Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on March 29, 2024 - Friday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
My son Jesus and I continue to be despised

(Most Holy Mary): "I am the Mother of Sorrows, I am your Sorrowful Mother.
Today, on the day when you contemplate the death of My son Jesus on the Cross and the Friday of My greatest pain, I come again from Heaven to tell you My children:
I am still the Sorrowful Mother, because humanity has continued century after century rejecting, despising the love of My son Jesus, his sacrifice on the Cross, and has followed the path of sin, evil, violence, hatred of God and rejection, contempt for his Law of Love.
I continue to be the Sorrowful Mother because men have continued century after century after century after the Lord God has sent: Saint after Saint, Missionary after Missionary, Prophet after Prophet following the path of hatred towards the Lord's Ten Commandments, of violence preferring sin, darkness and rejecting all the Lord's continuous invitations to conversion.
I continue to be the Sorrowful Mother, because even after I sent messenger after messenger, prophet after prophet, seer after seer to call My children to conversion, prayer and a change of life, I was not heard.
My son Jesus and I continue to be despised. Our Apparitions, Tears and Miracles to call you to conversion are denied and ridiculed.
Our Messengers sent into the world are also despised, persecuted, wronged, betrayed and pierced by the sword of pain together with Me.
And that is why the Father is going to send the great Chastisement upon this humanity that I prophesied in Japan, in Akita.
Yes, it will be the worst punishment humanity has ever seen and it will be much, much worse than being burned and devoured by fire ten times.
Humanity doesn't change its evil ways, it behaves badly, hearts have finished hardening completely and are already insensitive to any ray of light from Heaven to try to touch them to conversion.
Every day, people are sinking deeper into the mire of violence, impurity and hatred of God, and now there are truly no more human means that can cure this humanity or reverse this situation. That's why the Father himself will carry out this painful purification of the Earth.
When you have something spoiled at home, you throw it away and burn it. In the same way, the Father will do the same with what has become corrupted and allowed itself to be invaded by the darkness of My enemy's corruption.
So, little children, convert quickly because the time is now truly at an end and the Lord will come to bring justice to all those who have mocked him, My son Jesus, Me and those we have sent to call the world to conversion.
Penance and Prayer, Conversion, change of life, this is the only thing that can save your souls and save the world.
Pray My Rosary every day, because with the Rosary you console My Heart very much and give My Heart and the Heart of Jesus the balm of affection and love from your hearts.
Be faithful, it's no use doing penances, external acts if the heart doesn't change, if the heart doesn't renounce its favorite sin, if the heart doesn't truly seek to transform itself and become a Flame of Love.
I desire the conversion of the heart accompanied by prayer and sacrifice.
My little son Carlos Tadeu, thank you for coming to console My Immaculate Heart, I already feel relief at your presence here, I thank you and I now give you My maternal blessing.
I love you very much and I will always be by your side.
You must pray the meditated Rosary of the Consecrated in private for two weeks. And you must also pray it for a month in the cenacles that you do, so that My children understand what true consecration to My Heart is and truly make a life commitment to Me, a covenant of love seeking the holiness that pleases My heart.
And as for you, My little son Marcos, console yourself by thinking this: that today, at 5am, I was with My son Jesus again in the Mariel Store, contemplating how many Rosaries, how many Rosaries you meditated on, how many films of My Apparitions you made.
And the consolation that our Hearts felt was very, very great, and we truly said to each other: 'No, there is no son of ours who loves our Apparitions so much, the Rosary so much, the Rosaries so much than My son Marcos'.
So today, on the day of our great Sorrow, our Hearts are consoled by the balm of his love, work, obedience and affection.
Rejoice, be consoled, comforter of our Hearts... Everything, everything you have done for Us has great merit in Heaven. And all this is our joy in the midst of so many sorrows, failures and betrayals, disobedience and ingratitude that men give us.
Rejoice, little son, and may your heart remain at peace, in the certainty that our Hearts find in you every pleasure, every consolation and every complacency.
Keep spreading all this until the last day of your life. And do the other works I have asked of you so that this will increase your merits, the degree of your glory in Heaven and also increase the consolation you give our hearts and also increase our predilection for you.
I thank all My children who have come today to console Me and My son Jesus in My great pain and I bless you all: from Jerusalem, from La Codosera and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí