Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Every soul that has a good character in it will recognize my presence here

Updated: May 12
(Marcos): "Forever be praised, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
I'm fine, Mother, I'm just feeling a little tired because of so many sleepless nights with a headache, but I'm fine, I'm happy! You are here, you are with me, you are everything to me, everything good, everything I want.
Tell me, what do you want me to do for you today?
Yes, I will. I have already done one this week, eleven more to go, with the ones you asked me to do, that makes sixteen. Yes, I will... Yes, I will, Madam.
Yes, I will, my Queen.
If you liked this one, I will make more, many more, as many as you want!
Yes, I understood, I meditated a lot on that message during this week.
I was only left with a small doubt: if the enemy's plan was to take my life so that the Lady would not appear to me and I would not say yes, and so the souls that were converted because of this yes would be lost, and he made such a good plan, what went wrong? What was the part of his plan that failed?"
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved son Marcos, I come once again today from Heaven to say to you: Forward! Cheer up, my warrior!
Continue courageously on your way carrying My messages to all My children, even when they do not respond and have hard hearts, and when they prefer the world, sin, and Satan.
Onward! You must still save many souls for my son Jesus, bring them to him and to me, so that we can take these souls to Heaven.
So go forward, my warrior! And fear nothing, for I am with you and I will never leave you.
Yes, you have correctly understood my message. And know that truly, my enemy wanted to take your life as a child before my appearances, because he knew that you would be the instrument used by me to bring down all his evil plans and his infernal empire.
You would be the instrument by which I would truly bring down, all his machinations and reduce his infernal empire to ashes.
That's why he wanted to take your life as a child, but as I just told you, he didn't count on your heroic courage. By facing that moment of danger, by facing the danger and saving not only your mother's life, but yours as well, with courage without fainting, you truly proved yourself worthy, worthy of the choice Heaven had already made over you, worthy of my choice.
You proved to have the heroic courage necessary to face all the setbacks that would come to try to stop my work of salvation, my messages from reaching all my children.
Yes, it was a great trial and a great test that you passed and passed with flying colors, because you showed: strength, courage and valor. A truly heroic courage, rare for a child of your age, and for this you were the great one chosen by me.
Yes, your courage at that moment won my heart, and that's why I also chose you, and told my son Jesus: This is the one I need! He has the courage, the strength, and the value that I need to help me in my plans to save mankind. He is my chosen one, it has to be him, and I want no other!
And my son Jesus told me: Yes, my Mother, chosen, he was already chosen from his mother's womb, but now he is chosen for the courage and strength he has shown in this great trial he has been through.
Therefore, my son, you can never be discouraged! And you must always show the strength and valor that you have always had to help me save the souls of my children who have passed from God's hands into Satan's hands through sin.
You must free all these souls and bring them to me with your work, with your prayer, with your brave sacrifices every day, facing pains that would have already driven others crazy and that would have already made many others discouraged and throw away the cross.
And you courageously accept these sufferings, endure them and offer them for all mankind, for the salvation of so many souls.
You must continue with the word, with the suffering and with the prayer to save so many and so many souls for me. With the works and undertakings that you do for me, you must continue to fight for the salvation of all souls, even those most hardened in evil.
You are my hope! And do you understand now, why I chose you not only as my messenger, but also as my warrior, because only you had the strength, the courage, the tenacity and the fortitude for this?
Very well, my plan of salvation for all mankind consists of just that: my appearances spread all over the Earth, to save my children in the four corners of the world.
Yes, my enemy has spread his smoke throughout humanity, the forces of evil working for him in the world have spread apostasy, iniquity, moral and spiritual corruption, and this has covered the earth like a thick layer of ice.
To prevent the total destruction of the world, and to save souls, I have decided to appear in a new and extraordinary way, not only once in a while and with few appearances as it was in the past, but to appear in several places at once, with long, lingering and frequent appearances, so as to fight my adversary myself, in person.
And against this, neither he nor his henchmen can do anything, because I appear wherever I want, how I want, and as much as I want, and nobody can stop me!
Therefore, my work of salvation is spread in all the nations. And through my apparitions, I have gathered my children from the four corners of the world, to place them safely in the refuge of my Immaculate Heart and help me prepare the world for the greatest event after the first coming of the Word to earth: His return, which is already near!
That is why, my son, you who are part of this great plan of salvation are truly very important, in fact, you are a very valuable and fundamental piece in my great work of salvation for the whole world. And without you my plan could not have been realized, nor could my triumph be realized.
So, onward, I am with you! And every soul that hears your voice will hear mine. Those who despise your voice will despise myself, and those who welcome and say yes to my voice in their voice, will receive from me the grace of peace, my flame of love, and all my blessings, and will be proclaimed my true children and the blessed children of God.
Yes, every soul who has a good character in them will recognize my presence here and also that it is I myself who through you work, act and here draw all my children to salvation.
I draw my children to salvation in my son Jesus, so go forward, my son! Do not be afraid of anything! Thanks to you, thanks to your yes, my messages are spread all over the earth, and still many more wonders I will do.
Follow your path without ever being discouraged because of any traitorous Judas who betray my love, leave these souls to divine justice, because it will be to divine justice that they will have to give an account on the day of their deaths.
As for you, think only of me, live only for me as you have done, and never take your eyes off me.
I imprinted my image in your eyes so many times at the time of my apparition, I reflected myself not only so that my children would see me, but mainly so that you, looking at this sign, would always keep your gaze fixed on me, on my light, so that you would never get tired, never get discouraged.
And so, just as I live in you and you live in me, because you are all mine and died to yourself totally thirty years ago so that I might live in you, keep fighting so that all my children also die to the world, to their own will, so that I can live in them, reign in them, and through me my son Jesus reigns.
To you, my son, I say: I give my grace, I give my full blessing.
In you I have manifested signs that not even in the holiest of my sons who have been on earth have I manifested to say to you: you are the last grace that I give to the world and to this generation before the return of my son.
I have raised you up, raised you up, and sent you to call all mankind to conversion. If they refuse to enter through the door of conversion now and despise you, they will have to enter through the door of punishment and justice.
So, go ahead! Do not be afraid!
To you to whom I have given so much, ever more trust and total surrender to Me I ask.
And, also, to you, my beloved son Carlos Tadeu, to whom I gave this son, who was subjected to a great ordeal and passed through it with a heroic courage rare for a child of his age.
To you, to whom I gave such a brave, courageous son and who for my sake endured so many sufferings, so many injustices, pains and anguish, I gave the best of the best of sons to show you how much I love you.
It was not only I who won from my son Jesus a most valuable treasure, which is this son of mine: so brave, ardent in my service, faithful and obedient to me, but it was also you who won this great gift from my son Jesus and from my Heart, so that you can understand and feel how much we esteem you, how much we appreciate you, and how valuable you are to us.
If after the grace of seeing me the greatest grace is to live with a seer of mine, as my son Marcos always says, what grace will not be yours? That of being chosen to be the father of a seer of mine, and not just any seer, but the bravest, most dedicated, most obedient of all?
Yes, you have been chosen to be the father of the hardest of my servants, of my seers. The one who has shown the greatest courage, love and valor for me. Therefore, you should feel honored and happy, because through this worthy son, so many and so many blessings I have already given you, and even more I will give you.
Wait and you will see, and whoever lives will also see how many graces I will give you and with how many honors I will crown you.
So rejoice, son of my heart, rejoice with the son I have given you and become one with him: through love, through trust, through friendship, through intimacy, through unity and holy complicity in my plans. So that in this way, you may truly fulfill the plan of love that I have outlined for each one, and my Heart may triumph without delay here in this Land of the Holy Cross and in the whole world.
And to you, my little children, I say:
Let yourselves be led with confidence by me in my appearances here through my little son Marcos, for whoever hears him hears me, whoever does not hear him does not hear me and despises me. And I will continue leading you along the path of penance, of prayer, of sacrifice, of sanctity toward Heaven.
Pray, pray the Rosary as much as you can, pray the Thousand Hail Marys as much as you can for Brazil, for the salvation of the whole world, because only the Rosary can save humanity not only from this plague that is now passing, but from all problems.
Only through prayer can you open the door to Heaven, only through prayer can you feel, know, live, keep, and maintain the flame of God's love in you.
I bless you all with love now: from Fatima, from Caravaggio and from Jacareí.
Give my children 3 meditated Rosaries #46 and pray this Rosary for 3 days in a row.
Also, give the new Rosary of Mercy made by my son Marcos #123 to 4 of my children who do not have it and pray this Rosary for 6 days in a row."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives there I will be alive taking with me the great graces of the Lord.
My Angels Nadiel and Nariel will go with me, bringing great graces from the Lord.
I bless you all once again to be happy and leave you my peace."
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