Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady on July 14, 2024 - Feast of the 77th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Montichiari
I Am the Lady of the Roses. Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance! This Is What I Desire from My Children

JACAREÍ, JULY 14, 2024
(Most Holy Mary): "I am the Mystical Rose! Dear children, I come again from Heaven to give My message through My chosen servant.
I am the Lady of the Roses. Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance! This is what I want from My children.
Do not allow anyone to deny this message that I gave to My little daughter Pierina Gilli, calling the whole world to the true path that leads to God:
- that of Prayer, which unites the soul with God;
- Sacrifice, which converts sinners and makes the soul capable of enduring the greatest sufferings for the Lord;
- Penance, which leads the soul to dedicate its life to the Lord in prayer and service to him in penitential works in order to purify and cleanse not only its own sin-stained soul, but the souls of the whole world.
In short, Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance are works of love for God. This is what I came to ask for in Montichiari: love for God, love in the form of Prayer, love in the form of Sacrifice, love in the form of penance and reparation.
I came to call My children to be 'mystical roses' of love for the Lord and I returned here many years after Montichiari to repeat the same appeal, the same request.
Have you heeded My powerful Flame of Love?
Pray, pray, pray at least three hours a day! Be vigilant and pray, because whoever prays is saved, whoever doesn't pray is condemned. Sacrifice yourselves for God, undertaking great works for God, enduring all suffering for love of God and doing even the most difficult and arduous works to save souls for God.
Do penance, make reparation to God, make amends to him for all your past sins. Purify your souls of all the contamination of sin by fasting and doing penance.
Convert! Change your life! Only with conversion can the punishments be canceled.
Back in 1947, I told My little daughter Pierina that My son was about to send a flood of punishment for the sins of the world. Now, so many years later, when the world has become ten times worse than it was then, My son is going to send the fire from heaven that I prophesied in Akita, Japan. Only conversion, only a change of life can cancel out the punishments.
All punishments can be canceled with conversion and prayer. So change your life, repent of your sins and do penance for them.
Sacred Scripture said thousands of years ago that sin is like a serpent, whoever approaches it is bitten and dies. Flee from sin, from occasions of sin and lead a life full of love for God and holiness.
Attack My enemy with the Meditated Rosary No. 45 and the Hour of Peace No. 52. Give these Rosaries, Hours of Peace to three of My children whom you don't know, who don't have them, so that we can save more souls.
Attack My enemy by giving My Mystical Rose Medal to four of My children who don't have one. Also, wear the Scapular of St. Michael. This generation is in desperate need of this scapular.
Whoever wears it will be protected by the angels of the Nine Choirs everywhere and the demons will not be able to approach those who wear this scapular with love.
Saint Michael himself will come at the hour of death to seek out the soul who wears His scapular with love, and together with Me He will lead this soul to heavenly joys, provided that the person converts and avoids all evil.
Penance! Penance and Prayer!
Yes, My children, this generation has become worse than that of Sodom and the time of the flood. They were not as evil and hard-hearted as human beings are now.
That is why My son Jesus will come and with one stroke of his arm he will open up the earth and swallow up all those who have despised our Flames of Love.
My paintings and the paintings of My son Marcos will continue to cry to show the whole world My pain and his pain for the sins of the world, for the ingratitude we have received from the souls we most benefit and love.
Yes, the evil of this world that continues to wound our hearts will continue to make our pictures cry.
Penance and Conversion! Only a great wave of love for us can make these tears dry up.
I love all My children and I want them all to be saved. A mother does everything for her child. And I came to Montichiari through My daughter Pierina, to save My children with My messages of love, with My tears even of blood.
Yes, the Flame of Love echoed from Montichiari to the whole world. The call of eternal love echoed from this place to the whole world, showing all people the true path that leads to Heaven: Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance.
The call of eternal love is now heard by all My children. Heed the call of eternal love while there is still time and become new 'Fontanelles' of love.
Yes, become 'Fontanelles' of love, fountains of love for God.
Become new 'Fontanelles' of love by living in prayer every day and in obedience to the Lord, despising your own will, the world, and doing the will of My son Jesus.
Become new 'Fontanelles' of love by obeying My messages and seeking in every way to collaborate with the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, by being the soldiers who fight bravely with Me against the enemy in order to defeat and crush him.
Yes, go, My children, despite the hardness of hearts, go and pray the Rosary of Tears in My children's homes, especially the Rosary of Tears No. 22, so that My children, hearing My messages, will feel My pain and the need to love and console Me.
Be the new 'Fontanelles' of love, living in My Immaculate Heart so that I may live continually in your hearts and through you, illuminate the whole world with the rays of light from My Flame of Love.
I bless you all with love now: from Montichiari, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries or holy objects that Joseph and I have blessed arrives, there We will be alive, realizing the Lord's greatest graces.
I bless you, My little son Marcos, who has defended My Apparitions in Montichiari all your life. You've defended Me, you've defended Pierina, you've defended My messages and My Tears even of blood all your life.
Yes, like those two favorite sons of Mine who spread My images all over the world, you are My great apostle, the apostle of My heart who has done more. You used all the modern means you knew, you used the means of communication, you learned how to make films and you made the film of My Apparition in Montichiari so that My children could get to know Me, console Me and love Me.
Thanks to you, My children have understood and understood My message from Montichiari perfectly and can now truly put it into practice.
Thanks to you, My children have learned to make My monthly trezena with love, they have learned to pray the Rosary of Tears, they have learned to wear My medal with love and they have learned that what I want from them is Love:
🌹 Love in the form of prayer, the white rose;
🌹 Love in the form of sacrifices, red rose;
🌹 Love in the form of penances, yellow rose.
Love of works, love of concrete works, love of facts, love of truth.
Yes, you made My Apparition in Montichiari as the Mystical Rose known in 190 countries on earth. Truly, you have taken My message to the ends of the earth, to the four corners of the world. For this reason, I now bless you, the greatest defender and propagator of Montichiari, the greatest apostle of My message as the Mystical Rose of Montichiari and Fontanelle, with a thousand blessings from My Immaculate Heart.
You, son, have fulfilled the purpose for which you were born and for which the Lord sent you here. You have fulfilled the purpose for which I chose and called you. You have perfectly fulfilled the mission I gave you and you have done what My son Jesus and I wanted most and that no one has ever done.
Yes, the film of My Apparitions in Montichiari, which brought My message to all My children perfectly, without distorting or taking anything away, the pure truth and My Trezena with the Rosary of Tears and My messages.
You have given Me the greatest proof of love, the greatest act of love, the greatest work of love, what I wanted from a creature no one has ever done and you did it for Me. So rejoice, My son, resume your flight and keep giving Me those works of love that no one ever wanted to do, because everyone was busy trying to satisfy their selfish interests and desires all their lives and only you cared about Me and My appearances.
Keep doing these works of love for Me. Resume your flight, My swift, powerful and loving eagle, so that you can give even more joy to My heart and the heart of My son Jesus and save even more souls for Heaven, for Me.
To you who have never disappointed Me and in whom I place all My love and delight, I bless you now and leave you My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lord at Paray-Le-Monial