Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 23, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
I have waited for so many centuries for you to take my Blue Scapular out of oblivion

(Marcos Tadeu:) "Yes, I will..."
"It has already been started and I will continue..."
"I will do it too, dear Mother!"
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"My beloved son Marcos, I have waited, waited for so many centuries, for you to take my Blue Scapular from the contempt and oblivion of mankind.
Yes, this Scapular, a gift of my Heart to the whole world and the source of so many graces for my children, has fallen into the oblivion and utter contempt of mankind. But, thanks to you, it is now taken from the oblivion and contempt of the world and my children can finally wear it and through it achieve the promises I made through my daughter Ursula Benincasa.
Yes, while so many of my children did not care for this Scapular, did not care for it, did not look for it, you loved this Scapular and devoted your whole life to making it known and loved by all my children and so you in making it and giving it to them, gave them so many, many graces that through my Blue Scapular I can pour over them.
Yes, for all this, my child, rejoice, because the merit is yours, entirely yours! And as many sons as will wear this Scapular, as many as will be the crowns of glory that I will give you in Heaven. And also, as many as will be the showers of grace that I will always pour over you and over all those you love, especially over your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you asked me especially today.
Yes, I have waited for you for more than 30 years, for you to be born and take all the messages that my Son Jesus and I gave to our daughter Consolata Betrone. Yes, those messages fallen into total oblivion and contempt of mankind, are now finally known to all my children.
The Rosary of Love is known and prayed, the act of love: "Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls!" is prayed incessantly by so many of my children, and I can not only pour copious graces over them, but I can make them grow in the spiritual smallness that I desire from all of them, so that finally, our Two Hearts can reign in all my children, through trust and total surrender, docility, to our love!
And all this thanks to you, my beloved son! Therefore, don't let anything or anyone take your joy away, ever, because the merit of all this is yours. And because of these merits, today I give you, my ray of light, 89 special blessings, and to your father Carlos Tadeu I give 379 special blessings that he will always receive on the second Saturday of every month, throughout this year. Yes, and on the anniversary of his consecration to me and my Son Jesus as a little soul which happened on February 16, 1994, he will particularly receive 300 thousand special blessings. And each of his spiritual children, his postulants, and those also that you indicate, will receive on the same day, equally, a thousand blessings from my Heart and the Heart of my Son Jesus, on the same date.
Thus, my ray of light, I abundantly reward you and all my children whom you love, pouring upon you the copious graces of our Hearts.
Keep, keep spreading the Hour of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, which consoles so much, and keep spreading all the messages we gave to our daughter Consolata and the Rosary of love to everyone, to all our children.
Keep spreading also the Scapular of the Passion. Today, upon all those who wear it, comes down the grace of forgiveness of all faults.
I bless you all, and especially you, my dear son André.
Thank you for coming, thank you for being here. Thank you because you console my Heart so much. The thorns that the world carves into my Heart have already begun to come out because of your coming. Thank you for coming to give me what I most want from my children: love!
Thank you for also coming to give my son Marcos: love, friendship, understanding, and healing, healing through your love, through your friendship.
Yes, through you, the Lord will heal my son Marcos of so many wounds caused by so many betrayals by so many ungrateful souls who, even after having been so helped and benefited by him, paid for everything with ingratitude. Through you, this grace will come down and heal his heart. Thank you for this! Thank you for also being my consoling son who gives so much joy to my Heart every day, and especially when you are here.
Yes, with your help, my son Marcos will do great things and with his help, you will also do great things and be a strength, a strength that will serve Me and My plans for the salvation of many souls.
I bless you and all your family and all my children here present, and especially you too, my son Carlos Tadeu.
To you I gave as a son, the son I waited for for so long, to take away all my appearances, the appearances of my Son from the past. And this child, with such love and generosity, gave me the yes and meekly followed all my commands. He dedicated his life to me, to bringing all of this out of oblivion and hiding, while everyone else only sought the fulfillment of their personal desires, entertainments and pleasures, and this child now gave the act of love and all our messages to make known to all our children. And the more his merits increase, the more the graces I will give you will also increase, you who are the consort of my ray of light.
Rejoice, because to you I have given the best of children, the best that I have chosen for myself, and that I have also given to you to show you how much, how much you are loved by me, how precious you are to me, and therefore I have given you my ray of light, my precious treasure, to be yours as well. And through it, all the graces of my Heart will reach you!
The more you unite yourself to him, the more you will assimilate his love and become a flame of unceasing love with him.
And I say the same to you, my son André: the more you unite yourself to my son Marcos, the more flame of love you will be. And one day, just as everyone, everyone will look to my daughter Faustina, to understand God's mercy and become souls trusting in God's mercy, so one day everyone will look to my son Marcos, to become unceasing flames of love for my Heart and the Heart of my Son Jesus.
I ask everyone to continue praying my Rosary every day.
I bless you all: from Lourdes, from Turin and from Jacareí.