Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on November 10, 2024
Through This Resounding Miracle of the Candle Flame That Did Not Burn the Body of My Little Son Marcos, the Catholic Faith Will Triumph, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!

(Most Holy Mary): “My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I am the Lady of the Medal of Peace, I am the Mediatrix of all Graces.
Today, as you celebrate here the Anniversary of the Revelation of My Medal of Peace*, and also the Anniversary of the Revelation of My Miraculous Medal** to My daughter St. Catherine Laboure, I come from Heaven to tell you:
My Medal of Peace is the powerful shield I give to My children to protect them from all evil. Whoever wears it with faith and devotion will be guarded and protected by Me from all dangers. And as I said at the beginning of My appearances here, I repeat again: Satan will be paralyzed, horrified and will flee from those who bring My Medal of Peace with faith and love.
In the same way, those who wear My Miraculous Medal with faith and love will receive all the graces they ask for from My Heart. Yes, these two medals mark the beginning of the war between the Woman dressed as the Sun and the end of this war with the definitive victory of the Woman dressed as the Sun against the dragon. Yes, only I will be victorious in the end.
These two Medals, the one in Paris marked the beginning of My fight, the fight of the Woman dressed as the Sun against the dragon. And My Peace Medal, revealed here, marks the end of that war with My total triumph over the forces of evil.
You must wear these two Medals of the end times to be protected by Me from all the evils that My enemy is now causing to rage and spread across the whole Earth.
Yes, with these two Medals, My children, you will have My protection against all kinds of evil and you will receive from Me all the graces for the body, the soul, the mind and the spirit.
So, little children, your life will be beautiful in God's eyes and it will also be beautiful in God's eyes and it will also be beautiful and luminous in the eyes of men.
And My children, seeing the copious rain of graces that I continually pour out on you here, will also desire, like you, to know Me, to love Me and to receive the sweetness and affection of My maternal love. And then, finally, I will be able to enter their hearts and triumph in their lives and through them in the whole world.
Today, you have received My Medal of Peace. Why did I give it to the world through the hands of My little son Marcos and not directly? Because I always want My son Marcos to participate in all My works and I never wanted to do anything without him.
I also did this so that everyone who received graces through My Medal of Peace would be obliged to thank and love not only Me, but also him through whose hands they received My Miraculous Medal of Peace and Graces from Heaven.
In this way, I make the truth of My apparitions here shine ever brighter throughout the world, confirming the truth of My presence with resounding graces and miracles. But also, I make the merits of My son Marcos shine throughout the world, who already in 1993 had so many, many merits that he proved to be very worthy of the Medal that I gave to the whole world by his hands, by his yes, by his person.
In this way, I show the whole world how much I love him and how truly he is My very obedient, hard-working, dedicated servant, full of merits of the purest love for Me that has made him worthy of bringing the world so many treasures from Heaven, from God and from My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, just as I wanted to give the world the Miraculous Medal through My daughter Catherine Laboure, I wanted to give the world My Medal of Peace through My son Marcos, so that all of humanity would be obliged to love not only Me, not only My daughter Catherine through the Miraculous Medal. But also to love My son Marcos, for all the graces they have received through My Medal of Peace.
Today is also the anniversary of the Miracle of the Candle Flame*** that didn't burn My son Marcos' hand. As I've said before, I'll say it again: I performed this great miracle not only to confirm to the whole world the truth of My apparition here once and for all.
But also to show all My children how much merit My little son Marcos already had at that age of 17, not only to receive the promise of Heaven from Me as I did. But also to receive this resounding miracle in his body, in his flesh, so that the truth of My apparitions here would be made clear, proven, demonstrated, confirmed for all future generations, and that My little son Marcos was very worthy of My apparitions, of seeing Me, of receiving Heaven and also this resounding miracle.
Yes, it was thanks to his merits that I gave this resounding sign to help the faith of My children who are so weak, so fickle, so poor and so miserable. It was through his merits that I gave this great miracle to confirm the faith of those who were already here and to confirm the faith of all those who would come afterwards.
As My son Marcos said: No one will have any justification before My son Jesus for not having persevered or been saved after this great miracle. No one will be justified for not having converted, persevered and been saved.
So, My children, contemplate this resounding miracle every day, so that you can truly grow in faith and in true love for Me and not allow yourselves to be entangled in the nets of My enemy, in the temptations, lies and seductions of My enemy who wants to tear you from My arms, take you away from Me and drag you with him into the flames of hell.
Make this Miracle of the Candle Flame*** that didn't burn My son Marcos's hand even more known to all My children who still don't know about it. Because, seeing this, My children will see that here in this city the great sign that appeared in Heaven in Revelation 12 was truly given by the Lord and the Woman clothed in the sun to the world.
And on February 7, 1991, this great sign began to shine here in Heaven in this city, in Brazil and in the world for the salvation of this generation.
And on November 7, 1994, this great sign promised months before was given by the Woman clothed with the Sun and by the Lord faithfully in Heaven and everyone saw it, everyone contemplated it.
Thus, everyone will see My glory, they will see My presence here and they will all come in haste to My Immaculate Heart. Then I will cure, heal, perfume, embellish, clothe with new garments of grace each one of My children, even the most sinful, the sickest, the most beaten by My enemy, and I will give life to all, full life, new life in abundance.
Attack My enemy by praying the meditated Rosary no. 48 three times for peace and give this Rosary to three of My children who don't have one.
Also, give My children, two of My children, the movie Voices from Heaven no. 3 and attack My enemy by praying on the last Saturday of this month the Rosary of Mercy meditated on no. 107 for peace. And give this Rosary of Mercy to two of My children who don't have one. So that I can take them from the hands of My enemy and bring them back to the Lord God in My arms.
My children, I love you all! My Medal of Peace is the great proof of My love for each one of you and the Miracle of the Flame of Love that did not burn the hand of My son Marcos, making him, along with My little daughter Saint Bernadette and the three young men in the fiery furnace, the only human beings who have been graced by God and by Me with immunity to pain and fire with this resounding Miracle.
This sign, this miracle is also the great proof of the immense love I have for each one of you, because if I performed this resounding miracle on the body of My son Marcos and left him alive here on Earth for so many years to witness and show this great miracle, it was to save your souls and to confirm you, to lead you along the right road that leads to Heaven, which is: that of Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance.
So, little children, open your hearts to My Flame of Love, and then you will feel how much you are loved by Me and you will weep with joy and love for Me. Then, on the day that this happens, My Flame of Love will triumph in you and My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the whole world.
Yes, here in the person of My little son Marcos I performed the resounding Miracle of the Candle Flame which did not burn his hand. Yes, this miracle will remain for all generations as eternal proof of My immense love for Brazil, for the world, for all My children, for this generation, for this city and also for My little son Marcos, through whom I will make the Catholic Faith and My Immaculate Heart triumph throughout the world.
Through this resounding miracle of the candle flame that did not burn the body of My little son Marcos, the Catholic Faith will triumph, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
I bless you all with love and especially you, My son Marcos, who at 17 was already very worthy and had many merits for Me to perform on you this great and resounding miracle of the flame of the candle that didn't burn your hand.
I also bless you, My little son Carlos Tadeu, and I will continue to bring victories and graces into your life. I clasp you to My Immaculate Heart now.
To all of you, My beloved children, I bless you with love: from Lourdes, from La Salette, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.”
(Most Holy Mary): “As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive, carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord.
Again, I give you My peace and I ask you to read chapter 38**** of the Book Imitation of Christ and meditate on its words with love.
To all I leave My peace and bless you again so that you may be happy.”
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lady at La Salette
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pointmain