Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Apparition and message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on June 9, 2024 - Anticipated Feast of the Anniversary of the Medjugorje Apparitions
In the End, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!

(Most Holy Mary): "My children, I come again from Heaven today to give you My message through the mouth of My servant forever chosen and confirmed by myself in My Apparitions in Medjugorje.
I am the Queen of Peace! I am the one who comes from Heaven to call the whole world to true peace, which can only be found in God.
In sin with the enemy you will only find contamination, the loss of sanctifying grace, the loss of the Holy Spirit, the loss of peace, the loss of love and all the gifts that the Holy Spirit gave you at Baptism.
With the enemy you will only find confusion, darkness, bitterness, loneliness, sadness and spiritual misery.
Return to God while there is still time, because only in Him will you find true joy, the happiness of life.
The meaning of life is this: to love God. This is what you were created for and your hearts will be miserable as long as you don't love God completely.
I am the Queen of Peace and I have come down to Medjugorje to fight the last battle of all against My enemy.
Yes, My Apparition in Medjugorje and here, which is the continuation and extension of Medjugorje, is the last battle I have come to earth to fight against My enemy. Only one of the two opponents will be victorious and in the end I will be the only winner.
Through My two apparitions in Medjugorje and here I will finally triumph, I will crush My enemy's head and throw him into the abyss of fire and brimstone. Never again will he be able to come out to harm My children.
There will be a thousand years of peace, and finally the earth will know true peace, the peace of God. I will reign over all peoples and nations and will finally be recognized as Mediatrix, Advocate, Queen of Heaven and Earth and Lady of All Nations and of all men.
Yes, this war is about to end and now it will go to the last three clashes, the last three confrontations of My army against the army of My enemy. Get ready for these last three clashes.
Pray, pray, pray as much as you can. Dedicate your lives to prayer and to fighting with Me for the salvation of souls.
Those who remain attached to fleeting things will perish with them, like Lot's wife who didn't want to part with Sodom and was therefore punished by God with death.
Yes, those who remain attached to the things of this world, to pleasures, will be punished with eternal death. So dedicate your lives now to Heaven so that you can stand beside Me on that day when I finally defeat My enemy and My son Jesus returns on the clouds of Heaven bringing the new Heaven and the new Earth.
The battle will now be terrible, St. Michael will lead My army with My children. Saint Raphael will heal My wounded soldiers. St. Gabriel will teach and give strength, so that My soldiers fight fearlessly alongside Me against all the works of darkness and rescue My children who are prisoners of the enemy army, freeing them once again for Me and for My son Jesus.
Only by fighting at My side will they win. Those who run away from the fight, or refuse to fight, or remain indecisive, or opt for the army of the enemy will perish and be blotted out of the book of life by My Lord.
Pray the Rosary every day, only with the weapon of the infallible Rosary will you win in this war. Only by meditating on My messages will you truly have the light and wisdom to resist all the temptations of My enemy and remain faithful to the path of salvation that I have shown you here.
It is not those who begin who will be crowned, but those who finish the career, the struggle, who will win, who will be crowned and rewarded. So don't just pray for the grace of final perseverance, but create it in yourselves by expanding your hearts to My Flame of Love, to love what is of Heaven and despise all that is of the world.
I am the Queen of Peace and I have come from Medjugorje and also here to say to all My children: Convert, convert without delay! Because the Day of Justice is at hand and the Lord will soon stop sinners. When the secrets happen, sinners will be stopped for good, because they don't want to be stopped any more.
Therefore, flee from all evil, from all sin, My children, because on the day of the Warning, when you see your sins, many of you will not be able to bear it and will die.
Penance! Penance! Penance!
I confirmed My apparitions here in Medjugorje in the 1990s, so that once and for all My children would have the peace of certainty that I have truly appeared here and those who obey My messages are on the right path.
Wise words My son Marcos, wise meditation.
Blessed are those who do not see Me, but believe in his words.
Blessed are those who did not see Me confirming My apparitions here in Medjugorje so many years ago, but believed, because their names are written on My Immaculate Heart.
Peace, peace, peace to your heart, My son Marcos! After I confirmed My apparitions in Medjugorje, what more could you want? After I confirmed My apparitions to you in Medjugorje, what more do you need?
Am I not the one who is your Mother here, and who not only confirmed My apparitions to you here with so many miracles and signs performed here, but also in Medjugorje so that your joy would be complete and everlasting?
Peace to you, peace to your heart. Rest and live in My peace!
I thank you My dear son Carlos Tadeu, thank you for coming, you took painful swords out of My heart, you dried My tears.
I hope that you will also take to all My children there, from your city, which is Mine, which I love and which I will save with the strength of My Flame of Love. That you also bring them this confirmation of My apparitions here in Medjugorje, this video.
So that when My children see this wonderful confirmation, they will believe and give Me their yes without hesitation. So that I can then lead them along the path of holiness on which only those who trust, who fully believe in Me and also in My little son Marcos, in the words that he transmits from My heart, persevere to the end.
You must spread this to them, My son, in order to undo the evil that the destroyers cause with their Satan-possessed tongues. In this way, together with Me, you will produce the miracle of the awakening and also the victory of My Flame of Love in the hearts of My children.
I am overjoyed for you and hold you close to My heart. Know that Mama is always by your side and will never leave you.
Once again I say to you: Meditate on all the messages I have given you here from the beginning, so that you too can feel all My love and understand the greatness of the work to which I have called you, in which I have placed you, as My son Marcos always says, as a cornerstone of My work.
So that, together with the son I have given you, you can finally carry out My plan of love for the salvation of all My children.
Unite yourself more and more to the son I have given you so that then, receiving the Flame of Love from him, the two of you may become one Flame of Love in My love.
I bless you all now and I say to you all: Convert, live My messages from Medjugorje where I confirmed Mine here and also live My message of Penance and Conversion.
Only then will the world have peace.
Only when the world listens to My maternal call will the promise of Fatima, repeated in Medjugorje and confirmed here, be fulfilled: In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Peace, My son Marcos, lives in the joy of My love and of having been confirmed by Myself in Medjugorje.
Peace! Peace! Peace!
I bless you all: from Medjugorje, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary