Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Evening Apparition and Message of the Merciful Jesus and Our Lady on April 9, 2023 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
I Have Risen, to Recreate the Souls of All of You by Washing Them in My Blood, Purifying Them in My Grace, Beautifying Them with My Love…

(Sacred Heart): "My beloved children, My chosen souls, today, I come with My Blessed Mother on the Feast of My Resurrection to tell you all:
I have risen to remain with you until the end of the world.
I have risen to renew, to recreate all things.
I have risen, to recreate the souls of all of you by washing them in My Blood, purifying them in My Grace, beautifying them with My Love, giving your souls My sanctifying and merciful grace to transform you into works of great perfection and holiness for the glory of the Father.
I resurrected, to be for you the friend, the Father, the faithful companion recreating your souls that have been ruined by sin, transforming them into a new work, a new work: of beauty, love, holiness, perfection and splendor for My Father's glory.
I have risen, to be with you especially now in these times of the great tribulation and the great apostasy, to be for all: light, Father, friend, refuge, strength, fortress. And to be the master who guides all of you on the path of holiness and true love.
This generation, which has become worse than the Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah, will soon see the manifestation of My Justice, My avenging Justice. I will avenge My Blessed Mother and punish all those who mocked Her, who despised Her, who pierced Her with the sword of disobedience.
And I will then make this world, corrupted by evil, disappear, and in its place I will recreate this humanity, making it reborn to a new time: of sanctity, of perfection, of beauty, of obedience and fidelity to My Father and to My Sacred Heart.
Therefore, My children, you must now truly leave this world that has already made its choice, that has chosen to die to eternal life despising My love, despising My will, despising My laws and My word.
So that you can then be part of the blessed generation, formed, guided, nurtured, led, taught and carried by My Blessed Mother. So that you can enter the New Heaven and the New Earth, the new world recreated by our flame of love, the flame of our Two Hearts.
Do not doubt for a moment that you must obey My Messages and the Messages of My Mother, for only then can we re-create you and transform you into new creatures reborn of water, of the Holy Spirit, and of our Flame of Love.
Keep praying the Rosary every day, so that then, you who are now working for Me and My Mother can stand by Our side when we re-create, renew all this poor fallen humanity. And then set up our kingdom of Love on this earth, which will be the greatest triumph of Our Hearts.
I bless you all, but especially you My little son Marcos, who has served Me continuously and has served My Mother all these years. Thanks to you My children know My Rosary of Mercy, they know the image I revealed to My daughter Faustina, they know the unfathomable abyss of My Mercy.
Thanks to you they now pray the Rosary every day, they adore Me in My Image and in My Miraculous Picture. Also, they trust in My Goodness, in My Mercy. That is why the souls of so many of them were snatched from the clutches of My enemy and were brought back to the path of salvation.
For all this, I love you so much, My child, and I bless you now generously.
You have offered for Me the merits of the Rosary of Mercy #1, #10, and #58. You have offered for the intention of your father Carlos Tadeu, who I know very well is the one you love most in this world, you have also offered for My children who are here.
I now pour over your father Carlos Tadeu 22,708,000 (Twenty-two million, seven hundred and eight thousand) blessings. And on those of you who are here I now pour 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) blessings.
Desire holiness, and the more you desire it, the more these blessings will act and produce wonders of grace in your souls.
Rejoice little son Marcos, because thanks to your charity I have amply enriched these My children here, and with these gold coins that you share with them one day they will acquire their entrance into Heaven, their entrance into Heaven.
Rejoice, therefore, for charity covers a multitude of sins and saves many souls!
I bless you all: from Dozulé, from Paray-Le Monial and from Jacareí.
I give a very special blessing also to you My son Carlos Tadeu. I now pour 58 special blessings on you in exchange for the act of love, for the kiss that you always give in My image and that repairs the kiss of the traitor Judas and of so many Judas who even today betray Me.
Your love closes the wounds in My Heart and closes the wounds caused on My face from so many traitorous Judas."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, again I come from Heaven to tell you: I am your Mother, I am the Jubilant Mother of redemption!
On this day My eyes still filled with Tears of Blood contemplated My son Jesus entering the room where I was more luminous than the Sun and I embraced with Him becoming one Flame of Love with Him.
Our hearts in a single quiver of love beat, and then all My Sorrows were removed from My Most Holy Soul.
I am the Joyful Mother of Redemption!
I am the glorious Mother of the Resurrection!
I am the Mother of Glory!
I am the Mother of Glory, and together with My son Jesus I have triumphed over Hell, sin and Satan.
I am the Mother of Glory, and with My sufferings I collaborated with My son Jesus to redeem and save all mankind.
I am the Mother of Glory, and with My yes united to the yes of My son I repaired the disobedience of the first parents and collaborated with the redemption, restoration and re-creation of all humanity, finally freed from slavery and from the tyranny of sin and Satan.
I am the Mother of Glory, who will soon again crush the head of the infernal serpent in the greatest triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Pray a lot, prepare yourselves for this day by living in holiness, as My son Marcos well said, it is not enough just to pray, you have to live holiness, you have to want candor, you have to want not to have malice, you have to want to be good.
If you desire this with all your strength and pray My powerful flame of love will completely transform your hearts and transform you into new creatures, new people reborn of the Holy Spirit and of My powerful Flame of Love.
My little son Marcos, I thank you once again for the meditated Rosary #291 that you made for Me so long ago and that has converted so many of My children and brought them into My Heart.
You have offered the merits of this Rosary to Me today for your father Carlos Thaddeus and for those who are here. I pour over him another 14,000,000 (Fourteen million) blessings. And upon My children who are here I now pour 12,128 (Twelve thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight) blessings.
Yes, truly you have received the grace to be immune to the corruption caused by the love of money, greed, avarice. And you are truly worthy, very worthy to take care of My patrimony, to take care of My goods and the goods of My house. Until today you have never used a single penny to do anything, anything bad.
Fair, fair Marcos, always fair, always responsible, always honest, always love, always Marcos!
That's why, My son, that's why I trusted you so much, trusted you a lot, and will trust you even more, because you are worthy, fair, responsible, faithful, loyal, and truly immune to corruption, greed, avarice, and all the vices that human beings have due to the possession of money and many goods.
Therefore, much, much more will I entrust to you. And even greater works you will do for Me, because I know that in your hands everything, everything will be done for Me, everything will be built for Me.
Then My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and finally, My glory, My mystical light from this place will be seen and shine over the whole world, and all My children will be brought to My Immaculate Heart by you: the just, the faithful, the loyal, the responsible, the ever loving, the ever Marcos.
Forward My son, forward doing the greatest works for My Immaculate Heart in union as the father I have given you. You must have the same thought, the same look, the same heart, the same gestures, have the same desires and unite perfectly as I and My son Jesus in the Resurrection united and became one.
You too must be one by merging with each other, by penetrating each other mystically as I and My son did. So that then, together your hearts beat and together the great plan of salvation of the world that I began at La Salette and will finish here will be realized perfectly by you.
Onward, forward My son Carlos Tadeu, I bless you now generously. You must meditate and think about all that I have told you. For two months I will no longer give you the private message, I will let you think about all that I have told you so far, so that you can understand My wishes, My will, and My plan, then I will follow the holiness lessons for you.
Read and meditate on all the messages I have given you. Meditate on all that I have said about My son Marcos, the son that I have given you throughout these years, so that you can understand not only the greatness of the mission that I have entrusted to you united to him. But, also, that you may understand who you are, what the son I gave you is, and then, you may join him perfectly and completely for the realization of My plans.
I am happy, proud of you more and more, and I want to make you fly high in the Heaven of holiness together with the son I gave you, to open the passage to Heaven for many other children that from this nest of love that I built in Jacarei, will also fly to the highest heights of Heaven.
I, I am with you always and will always accompany you, always guide you, I will be with My Immaculate Heart around you covering you like a pearl kept in an oyster. Thus, you will remain in Me and I will remain in you.
I bless you with love, I bless My beloved children too whom I have called from everywhere to be recreated here by My powerful flame of love and become new creatures, new men, new people for the glory of the Lord. New works of great beauty, holiness and love.
Pray, desire like My son Marcos: the virtues, perfection, candor, holiness, and this too will be given to you according to your desires.
I am here continually offering to all who desire the waters of My grace and of My love.
To you all, to you My beloved son Carlos Tadeu, who has removed so many thorns from My Heart in these days, and who is truly the reason why so many times, even despised and pierced by My children, I continue interceding, working, acting for the salvation of this nation.
To you, to My son Marcos and to all I bless with love now: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects touched by Me and My daughter Leah arrive, there We will be pouring out the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all with love now again that you may be happy and I leave you My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes