Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Look at the Woman Assumed into Heaven

(Marcos): "Yes, I will.
Yes, I will, dear Mother.
Yes, I will."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today you celebrate here my Assumption into Heaven in body and soul. On this day when the Heavenly Mother was raised to Heaven in body and soul, I come to tell you:
Look at the Woman clothed with the Sun, who rises from the Earth like a roll of clouds, and at her approach the Angels exclaim: 'Who is this who advances like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, beautiful and terrible as an army in order of battle?'
Look at the Woman Assumed into Heaven, and then your hearts will always be filled with hope, joy and strength to go forward on the road of holiness to Heaven.
Look at the Woman Assumed into Heaven, and then, in all the struggles and fights of life, you will have the strength to continue carrying your cross each day behind my Son Jesus, and offering everything for the salvation of humanity.
Look at the Woman Assumed into Heaven, and then your hearts will have the strength to renounce all that the world and my enemy offers you. And so, you will have the strength to always say yes, as I do, yes to God.
Look at the Woman clothed with the Sun, and then you will have the inner strength every day to continue on your journey to Heaven, living each day in total trust and hope in Jesus' promise: 'Courage, I have overcome the world! In My Father's house are many rooms; I am coming to take you with Me, so that where I am, there you will be also.'
Look at the Woman Assumed into Heaven, and then your hearts will always live in confidence of the fulfillment of the solemn promise I made at Fatima and repeated here so many, many times: 'At the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph!'
Look at the Woman Assumed into Heaven, praying the Rosary every day, for everyone who prays the Rosary with his heart, looks at me, looks at my victorious heart, looks at the Heavenly Mother victorious of the world and seated at the right hand of the King, ruling with him all that exists.
And then, your hearts, little children, will be filled with confidence in my power and you will expect everything from me, everything, everything you will entrust to me. And I will then reward your trust and faith with resounding graces and miracles of the love of my Heart.
Yes, keep looking at the Woman Assumed into Heaven who gloriously leaves her Throne in Heaven, her Queen's crown, and comes down here 30 years ago, pleading for conversion, pleading for love, pleading for obedience to my voice, so that I may save you, guiding you on the path of conversion, of prayer, of sacrifice, of penance that leads to God.
Look to the Woman Assumed into Heaven, and then your life will be a living reflection of the luminous path that I left behind me as I ascended into Heaven.
My little son Marcos, I want to thank you again today for all the meditated Rosaries you have done, for all the Hours of Peace where you have so many times taught and reaffirmed the truth of my Assumption into Heaven.
Yes! How many of my children did not know about this Dogma of mine, did not understand it. And thanks to you, not only did they know and understand it, but they believe in it firmly. You have put a barrier to the wave that my adversaries have launched, spewing from their mouths all the time denying my Assumption into Heaven and spreading the lie that my body remained on Earth and suffered the corruption of the grave.
Yes, you have put an invincible barrier in the hearts of my children, and the river of waters that the dragon vomits through the tongues of my adversaries to make me submerged and kill in the hearts of my children the love for me, this river of waters, you have stopped it, you are that land of Revelation 12 that stops the dragon's vomiting of waters and defends the Woman.
Yes, with all the films you have made, the Rosaries, the Hours of Peace, you defend the Woman, the Woman Assumed into Heaven, the Woman bright as the sun and you stop all the onslaughts of my enemies.
Yes, with your movies, with the Rosaries and the Hours of Prayer you made, you break the plans of my enemies. The attacks of my enemy against me, against my dogmas, you break them all with all that you have done and recorded for me.
For all this, thank you, my dear son! Thank you because with all the Trezenas, Setenas and Hours of Prayer, you have also put up an invincible barrier to protect not only me and devotion to me, but also the Angels, the Saints, my spouse Joseph, the Heart of my Son Jesus and the Eternal Father Himself.
You are the defender of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The defender of the Woman Assumed into Heaven, defender of the Angels and Saints, my true and supreme knight of love, through whom I will finish everything I started in Paris, La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, until I arrived here. And finally in you and through you, my Immaculate Heart will realize its complete Triumph, and finally my Kingdom of Love will reach its apogee and establish itself on the entire Earth.
For all this, I give you today a thousand special blessings. For your father Carlos Tadeu, for whom you offered not only the merits of the film Lourdes 7 but all that you did, all the Rosaries and Hours of Peace, I now pour over him one hundred thousand blessings that he will receive today, one hundred thousand more on the 15th of next month, and one hundred thousand more on the 15th of October.
I will also pour upon him two hundred thousand blessings on November 21, Feast of my Presentation in the Temple, and every year on the Feast of my Assumption, on this Solemnity, I will pour upon him six hundred thousand blessings.
I give to my Postulants and to my Slaves of Love consecrated to me now one hundred blessings from my Heart. Upon my children who are here and all who come to pray here I now pour 58 blessings, answering your request in today's Rosary my ray of light.
Go ahead! Continue illuminating the Earth with your love, with your prayer, with your faith, with your singing, with your voice, with your total dedication to me.
Keep dispelling the darkness and making the light of my Immaculate Heart shine ever brighter, then, my flame of love one day united to yours will overshadow and blind Satan forever trapping him in Hell. Then, it will be the glorious Triumph of my Immaculate Heart!
Rejoice, my son, I give you today also, 15 special blessings, fruit of the merits of this film you have made. I have already promised your father the blessings, merits of this film, of the Rosaries, of the Hours of Prayer.
And I also say to you: rejoice, and never let anyone take away from your heart the true joy for having done for me and for me works that no one else has done.
Yes, you have brought my Apparitions in Oliveto Citra also out of hiding and oblivion, out of the contempt of humanity. Therefore, my son, new blessings I will give you tomorrow because of this holy work you did by recording my messages on disk for all my children.
And so many souls will be converted thanks to this work you have done, so many more blessings I will pour on you, on the father I have given you and whom you love more than yourself, always, and on all those you love as well.
To you, my son Carlos Tadeu, I also say: Rejoice! I have given you a son who was even prophesied in Revelation, although in a veiled way. He is that land of Revelation 12 that holds back the river of waters spewed by the dragon to submerge me, to be able to drown the Woman and make any memory or sign of her disappear from hearts.
Yes, the son I gave you, this loving and generous child, full of agape love, this child who has loved me with all his strength and who is the soul who loves me most after Jesus, this soul I gave you for a son is the great knight of my heart, who defends me, defends the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Angels and the Saints and true love for Us.
And with the life-long work of this son, he defends the true faith, defends the truth, and does not allow Catholic truth to be annihilated, destroyed, or defiled.
Yes, to you I have given the best of the best. So rejoice and exult with joy because this is the sign of how much I love you and how much I cherish you and you are precious to me.
To all of you today I ask once again: Keep praying my Rosary every day! I bless you all: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these scapulars, rosaries, holy objects arrives, there I will be alive with my daughter Rosa de Viterbo and Rosa Gatorno, carrying the great graces of the Lord and of my love.
I bless you all again that you may be happy and I leave you my peace."