Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph on August 11, 2024 - Feast of God the Father and Birth of Mary Most Holy
We Want Love! The Father Wants Love!

(Sacred Heart): “My beloved children, I, the Sacred Heart, come with My Mother and My Father Joseph today on the feast of My Eternal Father to say to all of you:
Whoever sees Me sees the Father, whoever hears Me hears the Father, whoever loves Me loves the Father, whoever obeys Me obeys the Father. Whoever does not listen to Me does not listen to the Father, whoever despises Me despises the Father and whoever disobeys Me disobeys the Father.
I am love, I am the living image of the Father who is Love! At the beginning of My Apparitions here, I showed My little son Marcos how not only I, but also My Father, did not want to be feared with dread, but wanted to be loved by Him and by all our children.
We want love! The Father wants love!
The Father wants love, so give the Father love with a life of prayer, sacrifice and penance.
The Father wants love, give the Father your love with true works that glorify, exalt and exalt Him.
The Father wants love, give the Father true love by praising Him every day of your lives with prayers, songs, praises, but above all, with works of love.
The Father wants love, but not the love of a servant who obeys the Father out of fear of punishment, Hell or any other punishment. He wants the love of a child who loves the Father because the Father deserves to be loved, who loves the Father because the Father is worthy of all love, who loves the Father because the Father is His origin and the Father is the whole objective, purpose and reason for His existence.
It is this love of a child that the Father wants from all His children. We look for this love all over the world, but it's hard to find. We didn't even find it in 10 souls, but in 1991, we came here and found this love in our little son Marcos. And little by little, as he came to understand this love, he opened up to an unlimited capacity to love the Father, to love Me and to love My Blessed Mother.
That is why, truly, in him the Father found true love, which serves very well as an example to everyone of how He wants to be loved.
Yes, imitate the love of My son Marcos, which is a love of works, and you will give the Father, you will give Me, you will also give My Mother true and perfect love.
Yes, a love of works, a love that has not tired day after day, year after year of fighting and working for the triumph of My Father in all the hearts of the world.
Whoever fights for My Mother's triumph, fights for Mine and My Father's triumph. Whoever obeys My Mother's voice obeys My voice, because I am in My Mother, she is united with Me and whoever listens to Me listens to the Father.
Yes, to come here is to come to My Mother's Heart, and to come to My Mother is to come to Love, and to come to Love is to come to God. Therefore, whoever listens to My Mother listens to Me and listens to My Father.
This love of works that we want so much can only be found in loving souls like My little son Marcos. So try to be those loving souls that we so much desire, so that our plan of love can finally be realized in each one of you.
I love you, My children, with the love of the Father! And a good father does everything for His child, fulfills His child's every request, wish and need. A good father sacrifices himself, gives himself entirely so that His child will be happy.
It is with this love that the Father and I love you, that the Holy Spirit loves you. And that's why we do everything for your happiness, but in most souls we only find ingratitude and contempt for our love. We are continually exchanged for the world and worldly things and this sin wounds our hearts.
Come back to our Hearts and give us this love of works and truly our Hearts will be pleased with you and will fill all of you with the greatest graces of our love.
Come to us, just as you are, just as you are, and we will burn your imperfections and reduce them to ashes, in the Flames of Love of My Sacred Heart, of My Mother's Heart and in the Flames of Love of the Father.
Yes, the Father loves, ardently loves each one of you; if you say the yes He wants, He and I will come to you and make our permanent home in you. We only want yes, we only want love!
Look, I didn't say: always remain without defects or imperfections. But I did say: Remain in My love, remain in Me, that's all I want. Remain in Me and the Father and I will work wonders in you.
Keep praying My Hour every Friday.
I bless you all and especially you, My little son Marcos, who glorified My Father with so many feasts in August, with so many cenacles and especially with the Hours of Prayer dedicated to My Father and with everything you have done all your life to honor and glorify Him.
Yes, you have truly fulfilled your life not only in relation to the Eternal Father, but also in relation to the spiritual father I gave you on earth. Honor your father with words, with deeds.
Yes, that's why I bless you generously now. Thanks to you, thanks to everything you've done, everything you've recorded: all the Hours of Prayer, the Rosaries, the movies, the cenacles, My children today understand better who the Father is and what kind of love the Father wants to receive from each one, from each child.
That's why I bless you generously now, with thousands of blessings.
And I also bless you, My son Carlos Tadeu, you are precious to My Sacred Heart and just as a Father defends a child, a King defends His kingdom. And also, just as a swallow defends its chick, I will always defend you from all evils and dangers and I will always guard you.
I bless you now: from Dozulé, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí.”
(Most Holy Mary): “I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from heaven to tell everyone that God is Father, God is love!
God is a Father, and as such He loves His children with all His love and does everything for their eternal happiness.
God is a Father, and so every day He fills His children with goods, graces and gifts of His love.
God is a Father, and as such, He does not want to condemn any child or abandon them, but rather, He wants to heal them of all their illnesses. He wants to beautify them, enrich them with His own goods and make them partakers of His own glory.
God is a Father, and that is why He offers His love, His grace, His goods and His treasures a thousand times over to His child in order to enrich him and pull him out of His misery.
God is a Father, and as such, He doesn't resist His child's pleading and does everything He can to give His child joy, contentment and satisfaction.
God is a Father and many times, many times, He stops listening to the request of His child who wants something that will hurt him later, in order to give him something much bigger and much better.
God is a Father, and as such, He always awaits the return of the child who has turned away from him: to forgive him, purify him, beautify him, enrich him and welcome him back into His glory, His happiness, His peace.
God is a good Father, and as such, He hesitates, hesitates a thousand times before punishing His child and only does so to make him stop His madness and to bring him back into His loving arms.
God is Father, God is Peace, and whoever finds God will find peace of heart.
Come children, come to Me and I will take you to Jesus and we will take you to the Father together, and then you will know the Father of Love that I have been showing you here for 33 years.
Whoever comes here comes to Me.
Whoever comes to Me comes to Love.
And whoever comes to Love comes to God, because God is Love.
I am full of love, because I am full of God, because I have always loved God. Love God and you too will be beautiful like Me.
Pray My Rosary every day, because only with the Rosary can I lead you to the Lord.
Attack My enemy with the meditated Rosary no. 54, pray it twice and give it to two of My children who don't have one. Also, attack My enemy with the Hour of Peace no. 34, pray it twice and give it to two of My children who don't have it.
Peace! Peace! Peace! This false peace that now exists in the world is the work of Satan, to make everyone sleep and not pray for peace. Peace has never been in more danger than now. So, My children, pray these Rosaries and Hours of Peace that I have asked for peace.
Attack the enemy who wants war, death and the destruction of all nations and the planet on which you live so that there can be peace.
If this is not done, many will die, many will lose their lives, even some who are here. So: Pray, Pray, Pray for Peace!
I have come here as the Messenger of Peace to call the whole world to true peace, which is only possible and only happens through Prayer.
Penance! Penance and prayer for peace!
My son Marcos, thanks to you My children today not only know Me and My son Jesus better, but also the Father.
Yes, at the beginning of My apparitions you were so afraid of God, of God the Father, do you remember? And little by little I taught you, I showed you how much the Father loved you and how much He had also suffered for everything you had suffered.
Yes, you understood the Father's love, you understood that the Father never ordered anyone, never taught anyone and never authorized anyone to do you harm. So you opened yourself up to a great capacity to love the Father.
Yes, teach My children how great the Father's love is even more and continue, continue on the path of prayer and consecration to Me.
If necessary, I will repeat a million times: Your mission is complete, what the Father wanted of you you have done: which are the films of My Apparitions, of the Saints and the Rosaries meditated on and the Hours of Prayer, above all, His revealing His love to everyone.
So you can rest in peace, your mission has been completed. You have given the Father the greatest satisfaction, the greatest honor, the greatest joy, the greatest contentment and retribution that you could give.
Now, you must bring all this even more to My children, so that those who are missing can enter the ark of salvation before the flood of fire comes.
Feel at peace and happy because you have given the Father, My son Jesus and Me the greatest service, the greatest glory, the greatest love and the greatest work of all time.
I am happy for these weeks that you have kept these blessed films, these Rosaries and Hours of Prayer, being transmitted to My children every day. Yes, you have diminished Satan's action on them.
Just as the serpent cannot approach a bonfire, now My enemy cannot approach them, because they are connected to Me and My Flame of Love, My presence there where they are, scares the enemy away and keeps the demons away. This reduces the evil thoughts, temptations and snares of the enemy.
For all this, My son, which is to your credit, I bless you generously today and I say to you: Continue to be My pride, continue to be the cause of My joy, Mary's joy. Yes, continue and always keep your gaze fixed on My Immaculate Heart.
I pour out 400,000 special blessings on you today, My son Marcos, and I accept your request made this morning, your offering of the Rosary meditated to Me for the intention of your father Carlos Tadeu and all those who are here.
I also accept your offering of the Hour of God the Father no. 2. I convert these holy works and their merits into graces and I now pour out on your father Carlos Tadeu 1,900,000 blessings and on those who are here I pour out 1,274,000 special blessings.
In this way, I quench the flame of charity in your heart, which wants to benefit, enrich and save everyone.
And I also bless you, My little son Carlos Tadeu, thank you for coming to praise and console Me, to praise and love the Eternal Father.
I pour out all these graces on you and I tell you: I love you with all My heart and I will always protect you, as I have done until now, from all evil. Go on making My cenacles.
And from now on, pray with My children the Rosary of the Flame of Love No. 4 so that they know all My love, know what I want from them. Also, pray with them the Hour of Peace no. 27 throughout this month.
And for the month of September, pray with them the Rosary of Tears no. 21 so that they understand My pain and feel the need to love Me, console Me and make reparation to Me.
I am constantly looking at you. I bless you and give you My peace.
Mama loves you very much and watches over your work and your sleep without ceasing and I always have My hand resting on your head and your heart.
I thank My children who helped My son Marcos finish My medals, the images that will bring My grace to all My children.
And today, I also touch all the images in My Mariel Shop with My mantle. Every time I feel sad and afflicted by the sins of the world, I go down there and when I contemplate My son Marcos' works of love, I am consoled and exult with love and joy.
I bless you all with love: Pontmain, Lourdes and Jacareí.
In September, the Eternal Father will come with Me to celebrate My Feast of La Salette, and abundant graces will be poured out on everyone. Come back so that we can continue your conversion.
Peace My beloved children, rest in My peace.”
(St. Joseph): “My beloved children, I am Joseph, your Father, I continue to love and protect each one of you.
Keep praying My Hour* every Sunday.
I bless you with love.”
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lord at Paray-Le-Monial
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pontmain