Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady on February 14, 2023 - 147th Anniversary of the Pellevoisin Apparitions
The Whole World Will Converge to This Place, through This New Means of Communication, Because Finally All My Messages Will Be Understood and Obeyed in All Their Splendor

(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today you celebrate here the Anniversary of My Apparitions in Pellevoisin. I am the Lady of Mercy! Only I can obtain forgiveness for all sinners from My son. That is why I ask you: convert, so that I can obtain forgiveness from My Son Jesus.
I am the one who reconciles all penitent sinners with My son Jesus. The only sinner who is not forgiven is the one who does not repent, is the one who does not convert.
So repent, convert from your sins and My Son Jesus will forgive you. The only forgiveness that is not given is the one that is not asked for.
So ask for conversion, for forgiveness through conversion, and then My Son Jesus will forgive you.
Pray My Rosary every day, asking for forgiveness, asking for the grace of conversion, and it will be given to you if you pray with a sincere heart.
Everything that I told My little daughter Estelle is now fulfilled: The evil men who were on the left now truly cause great destruction, disorder and anarchy in the world, it is Satan who is their boss and acts through them.
But what I said to My daughter Estelle, I repeat to you: Fear them not, pray My Rosary, do all that I ask of you in My Messages, and then, you will hasten the Hour of My Triumph and My Heart will then bring down to the ground the entire empire of My enemy.
Here, where My Apparition in Pellevoisin was made known to the whole world as never before by My little son Marcos, I will finish what I began with My little daughter Estelle.
In Pellevoisin, I began to show the whole world My glory and My power. And here I will finish showing the whole world My glory and My power through My little son Marcos and the new medium he has made for Me. The whole of Hell is trembling with fear of what will happen, of the conversions that will happen through this medium.
The whole of Heaven exults with joy, because it already knows that My Heart will achieve great victories. And Satan knows, knows that through this new act and work of love that My little son Marcos has done for Me, his time and power has been further diminished.
And now My Heart will crush him by passing over his haughty head and I will deliver many of My children from his power and bring them back into the arms of My son Jesus.
So here My Heart will truly triumph and from here it will triumph in the whole world. And all that I told My little son Marcos will be fulfilled: this place will become the pole of attraction, which will draw all the souls of the whole world to My Immaculate Heart. How? Through the new means of communication made by My little son Marcos, which gathers all the films of My Apparitions, all My meditated Rosaries, all the Hours of Prayer, and all My Messages.
The whole world will converge to this place, through this new means of communication, because finally all My messages will be understood and obeyed in all their splendor.
Then My glory will shine before all My children, and they will come, they will come to My Heart. They will come thanks to all that My little son Marcos has done.
And from here without having to leave, he will be the missionary who will go all over the world with Me mystically, attracting, touching all the souls of good will and gathering them in My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, finally My harvest will be harvested, finally My Heart will harvest the fruit that I planted amid pains and tears of blood. And My son Marcos, who 32 years sowed by shedding tears and blood, pain and sweat, will now finally reap with Me the fruit of his hard work.
Then, My Heart will triumph! Then will come the new Heaven and the New Earth.
Yes, from little Pentecosts here and there, through the new means of communication that My son Marcos has given Me, My Heart will lead all mankind to the great new Second Pentecost, which will culminate and coincide with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the whole world and in all nations.
Then what I have said will be fulfilled: Even if all men are converted or not, My Heart will triumph. How? Through the faithfulness, the works, the yes of My little son Marcos, who again gave and placed in My hands a powerful means of action and salvation for the whole world.
And this has so many merits before the Holy Trinity, that through him alone, through My little son Marcos alone, it is enough to produce the Triumph of My Heart and the Second Pentecost in the whole world.
Still, through him My Heart will triumph! Through him I will finally win!
My son you offered the merits of this film of Pellevoisin, for Me to convert into graces and pour on your father Carlos Thaddeus, on My children who are here praying with you in this house of Mine, and My children who today left their rest to pray late with us from their homes.
I now give your father Carlos Tadeu 18 million blessings, to My children who are here I give 24 thousand blessings, and to My children who are praying with us from their homes I now give 13,780 (Thirteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty) blessings.
In this way I quench their flame of charity that always more desires to share the treasures of their merits with others, enriching them.
In this way I also prepare in all the souls of My children that beautiful and fragrant garden for the glory of the Holy Trinity, and I remove from them little by little the obstacles that prevent Me from acting. And I prepare them more and more to collaborate with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the world and in souls as good and dedicated soldiers of Mine.
I bless you all with love: from Pellevoisin, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí