Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, June 3, 2024
Apparition and Message of Holy Spirit and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on May 19, 2024 - Feast of Pentecost and of St. Rita of Cascia
Anyone Who Does Not Allow Themselves to Be Formed and Educated by Mary Will Not Receive Me at the Second Pentecost

JACAREÍ, MAY 19, 2024
(Holy Spirit): "My chosen souls, I, the Holy Spirit, come today on the day of My Feast to tell you all: I am Love! I am Love in pure act, I have loved from all eternity and I will always love the souls I have created.
Yes, together with the Father and the Son, I created all of you. You are My seed, your spirit came from Me, proceeds from Me and must return to Me. Don't ruin everything with sin, don't ruin the work of love that I created to save you all.
Come back to Me! Just as a river flows towards the sea and into it, mixing its waters with its own, come back to Me, live in Me. So that one day, when you leave this vale of tears, you can return to Me and dive into the divine transcendence of My love in heaven.
I am your God, I am Love and the only thing I want and desire from you is Love. Live in My love and I will live in you. Live in Me and I will dwell in you. I am the river of love, I am a pure spring, I am a fragrant garden for the souls I have chosen and loved.
Yes, I have never stopped looking for all of you, My children. For many years I have been looking for you and I have done everything with Mary, My temple, My cathedral, My sealed garden, My most chaste and mystical spouse.
I have done everything with Her to be able to find each one of you and draw each one of you to this place, to fill your hearts with peace, grace, holiness and divine love.
Open your hearts to My love, so that it can enter and work its great wonders in you. How did I find you? How did I find each one of you? As dry and arid deserts, dead and lifeless.
I have tried to pour the dew of My grace on this desert, but how many of you, My children, have resisted the outpouring of My love on you. How many continue to cling to their pet sins and because of this I cannot act. How many are still attached to their own will and because of that I can't act in you, I can't act.
I could strike you with a thunderbolt, or I could force you to obey Me, but that is not My will. I want you to obey Me out of love, to listen to Me out of love and to serve Me out of love, not coerced, not forced.
That's why I say: Open your hearts to Me, so that I can enter, act and powerfully carry out My works of love in you.
All I want is love and trust. Trust in My love, let yourselves be guided by My love, let yourselves be led by Me along the path of holiness and love.
My children, for so many years here I have been sending you My love letters, which are My messages. But all I hear in response is a profound silence of indifference, spiritual disinterest, hardness of heart, disbelief and lack of faith. How long can I stand it?
The Father is already determined to stop sinners, they need to be stopped because they won't stop on their own. That's why He's going to send the greatest punishments on the world, because even after La Salette, Paris, Lourdes, Fatima and all Mary's apparitions, sinners haven't stopped.
Those who do evil have not wanted to stop, so the Father is going to stop them with the great punishments He is going to send. And I am concerned for each one of you and I say: Convert now, because I tell you that there is only a short time before I come down for the second time.
The Second Pentecost will come at the end of the great Chastisements and the Three Days of Darkness, I will renew the whole face of the Earth with My powerful breath of love. I will remove and sweep away, burn, consume from the face of the Earth everything that has become corrupted, everything that is corrupted.
And then I will pour myself out like an abundant rain, so that then the whole earth may be reborn in love, so that the whole earth may revive in love, so that the desert may once again become a verdant garden of grace and holiness.
Yes, I will pour myself out on every people, tongue, race and nation. From the North, the South, the East and the West, I will pour myself out and bring to myself the sheep that are mine and that know My voice, recognize My voice.
And they will come to Me, they will come to praise and bless Me, to worship and glorify Me here in this place. And they will proclaim the wonders of My love and My power to all peoples and nations.
When I pour myself out, those who have been prepared by Mary to receive Me will receive Me with an even greater outpouring, with which I poured myself out on the apostles prepared by Mary at the First Pentecost.
I will give them great graces, I will perform wonders such as I have never done before in the entire history of humanity and a New Age of holiness, perfection and love will come to the world. Then I will be served, adored and praised by all men.
This time of preparation in which Mary is preparing you for My Second Coming is already coming to an end. Return to Mary so that I can return to you through Her.
Anyone who does not allow themselves to be formed and educated by Mary will not receive Me at the Second Pentecost.
Anyone who does not allow themselves to be formed in the School of Mary, as the Apostles did in the days preceding My descent, will not receive Me; on the contrary, they will be wiped off the face of the earth with the devil and his henchmen and will never see My face.
In order to possess Me, you have to renounce all sin, you have to renounce your own will, you have to renounce all other love, because I am a jealous God and I do not come down, I do not dwell, nor do I remain in souls whose hearts are divided or who love something other than Me.
Yes Marcos, you have always loved Me throughout your life, your heart has always been mine, you have always preferred Me, and so I have always preferred you too.
Yes, My son, for 33 years you have been not only Totus Tuus Maria, but also, Totus Tuus, all your Holy Spirit. I dwell in you as in My second throne, in My little Heaven on Earth.
When I come to give you My message, I come out of your heart so that you can see Me and then I go back into your spirit, into your heart, where I dwell and where I find My delights.
Yes, your works of love for Me and for Mary, the meditated Rosaries, the films of Her apparitions where I acted powerfully with Her, performing wonders for the salvation of all.
The films of the lives of the saints, My temples, My living tabernacles where I acted powerfully performing all sorts of works and virtues, are My delights.
Yes, the meditated Rosaries recorded by you are My delights, which is why, when you offer them to Me through Mary, whether for healing, or for any grace, for anyone, I never deny the grace. Because these works of love of yours are My delights.
In you I have found the satisfaction that I wanted from this generation and never had. In fact, I've never had it from many generations and from you I've received satisfaction, adoration, praise, service, total and complete obedience.
That's why I deny you nothing, My dear son. That's why I will say yes, always yes, to everything you ask of Me that I want and like!
You are what attracts Me now on Earth, you are what attracts Me to this generation. If you were to be discouraged because of anyone or anything that was done to you, there would no longer be what stops the rebel, My enemy, and there would no longer be what attracts Me, what draws Me to Earth.
And so the Father would really send His Justice to finally burn away everything that has become corrupted, everything that has rotted. I am your God of love and I am drawn to you.
Wherever your voice echoes, I will be present, working wonders. The souls who are of the truth and who hear My voice have already recognized you, they have already seen the wonders I perform through your voice, through your person.
Therefore, My son, whoever comes to you will come to Me, will come to Mary, will come to Jesus, will come to the Father. Whoever turns away from you, will turn away from Mary and from Me and will fall into darkness.
Forward, My son, whoever unites himself to you will unite himself to Mary and to Me, and in him I will make My dwelling and perform My greatest wonders.
I bless you now and say: Keep working to prepare souls for Me, for My second descent which is near.
Everything you have done, all the works of love of your entire life: cenacles, Rosaries, meditated Rosaries, films, Hours of Prayer have prepared souls for My second descent.
Keep preparing the Earth so that I can come with My divine dew to dew it and transform this great desert into a verdant garden.
One day you will see all the mystical roses of love that have been born from your effort and work. So go ahead, My son, and don't be discouraged because I am with you and as long as I am God you will not lack My love and grace.
I bless you and pour out My peace on you now.
My son André, thank you for coming. I am your God and I created you. You came out of Me and to Me you must return, I draw you to Me through Mary and My son Marcos.
Unite yourself more and more to him and you will unite yourself more and more to Mary and to Me.
I want you to pray the rosary dedicated to Me for a whole hour on three Saturdays. I have gifts to give you and for three months Mary will send you a message to guide you to a task, to a mission that you must fulfill and carry out.
I bless you. And I bless you, My children, among billions of men I have chosen you out of love, correspond to My love, live in My love and I will live in you in love.
I bless you all: from Nazareth, from Jerusalem and from Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): "My children, I am the Mother of the Second Pentecost! It is My maternal mission to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Holy Spirit.
Just as Mary, Mary of Nazareth, preceded Her son and preceded the Holy Spirit in His descent into the world. Now too, She who was first Maria and is now the Lady of all Nations and the Messenger of Peace, the Mediatrix of all graces, must precede the descent of the Holy Spirit.
I have come to prepare the world for the descent of the Holy Spirit, who will purify all things with His blazing fire. He will come to separate the wheat from the chaff, to burn the chaff in a fire that will never go out.
He will come to purify everything that is contaminated. Now, in order for an object to be free from contamination, it must be disinfected, it must be sterilized at high temperatures.
So too, in order for this world to be free from the contagion of the deadly disease of sin and the contamination of My enemy, the Holy Spirit will come to purge and purify it with His divine fire.
He will descend and the righteous will see Him, sinners will be stopped for good in the great Chastisement. And then, the Holy Spirit will come upon the righteous who remain, He will be poured out upon them with a much greater power than at the First Pentecost.
And then everyone will be filled with His gifts and graces, a new stage, a new era of love, of holiness will come to the world. And then, My children, never again will a tear of pain, suffering or anguish fall from your eyes, and never again will you see the sadness of sin in the world.
Yes, sin, which destroys everything it touches, will be expelled from the earth along with the devil, its father. And then everyone will be elevated to a very high degree of perfection and holiness and the world will be a perfect Oasis of Peace.
So, little children, let yourselves be prepared and formed by Me, so that you can receive the Holy Spirit, who will soon descend.
Renounce all sin, all evil, be truly converted, practice good works so that you can be worthy of the Holy Spirit.
Purify yourselves through Penance, purify yourselves through Prayer and through love of God, so that on that day I may see you standing beside Me, so that I can hand you over to the Holy Spirit, so that he can pour himself out on you and renew you, transforming you into new creatures.
Yes, whoever is not reborn of water and spirit will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Anyone who does not allow themselves to be renewed by the Holy Spirit and does not let the old man die and the new man be born will not see the Lord, will not receive the Holy Spirit and will not enter the new Heaven and the new Earth.
So, little children, convert, change your life completely and live a life of love and prayer, of sacrifice and penance in preparation for the Second Pentecost, which is now just around the corner.
The Holy Spirit will seek out those souls where I have planted My seed, in the souls where I find them, then on that day he will pour himself out with all his Gifts and unite himself with these souls forever. But in the souls where He doesn't find His seed, He will reject them!
It is not the one who has begun who will receive the Holy Spirit and the prize of the eternal crown, but the one who perseveres and finishes the work who will be crowned.
So, little children, persevere in love and understand that you can only receive the Holy Spirit by living in divine love and for divine love.
So: Pray! Pray! Pray! Until your heart opens to the Holy Spirit and He enters, bringing His graces.
Many times the Holy Spirit has come to you, given you His love through Me and My apparitions, but then you sent Him away from your hearts, preferring evil, preferring our enemy.
By doing your own will, you grieved the Holy Spirit, you lost His grace and He left your souls. Only great love can draw Him back and make Him return to you.
For this reason, decide for the Holy Spirit, so that He can return to you and pour himself out on you with His graces, bringing about His fruits and wonders of love.
I am the Mother of the Second Pentecost, and just as I prepared the apostles for the first, I am here in this last cenacle of history, which is this Shrine in My apparitions here to prepare you for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
So: Pray, Watch, Wait!
My son Marcos, you have been prepared all these years by Me to receive the Holy Spirit and soon you will receive Him. On the Second Pentecost you will be endowed with such power and grace of the Holy Spirit that with just a few words you will bring millions and millions to Me, to the Holy Spirit, to My son Jesus.
You have been prepared for Me, you have been prepared for the Holy Spirit, you have been prepared by Me and you are ready for the Second Pentecost!
Keep working to prepare other souls for this Second Pentecost, because many souls are still a long way from the spiritual level of preparation to receive the Holy Spirit.
So, My child, fight, work hard to prepare the earth for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The hour of the outpouring is coming and how many deserts there still are, how many deserted and dead souls there still are.
Go, My son, pouring out the dew of My maternal grace on these deserts, through the rosaries, the films you've made, the rosaries you've meditated on, your meditations, which are the true dew of the Holy Spirit and the balm to transform this immense desert into a verdant garden.
Any land that is good will always listen to you, receive the dew you give it and turn it into a lush garden. The land that is bad will always reject your dew, but you must shake the dust off your sandals against this land, because there will be more mercy for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for it.
And keep going, My son, you must now move on to another phase of the plan that you know very well, to prepare the earth of the world and the nations to receive the reign of the Holy Spirit, which will be the reign of My Immaculate Heart.
Hurry, hurry and prepare the Earth for the Holy Spirit, whose rumor is already being felt here and everywhere on Earth. The wind that you do not know where it comes from or where it is going, which I always spoke about with My son Jesus at the beginning here, the rumor of this wind is already being heard, it is coming.
Now is the time to prepare the Earth for it once and for all, so, My son: Work! Work! Work!
I bless you now, Apostle of the Holy Spirit, preparer, herald of the Holy Spirit, who has prepared the way for the wind from on high.
I lovingly bless you, Wind of the Immaculate.
And I also say to you, My son André, thank you for coming to console My son Marcos. Yes, you truly consoled him and now I want you to do what the Holy Spirit has asked you to do.
And that you also prepare yourself because on Friday of next week I will send you a private message. I have a task, a mission for you and I'm going to prepare you for it.
In this way, you will give great glory to the Lord and to Me and you will render great service to My Heart and also to this place.
Pray, trust and wait!
I delivered you, I saved your life a few days ago from everything the enemy had prepared for you. The enemy's trap was defeated by My maternal love and the continuous prayers that My son Marcos fervently offers for you every day.
His sufferings and sacrifices have protected you, and although the enemy hit the cage, he didn't manage to hit the bird.
Go forward My son, I will always be with you and I will never, ever neglect to protect, guard and care for you.
I bless you, I bless all My children who are here, persevere in your yes and prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
I bless you My son Carlos Tadeu and I say to you: I am also preparing you for the Second Pentecost, let yourself be carried in My arms like the Child Jesus, My son Jesus did.
Unite yourself more and more with My son Marcos and you will unite yourself more and more with Me and with the Holy Spirit. Let yourself be merged, let yourself be united so that the Holy Spirit can then communicate to you with all His strength and fullness.
Continue with your prayers and, above all, pray the Flame of Love Rosary No. 2 four times this month so that I can shower you with new graces.
May everyone pray the meditated Rosary no. 44 three times and give it to two of My children who don't have one.
My son Andrew, unite yourself, merge yourself more and more with My son Marcos and you will receive so much more of the grace of My Heart and of the Holy Spirit.
I bless My favorite children, I pour out My grace on all of them: from Lourdes, Pontmain and Jacareí."
"As I've already said, wherever one of these holy objects touched by Me and My husband Joseph arrives, I'll be there bringing the Lord's great graces.
My son Carlos Tadeu, My son Marcos has offered the merits of Rosary No. 82 for you, I am now pouring out 58 graces on you, the fruit of the merits of this Rosary.
I pour out 53 graces on you, My son André, for the offering of the meditated Rosary no. 40 that My son Marcos made for you in silence today.
And on those who are here, I now shower 39 blessings, the fruit of the merits of the meditated Rosary no. 27 that My son Marcos offered for everyone.
I bless you all again and leave you My Peace!"
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary