray! I am with you, I defend you and I always keep you. Peace, my children, stay in the peace of the Lord".