Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on June 2, 2024
Flee from All Evil, so That You Do Not Acquire the Contamination That Exists in Souls Who Are in Sin

(Most Holy Mary): "Dear children, again I come from heaven to tell you through the mouth of My forever chosen servant:
Spread My glories throughout the world, showing all My children the marvels* I have done here in My apparitions.
Spread the films of My little son Marcos, which show the whole world, all My children, not only all My glory, but also all My love for My children.
Make prayer groups, My children, because darkness is enveloping all things and only the light of these cenacles and prayer groups will be able to dispel the darkness.
So many of My children are lost because they don't know My love. I place in your hands a ray of light, My Flame of Love. Take it to all My children and set the whole world ablaze with it.
It is necessary now more than ever to spread the meditated Rosaries and also the films of My son Marcos, so that all My children can be pulled out of the mire of ignorance and come to know My love as Mother.
Yes, My children, many of My children are perishing because of ignorance.
Spread the word! Spread the films of My son Marcos!
Spread the Rosaries and the Hours of Prayer**, so that My children, knowing My love, knowing My glory and the truth of My apparitions, can finally grow in true love for God and for Me. And so peace will reign over the whole earth.
Flee from all evil, so that you do not acquire the contamination that exists in souls who are in sin.
Pray My Rosary every day.
I want you to pray the meditated Rosary no. 35 three times and the Hour of Peace no. 28 twice.
Give My film of My Apparition at La Salette no. 4 to My children who don't have it, so that they can know My maternal love and also My pain.
The war I am waging against My enemy will continue, Satan is plotting plans to destroy and lead to perdition the soul of each one of you. He has laid many traps.
Only with prayer, only with vigilance, My children, will you be able to overcome him and thus also overcome all of Satan's insidiousness.
I want you to keep vigil as My valiant soldiers in faith and prayer.
I bless you all with love: from Salette, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
(Saint Hilda): "My beloved brothers and sisters, I, Hilda, servant of the Lord and of our Blessed Mother, come again to tell you: Persevere in Faith and Prayer. Only by persevering in love for God and in prayer can you be saved.
At the hour of death, the demons come to tempt the soul one last time and make it fall into mortal sin, even if it is by some thought or act of the will.
If the soul has spent its whole life away from God, in sin, Satan has great power over the soul. But if the soul has spent its whole life in prayer and in love for God, it has the necessary strength to reject temptation and overcome the enemy.
The souls of sinners feel great dread when they see the devil, Satan and the other demons. Above all, if it is full of contamination acquired through sins with others, the devil has great power over it and the soul feels a terrible dread at that moment, because Satan claims ownership of the soul.
So, if the soul doesn't know God, our Most Holy Queen or prayer, it falls into total despair because it doesn't have the necessary weapons to fight the enemy.
If the soul has spent its whole life far from God, at that moment it feels great regret and remorse for all the time lost. But it's too late for them, how terrible that moment is! Avoid this for yourselves by living a life of love, obedience and service to God.
When God gives religious grace to a young person, He does so not only because he loves this person, this soul, with a greater love of predilection than other people. But also because without this grace that young person, that soul, would certainly be lost.
God gives the grace of vocation to those He most wants to save, and this grace that He gives to the soul is precisely that which is most necessary for its eternal salvation.
Yes, God gives everyone the grace they need to be saved. God also gives everyone the grace that is proportionate and sufficient to be saved. And to those to whom He has given the grace of vocation, He has given it because this grace is the just and necessary grace for the salvation of the person and the soul. If the soul is faithful to it, it will be saved; if it is unfaithful, it will be lost forever.
Pray the Rosary every day, only with the Rosary can everyone be faithful to the grace and call they have received from God.
I bless you all with love now and I pour out My peace on you all."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle*
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei**
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary