Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady on February 11, 2023 - 165th Anniversary of the Lourdes Apparitions
That Child Who Prays My Rosary Every Day Will Not Perish Eternally, Will Not Be Condemned

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, as you celebrate here the Anniversary of My first Apparition to My little daughter Bernadette in Lourdes, in the cave of Massabielle I come again to tell you:
Penance! Penance for your own sins. Make every day acts of atonement, to make reparation for so many sins that you have had all your life, and also to atone for the sins of all humanity.
Penance! Conversion! May everyone change their lives and turn their lives to God, leaving behind all the evil of this world corroded by wickedness, by sin, by addictions, by the nefarious action of Satan.
Penance, conversion! Truly make today an end to the whole chain of evil experiences of this world for yourselves, and begin a new life in God, for God in love.
I am the Immaculate Conception, and I came to Lourdes to show all My children the greatness of My motherly love.
That is why I smiled so many times there for My daughter Bernadette, to show her and My children all over the world how much I love them not for what they have, but for what they are. For the goodness, for the purity of their hearts, for their virtues that My dear daughter Bernadette had so great and that is why I loved her so much. Candor, purity, love, all this My little daughter Bernadette had and she attracted Me to her and made Me love her so, so much.
I appeared in Lourdes, to show all My children the greatness of My love. For this reason, I caused to appear on the floor of the grotto the miraculous fountain that I gave to the whole world through the hands of My little daughter Bernadette, to heal My children in body and soul, to purify them, to relieve them of their sufferings.
And, above all, to make them beautiful again, immaculate, pleasing to God. So that first beginning with the soul and then ending with the body, they would be healed, regenerated, restored to love God, to glorify God.
I appeared in Lourdes, to show My children all the greatness of My love. That is why, in My apparitions at Lourdes, I always prayed the Rosary, teaching My little daughter Bernadette to pray it well. Praying with her this prayer that is My favorite and that pleases Me so much, so that My children would pray it every day and with it, obtain all graces, including the eternal salvation of their souls.
For as I promised My little son Dominic: That child who prays My Rosary every day will not perish eternally, will not be condemned. Therefore, at Lourdes I placed in the hands of My children this invincible weapon of salvation against which My enemy can do nothing.
And since then, he has lost so many millions of souls, who heeded My invitation in Lourdes to join Me in praying My Rosary every day.
I appeared in Lourdes, to show My children all the greatness of My love, giving them the certainty that I love them, pray for them, fight for them. And that I the Immaculate Conception, the only one conceived without sin, am in Heaven glorified and united to God, fighting and mediating the graces necessary for salvation for all My children, pleading their cause. And begging My son continually not to abandon them, but to have mercy, to forgive the world, and to grant them his graces of love.
I am the Immaculate Conception! I am the only one conceived pure, without the stain of sin. Therefore, if you want My children to purify, to sanctify their souls, drink from the fountain, wash in it. From what fountain? From the fountain of the Immaculate Conception, the fountain of My love, the fountain of My grace, the fountain of My purity.
And then, you will become beautiful, immaculate like Me also for the glory of the Father and the Father will love you as he loved Me and will grant you great graces for seeing you similar to the Heavenly Mother of his only son.
At Lourdes I appeared to continue the plans begun at La Salette, and then, My children, I will finish all that continuing through Fatima and all My Apparitions until I arrived here I then began.
The Triumph of My Immaculate Heart draws near, and so now you must live the message of Lourdes that I have repeated here for all these 32 years, so that finally My plan of love will be fulfilled here also, perfectly as it was fulfilled in Lourdes through My daughter Bernadette.
I love you all, I bless you all, especially you My little son Marcos, I cannot translate into words My gratitude to you for having made so many films of My Apparition in Lourdes, to make Me known and loved. And to reveal to all My children My love and My urgent message: of penance, prayer and conversion given in that grotto.
Thanks to you My children now know My Apparition at Lourdes deeply, love it, and truly desire to correspond to My love. For all this I thank you and bless you.
Heaven is still speaking, commenting incessantly on the wonderful work you did for Me on Tuesday: the new means of communication to make not only Lourdes, but all My messages and Apparitions known throughout the world.
Yes, the rejoicing among the Angels and Saints continues and especially this rejoicing continues in the heart of My beloved Bernadette, who in you has her continuation and her legacy thanks to you is not lost, but lives on.
And now Bernadette's song can not only continue, but can reign over the whole world and all My children will be able to hear Bernadette's Song and imitate that love song, which this daughter of Mine sang for Me: living as she lived, loving Me as she loved Me by being completely Mine as she was. And then, in these My children too, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I bless all with love and you now: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.
I pour over your father Carlos Tadeu now 8 million special graces. I pour over My children who are here 8 thousand graces.
And answering your request, I now pour over My son André Paiola 880 graces, fruit of the merits of the film Lourdes nº 2, that you offered to Me today for them.
In this way, I transform your merits into superabundant graces over My children and I can pour over them the streams of My maternal love."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí