Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Apparition and Message of Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on October 12, 2024 - 307th Anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady Aparecida
Here Is Your Mother, Give Your Heart Completely to Her and You Will Give Your Heart Completely to Me

(Saint Joseph appeared and gave no public message)
(Sacred Heart): “My chosen souls, My beloved children, I come today with My Mother and My Father Joseph to say to all of you with great love: ‘Child, here is your Mother!’
This word that I said on the cross and that My most beloved Marcos repeated throughout the day, I solemnly repeat to you too:
Children, here is your Mother, here is the Mother I gave you on the top of Calvary when I was dying on the cross to be your teacher, your guide, your model, your refuge, your peace, your love.
Here is your Mother, imitate Her, follow Her example as every good child should do. A good child must imitate his Mother. Imitate Her, assimilate the virtues of My Blessed Mother, so that you too may be like Her: beautiful, shining, luminous, pleasing, worthy of My glory and My love.
Child, here is your Mother, She is your refuge, She is the refuge you must seek every moment of your life.
If you are afraid, come to Her and She will give you courage.
If you are weak, She will give you strength.
If you are slow, She will make you as agile as eagles.
If you are fearful, She will make you fearless.
If you are languid, She will make you magnanimous.
If you are lukewarm, She will make you fervent.
If you are miserable, She will make you rich.
If you are poor, She will make you fortunate in God's grace.
If you are nothing, She will make you everything. She will give you love and with love you will be everything, because love is everything.
Child, here is your Mother, the Mother you must trust, the Mother you must love: your advocate, your mediator, the new Esther, who comes before Me every day to ask Me for your life, for your salvation, to ask Me for Mercy for you.
Child, here is your Mother, welcome Her and you will be My true disciple like John who welcomed Her.
Here is your Mother, give your heart completely to Her and you will give your heart completely to Me.
A great sign appeared in heaven, a Woman dressed as the Sun with the Moon under Her feet crowned with 12 stars. Yes, this luminous sign, this Glorious Woman appeared in the sky of Brazil 300 years ago.
And now again this Woman dressed as the Sun has returned here to illuminate not only the sky of this nation, but the sky of the whole world, pouring out Her peace, the love of Her Immaculate Heart. And guiding our children along the path of peace, salvation, joy and happiness that only I have, only I can give.
The world cannot give peace to you, to any man, only I can. So come to My Mother and you will come to Me and you will come to peace. To come to My Mother is to come to peace, and to come to peace is to come to Me,
Open your hearts to Her Flame of Love and this Flame will enter and work wonders in your hearts. And your souls will shine with the light of seven suns in a single day before Me.
The great sign that appeared in Heaven in Brazil will now complete its work and its mission and you must complete the mission that I have entrusted to you through My Mother for so long.
Save the souls, announce Our messages to them, take all the souls out of the clutches of My enemy and bring all those souls to Me, and then the world will have peace. Each of you sanctify your own soul by trying to love Me without limits and to love My Heavenly Father without limits.
All the evils in the world come from a lack of love. Because parents don't know how to love their children, they are bewildered and confused and look to vices and worldly things for the love and peace they don't have.
Their thirst for love is so great that they look for any means, however false, to quench it. So give love and you will save your children. Love your neighbor and then the world will have peace, all wars will end, all hatred and division will end and the world will become one big garden of peace.
Have true love in your hearts and that love will give you joy, peace, contentment and the meaning of living.
When you love Me, love My Mother, your life has meaning, significance, reason and purpose. And then you stop being boats lost at sea or leaves carried by the wind from one side to the other and become true eagles flying high in the right direction, to the right nest that is waiting for you and that has been prepared for you since the beginning of the world.
It is love that gives you value, joy, meaning and light for understanding. So: change yourselves by understanding love, understand what love is. And then your spirits will truly be enlightened and you will find the true meaning of life and the true source of happiness.
Read My life that I revealed to My daughter Valtorta and have the same love that I had. How much love I had for My disciples, for My apostles, for those who were suffering, for all those whom the Father brought to Me.
Yes, I was sweet, caring and loving towards everyone. This love, which is unknown to the world that has turned away from Me, exists and the righteous will find it, have it, feel it and spread it around them. And then, souls' thirst for love will finally be satisfied and quenched in the fountain of love that comes from Me.
Become these fountains that give the waters of My love to every soul thirsting for love, for My love.
Pray the Rosary every day, I have never pronounced the sentence of Hell for a true devotee of My Mother's Rosary who has loved My Mother and served My Mother by praying the holy Rosary every day.
Attack My enemy by praying the Rosary of Mercy meditated on No. 87 twice and give it to two of My children who don't have it.
I love you and I have chosen you as you are, I have not looked at your miseries or your sins, but I have only loved you with all My Heart and I offer you all passage to Heaven, provided that you renounce all the things that distance you from Me and that you are entirely Mine.
The miseries, the imperfections, I burn them immediately in the burning furnace of My Heart, provided that the soul gives Me love. What I want is love, perfection will come with time in love.
I love you and among billions of men I have loved you, chosen you, preferred you. Cherish this grace, love this grace and continually experience the joy and happiness of this grace.
Love My Mother and accept all the messages She has given you here and also in Her other apparitions, because they will all be fulfilled.
The Three Days of Darkness that My Blessed Mother and I prophesied to Marie Julie Jahenny will be fulfilled exactly. It will be on a Thursday, a Friday and a Saturday minus one night.
Then, at dawn on Sunday, the New Heaven and the New Earth will appear. Those who have been faithful to Me and My Mother by loving Us and following Our messages will pass through all the horror of the chastisement and will enter the New Heaven and the New Earth luminous and purified by our Flame of Love.
In those three days, all those who mocked Us and Our messages and who preferred the world will perish. You have been chosen and called to escape this great and terrible punishment and enter the New Earth.
That is why, My children, prepare yourselves with much prayer and vigilance. And on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, try to pray more, to be more in prayer.
Flee from the world on these days, because the punishment will suddenly surprise everyone. Be at home in prayer at My Mother's feet and at My feet. Those who are working away from home will be miraculously transported by My Angels back to their homes.
There you will remain in prayer before the image of My Sacred Heart, My Mother, the Angels and the Saints, crying out for mercy. You will pray the Rosary without ceasing and during all that time nothing, no lightning, no demon will be able to harm you.
Then, My children, you will see how much I have loved you and how much I and My Mother in this place have favored you all.
Spread the messages I gave to Marie Julie Jahenny* and wear the scapular of protection** that was also given to the world through her. Whoever wears this scapular during the Three Days of Darkness will not perish.
Spread to all My children the messages about the Three Days of Darkness that I gave to Marie Julie Jaheny, so that My children will come out of ignorance.
They will say yes to Me and to My Mother, and in this way they themselves will choose a glorious destiny at My side and at My Mother's side in Heaven.
I bless you all generously and especially you, My son Carlos Tadeu, you have greatly consoled My Heart and My Mother's by coming here today. I pour out My special blessing on you now.
And I bless all of you from Dozulé, Paray-Le-Monial and Jacareí.”
(Most Holy Mary): “I am the Immaculate Conception! I am the Lady Aparecida in the waters of the Paraíba River! I am the Mother of Brazil! I am the Mother of Mexico, I will save Mexico by a miracle of the Flame of Love of My Immaculate Heart and that nation so loved by Me will give many more Saints to the world and from there a shining light will come out and illuminate the whole Earth.
I am the Mother of Brazil, this land so wounded, so attacked by My enemy. Here, My Immaculate Heart, through a miracle of My Flame of Love, will transform the land of Santa Cruz into the city of Mary, into Mary's Garden of Grace, where mystical roses of love, of love for God, of beauty and holiness will sprout and grow.
My Immaculate Heart will reign in the land of Santa Cruz. I will reign in Brazil, in this land that I love so much and here I will defeat and crush the head of My enemy.
I will reign in the Land of the Holy Cross and rid it of all the evil spirits who walk through it seducing souls and dragging them towards ideologies and the crooked paths of evil.
I will reign in the Land of Santa Cruz and I will expel from it all confusion, all infernal anarchy, all disorder, all vice, all evil and I will transform the Land of Santa Cruz into the chosen Garden of My Immaculate Heart.
I will reign in the land of Santa Cruz, and I will perform the greatest wonders of My Flame of Love here to truly transform it into a reflection of the garden of beauty and glory that I have in Heaven.
I will reign in the land of Santa Cruz, and just as in the Old Testament Judith defeated the enemy, I too will defeat the infernal enemy and truly life in abundance, happiness, salvation and a lasting time of peace.
I am the new Esther who prays for My children of this nation every day before the throne of the Lord and I will finally achieve life in abundance for all My children.
Attack My enemy with the meditated Rosary no. 88, pray it four times for the peace of the world that is so threatened and give it to two of My children who don't have it. So that the power of the enemy in the world can be diminished by using these infallible and invincible weapons of salvation which are the meditated Rosaries recorded by My little son Marcos.
If you knew how much power there is in just one of these Rosaries, you would pray it night and day and the world would already have been saved by a miracle of the power of My Flame of Love.
If you could see how many merits are contained in each of these meditated Rosaries, you would pray them without ceasing night and day to enrich and fill your souls with the gold coins that I have deposited in the engraved meditated Rosaries of My son Marcos.
Yes, he has done everything to enrich you with these merits, he has done everything to make you strong and invincible against the enemy. Only he who does not pray these Rosaries with his heart will fall in war. The power they contain is so great that it is enough to defeat the demons who roam the whole world.
So pray them, My children, pray these Rosaries and you will defeat and conquer all evil.
Attack My enemy too by praying the Rosary of Peace meditated No. 5 three times for the peace of the world. If you knew what Satan is preparing to destroy peace, you would pray the Rosary of Peace unceasingly for the peace of the world.
Yes, during the Three Days of Darkness which, as I told My daughter Marie Julie Jahenny, will be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you pray My Rosary of Peace on those three days, no demon will be able to harm you or your home.
Therefore, My children, pray the Rosary of Peace every day, but especially on Thursdays, Tuesdays and Saturdays, so that when that terrible hour of the purification of humanity arrives, you will be under My white mantle of peace, covered by the light of My Immaculate Heart.
I wish, My children, that you announce to the whole world the messages* that I gave to My daughter Marie Julie Jahenny, so that My children will then know the great chastisement that is coming for humanity. And prepare yourselves with prayer, sacrifice and penance so that you may be worthy to escape the fury of the Divine Wrath that will fall upon the world in those days.
All those who serve Me by praying My Rosary and fulfilling My messages with love will not perish in those Three Days of Darkness, but I will cover them with My mantle of love and give them My protection and My maternal refuge.
Yes, change your lives, this hour is near, so: accelerate, hasten your conversion. Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance and Love of God, these are My wishes.
Pray My children for the conversion of Russia, if it doesn't convert it will once again be the scourge of humanity.
Pray for all those children of Mine who have not yet accepted My maternal love and My messages, because it is because of them that the world has no peace and that the great terrible chastisement that I announced to Marie Julie will fall on humanity.
Wear the scapular of protection** with love and I promise to give you three special blessings through it every Thursday.
I bless you My little son Marcos, I welcome the offering you made to Me today of the movie Voices from Heaven No. 22 for the intention of your father Carlos Tadeu and those who are here and one more person for whom you offered it.
I transform the merits of this good holy work of yours into graces and I now pour out 2,780,000 (Two million, seven hundred and eighty thousand) blessings on your father Carlos Tadeu. I am now pouring out 953,000 blessings on those who are here, and they will receive them again next year on October 12, the day of My Feast.
I also bless you, My dear son Victor, you removed many thorns from My Heart when you bought the land next door for Me. I am now pouring out 200,000 (two hundred thousand) special blessings on you, on My daughter Carolina and on your son.
On My children who go with My pictures from house to house praying the Rosary, the Hour of Peace and the Rosaries that I love so much, I am now pouring out 52,000 (fifty-two thousand) blessings, also the result of the merits of My son Marcos' film Voices from Heaven No. 21.
Anyone who continues to ask Me for graces through the merits of the films, the Rosaries, My son Marcos' Hours of Prayer, or his hard work carrying the stones to build My chapel here, will receive great graces from Me.
To all of you again I say: I love you, My children, and I am continually looking out for you, watching over you and taking care of you. Call out to Me and I will answer your call with graces.
I bless you all with love now from Aparecida, Pontmain and Jacareí.”
(Most Holy Mary): “As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, I will be there alive, carrying with Me the graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again so that you may be happy.
I also especially bless My favorite children who helped My son Marcos prepare My images for this feast day.
I also bless all those who will take them and who will take the books of My messages that I love so much to My children, for their conversion.
Quickly, My children, take two books of My messages for My children who don't have any. Give them to two children so that they know My love, My affliction and concern for them and so that they understand what I want from them, yes. And in this way I can completely change their lives and convert them, change them before the time comes for the punishment that I prophesied to Marie Julie Jahenny.
I bless you all again and especially you My little son Marcos, do you remember when you used to carry those very heavy stones to place them here on these walls of My chapel? How proud you made Me! Seeing you work so hard to give Me a house.
Just as you did everything for Me on earth, I will do everything for you in heaven. And just as you gave Me a house on Earth, I will give you a house in Heaven.
I leave you all My peace and bless you with love now.”
(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved son Carlos Tadeu, I will give you many more victories, victories and joys! I will give you the blessing of My Immaculate Heart on Earth and a glorious dwelling place and a throne of light in Heaven.
Go on, My son, always hold My hand and be with Me as you have been doing and I will continue to crown your mission with victories, successes and endless graces.
Mom is very happy, satisfied and proud of you.
Go on, My joy, I love you and I'm looking after you.”
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lord at Paray Le Monial
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pontmain
Some Prophecies given to Marie Julie Jahenny*
Excerpt of the Messages and Prophecies given to Marie Julie Jahenny*