Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Our Lady's Apparition and Message on March 19, 2023 - Solemnity of Saint Joseph
Imitate the Holiness of My Spouse Joseph

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today I ask you again: Imitate the holiness of My Spouse Joseph. Read all that I have revealed about Him in My life in Mystical City of God. So that you can practice the virtues of My Spouse Saint Joseph so that you can please God as He did, and give the whole world a good testimony: of grace, of perfection, and of the beauty of holiness.
I desire that you now accelerate your conversion, certain painful events are approaching and those who are not converted and very well fortified in prayer, will not endure.
I am the co-redemptrix of humanity, so I appeared in Castelpetroso to tell the whole world that not only Jesus' sorrows, but also Mine were necessary for the redemption of humanity. Just as the original sin was committed by a man and a woman, it was necessary that also a woman make worthy reparation to the glory of the Most High, to the Majesty of the Most High offended by human beings. Therefore, My sufferings united to those of My son were necessary for the Redemption of the world.
The Lady of all Peoples, the Queen of the Universe, who at first was Mary of Nazareth, also suffered for the Redemption of mankind.
In fact, I began to suffer first, even earlier than My son to help in the Redemption of mankind. Therefore, My children, understand how much I have loved you and how much I have freely accepted to suffer for love and for the salvation of all of you.
Go and teach this truth to My children, so that they understand how much love I had for them, how much I suffered for each of them. And so, they will understand My motherly love, and finally, My flame of love will enter their hearts and open them completely.
Pray My Rosary every day, and pray My Rosary of Tears, even more intensely for the conversion of the atheists, because they are the cause of all the sufferings of the good and the innocent.
Pray, pray, pray!
You My little son Marcos, you have offered to Me all day today the merits of the film Voices from Heaven 26 and the meditated Rosary 252. You have offered for your father Carlos Thaddeus, for the pilgrims who are here and also for the souls in Purgatory, you have also offered the Hour of Saint Joseph 38 for the same intentions.
So, I now convert all these merits into graces and pour on your father Carlos Tadeu now 5,728,000 (five million, seven hundred and twenty-eight thousand) blessings.
And on My children who are here I now pour 3,408 (three thousand four hundred and eight) blessings, which they will receive again next year on the Birthday of My Spouse Joseph and on the Anniversary of the Revelation of his Medal this year on May 7th.
In this way, I transform your merits into graces to pour out on My children and also satisfy your great flame of charity and love that always wants to benefit everyone more.
I want My children to pray the Rosary meditated 200 for 3 days in a row.
You Marcos should make My Chapel on the first Mount upon which I appeared to you as I asked you to do almost 30 years ago.
You should also make a chapel of reparation and atonement to My Apparition of Castel Petroso here, to make reparation for all the forgetfulness and all the contempt of humanity towards this apparition of Mine.
Also, you should make the Chapel of My Spouse St. Joseph for My children to pray their Hour there. And thus, learn to love My Spouse Joseph and receive from him the graces that he ardently desires to pour into the Chapel that will be dedicated to him.
For this, you must invest in the new means of communication that you have made for Me. You must make sure that this new TV dedicated to Me grows bigger every day, and that more and more of My children: see it, watch it, and through it, also help you materially to accomplish, to build all that I have sent you.
You must follow the plans revealed by Me, the plans that I reveal to you particularly in My Apparitions, and you must follow all the commands I have given you.
Go forward My son and do not let yourself be influenced by anything and do not deviate to the right or to the left, but always go forward following the goals set by myself and revealed to you.
You must work, work tirelessly, so that through this new means of communication, not only will My apparitions finally become known to all My children in an absolute and complete way.
But also, that through this new means you can accomplish all that I have sent you.
I wish that My children understand the urgency and the necessity to make My Shrine soon, so that My children can take refuge here and receive My graces, so that they can be strong to face all the trials and all the difficulties of their daily lives.
So here, drinking from the fountain of grace and My love, My children will be strong. And here learning from you, the best and most obedient student in My school, My children will also learn the love and holiness that I desire from all of them.
I bless you all with love: from Pontmain, from Dozulé, and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of My Love.
To all I again bless that you may be happy.
And again I say to you My little son Marcos: the Miracle of the Flame of the candle* that did not burn your hand is the great sign of the woman clothed with the Sun, who appeared in the sky of Brazil and the world. And that in 1994, when this great sign happened, She made it clear to all Her children that the time prophesied by the Prophet Joel in Chapter 3 has finally arrived.
The time of the prodigies, the time of the thundering miracles of the Lord, of the young people who would have visions, of which you are one of the most important and eminent, which indicates to everyone that the great and fearful day of the Lord is near.
Let everyone be converted without delay and prepare yourselves because the Lord is at the door, you are in the end times.
This sign is also the full and definitive proof of the truth of My apparitions here, and of how much I truly love you and have made you the great spokesman, the messenger of My heart to the whole world.
Whoever listens to you will listen to Me, whoever despises you will despise Me.
I bless you again and to all I give My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pontmain