Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Apparition and Message of God the Eternal Father and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on March 10, 2024 - 94th Anniversary of the Campinas Apparitions
The Triumph of My Immaculate Heart Will Be the Triumph of My Blessed Tears

(Eternal Father): "My beloved children, I, your Father, come today with My most beloved daughter, the Virgin Mary, to say to you:
Whatever you ask of Me in the name and through the Tears of Mary, I will grant you.
Whatever you ask of My goodness through the Tears of Mary, I will give it to you, I will give it to you with all My Love.
Whatever you ask of Me through Mary, I will deny you nothing!
It is not only the Sacred Heart of Jesus that is moved when someone asks and pleads with it in the name of the Tears of the Blessed Virgin.
But My Paternal Heart is also moved, touched and melted when someone comes to Me and asks Me, saying:
'Most Holy Father, attend to My supplications by virtue of the Tears of the Blood of Mary Most Holy.'
I will pour out My grace and mercy like an abundant rain on the life of anyone who begs Me like this through Mary.
It pleases Me, it pleases Me to give everything, everything that is asked of Me through Mary's Tears.
Today, on this day when you commemorate Mary's Apparitions to My daughter Amalia Aguirre and the day on which she gave the world the great treasure of My love and the love of My son Jesus: the Crown, the Rosary of Tears...
I say to you: Everything that is asked for through this Rosary will be granted, both in the version given to Sister Amalia and in the version of the Rosary of the Tears of Blood, it is always through the Sorrowful Tears of Mary that it is asked for, everything that is asked for will be granted.
Yes, in previous years Mary has said that everyone should come here today to glorify and celebrate her Tears, but how many have not obeyed Her and how many have not come.
Yes, how much disobedience, how much unwillingness and laziness there is. However, in you who are here today and who have left everything to glorify Mary's Tears, My Paternal Heart rejoices, is pleased and satisfied.
For this reason, I now pour out on you all the graces of My Paternal Love. I give you who are here now 12 graces, 12 blessings.
It is My gratitude and appreciation for having left everything, everything you had to do to be here glorifying the Tears of Mary throughout this Sunday that Mary herself asked you to dedicate and consecrate and reserve just for Her.
Blessed are those who have come to honor and glorify Mary's Tears because they will receive great graces today from My Paternal Love.
Blessed are those who have come today to glorify Mary's Tears because they will have their name written in Heaven.
Blessed are those who have come today to glorify the Tears of Mary, because they will receive from Me the promise that every 8th of every month they will receive 12 graces from My Paternal Love.
Blessed are those who have come today to glorify Mary and Her Tears, because I am now sending the anointing of My Holy Spirit upon them.
Blessed are those who have come today to glorify Mary's Tears here because they will have three years of fire in Purgatory extinguished by My clemency after their death.
Blessed are those who glorify the Tears of Mary, because My gaze of predilection, My paternal gaze rests on them and rejoices and delights in them.
I will deny nothing to the Apostles of Mary's Tears who proclaim the messages she gave to My Servant Amalia, and also to those who teach others the Rosary of her Tears.
I bless you, My most beloved son Marcos, who has not only prayed this Rosary for 33 years uninterruptedly. But he has also taught it to millions and millions of people over the years, who with these prayers glorify Mary's Tears and proclaim Mary's power and glory to the whole universe.
Yes, to you who for more than 20 years have been spreading the messages that Mary gave to My Servant Amalia, the glories and power of the Tears of Mary.
To you, the greatest apostle, the greatest disseminator and propagator, defender and lover of the Tears of Mary.
I now bless you abundantly, pouring over your life, your heart and your soul the copious graces of My Paternal love which now flow in impetuous torrents into your soul.
I bless you and, through you, I bless the whole world.
When you pray the Rosary of the Tears of Mary, whom you love more than anything, more than life itself, a great clarity comes out of your mouth and the demons cannot stand this clarity.
When you pray with your heart, whether here in the cenacles, in private, with your brothers and sisters or anywhere else, the clarity that comes out of your mouth is so intense that Satan and the demons are blinded and paralyzed and fall to the ground.
And for as long as your prayer lasts, the demons can do nothing and leave the souls they tempt alone.
So rejoice, My child, because through you My Paternal Grace illuminates the whole world and dispels the darkness. And this light that comes out of you, which is My light, which is myself who dwells in you day and night? This light will become all the more powerful and intense the greater the darkness in the world.
I bless you and My children here with love now and I pour out the Graces of My Paternal Love on all of you: from Jerusalem, from Nazareth and from Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): "Beloved children, I come to give My Message to all of you through the mouth of My chosen and beloved servant:
Yes, I am the Lady of Tears! I came from Heaven and in the countryside, through My most beloved daughter Amalia, I gave the whole world the great treasure of the Rosary of the Crown of My Tears.
Then, through My little son Marcos, I asked all My children to pray it every day. For this Rosary will convert many sinners, destroy Satan's plans, bring down the power of Hell and bring to salvation a great number of souls who were destined for eternal fire.
Yes, My little son Marcos, you prayed this rosary with great love even before I asked you to, you loved this rosary and taught it to everyone throughout your life.
I have never met anyone who has loved My Rosary of Tears, My daughter Amalia and the Apparitions and Messages I gave her so much.
How much joy, consolation and holy pleasure all the recordings you have made of My Rosary of Tears and the Messages I gave to My little daughter Amalia give Me.
How much consolation they also give Me: the Rosaries meditated on with My Messages, the films and the Hours of Prayer you made about My Apparitions.
Yes, when I am sad because of the sins of the world, because of the pain caused to Me by My children, I come down from Heaven to My Mariel Shop and look at all those disks that you have recorded with My Messages in the meditated Rosaries, in the films of My Apparitions, in the Hours of Prayer, and My Heart rejoices, exults with joy for you, My son.
Yes, nothing gives Me more pleasure and joy than to contemplate those records that you have made for Me for so many years, with so much love and affection.
My son Jesus and I would always go down to your Studio and stand there watching you record for days, months, years, whole nights without sleeping out of love for Me, out of love for My son Jesus, out of love for souls.
Yes, you dried our Tears of Blood and brought tears of luminous gold of joy to our eyes. You removed the thorns stuck in our hearts and put in their place the most fragrant mystical roses of your love.
The love that My son Jesus and I searched for on the entire face of the earth, in at least 10 souls, and we didn't find it. We haven't found souls of pure and true love, we haven't found even 10 souls. But in you we have found a love far greater than that of a thousand souls put together.
Yes, that's why our Hearts rejoice and are overjoyed for you, My son. And that is why you must go forward and never lose heart, because everything you have done out of love for Me, out of love for My son Jesus, everything you have recorded to make our Messages known and obeyed by our children... Everything there is the most resounding and undeniable proof of your ardent love for Me, of your ardent love for My son Jesus and of how much you have always lived only for Me and for My son, while everyone else only sought the satisfaction and fulfillment of their personal desires.
And that is why, My son, that is why you are so special to Me, to My son Jesus, your merits pierce the clouds, ward off the punishments that the world deserves for its sins, attract a copious rain of blessings on the people unworthy of the blessings for their sins.
Your merits, the merits of all those works of love that you have done for Me and for My son appease the wrath of the Almighty, give His heart: joy, holy pleasure and He then forgets a multitude of sins that are covered up and erased by your love, by the merits of your love.
Yes, there is nothing that gives Me and My son more pleasure than to walk around there, among those shelves, contemplating each record, each recording that you have made for Me and for My son.
I always say to My son, to My son Jesus:
"Have you seen this one that My son Marcos made?
It's one of your messages to Margaret of Belgium!
Did you see this one My son Marcos made?
It's one of the messages we gave at El Escorial and which have been trampled underfoot and despised by mankind.
Have you seen this one that My son Marcos made? It's one of our messages given in such and such a place, which have been despised, trampled underfoot and buried by humanity.
There is no son who loves our apparitions and our messages as much as he does."
And when I showed My son the meditated Rosaries of Tears on, when I also showed him the films of our Tears, and above all, those of the messages we gave to our daughter Amalia Aguirre that were denied, forbidden by the Church and buried in silence and hiding unjustly for so many decades... Tears of emotion flowed from My son Jesus' eyes and He agreed with Me, saying: "Yes, My Mother, there is no one who loves our Messages and Apparitions as much as our little son Marcos."
That's why he's the precious diamond of our Two Hearts, our vessel of choice, he's our favorite, our favorite, and whatever he asks of us, we won't deny him if it's our will.
And over his life our Two United Hearts will always pour out grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing and We will defend him and vindicate him as Our own Glory. We will do justice to him over all those who make him suffer as if We were doing it to Ourselves."
Yes, My son Marcos, there is no one who loves the Rosary so much, meditating on each mystery, each decade, as you do. That's why we deny you nothing, give you everything and will do everything for you.
Rejoice and always remember this message, especially in times of sadness when the world repays your love with gratitude, with the gall of ingratitude, falsehood and contempt.
Remember this message, so that your heart can regain courage and strength and you can resume your high flight in the heaven of holiness and love.
Go ahead, My son, and keep spreading the word to the whole world; the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be the triumph of My blessed Tears.
When the whole world gets to know the Rosary of My Tears and the Messages I have given about the power and glory of the Tears and loves My Tears, My triumph will happen.
You are seeing all the signs that indicate that the time of the great sign and the great chastisement is approaching, above all, the apostasy.
That is why now, in these last moments before the hour of Justice, I have given My children the treasure of My Tears and My messages, so that those who can still be saved will be saved.
I have appeared here to finish what I began in Campinas with My daughter Amalia and here My Tears will triumph and produce the greatest triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Keep praying My Rosary every day.
Keep praying the Rosary of My Tears every day.
I will deny nothing to those who pray this Rosary and My Son will allow himself to be touched by all those who pray this Rosary and will grant everything that is asked of him through My Tears.
I bless you all, especially My little Portuguese children who have traveled so many thousands of kilometers and made so many sacrifices to be here today glorifying My Tears. While so many full of spiritual disinterest and self-indulgence didn't want to come, didn't obey the messages I gave last year.
I bless these children of Mine with love.
I bless all those who are apostles of My Tears.
I bless all those who help the righteous one, My son Marcos, to make My Tears triumph over the whole earth.
I bless you all with love: from Campinas, from Lourdes, from Syracuse and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary