Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
(St. Teresa of Avila)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a railroad track under water is a sign that there will be more floods and natural disasters that will interfere with your travel in America. I have mentioned that you will be called to travel to more talks, but you also will be tried more in your means of traveling with more difficult weather. This could affect your air travel as well as your travel by car. As these natural disasters unfold in more frequency, this will be more of a sign to you that the end times are upon you. Do not have any fear of these things because My angels will be watching over you in miraculous ways. Continue to spread My messages for as long as you can travel without martial law. Your time is limited, so make the best use of your trips. I told you that you will be tired, but I will give you sufficient rest to continue.”
Jesus said: “My people, up until now you have led fairly comfortable lives with only mild persecution for speaking out against abortions, euthanasia, wars, and homosexual acts. The one world people behind the making of a new world order know that they cannot change the minds of devoted religious faithful. That is why they are planning to torture and exterminate you as Hitler did to the Jews, and the Romans did to Me. This is not an easy message, but people need to know that their lives are in danger once these evil ones start martial law or demand chips in the body. All religious and patriots are on their list for extermination which is why when you discern the time, you are to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. When you call on My help, your angels will shield you with invisibility to these evil ones. This reason for haste is exactly because your lives will be in danger if you remain in your homes where they can find you. Know that this message is one of love and mercy so you are prepared for this end time, and it is not meant to scare anyone. Fear is of the evil one. When you have trust in Me, you will have peace in your soul with no fear. If someone should be captured and martyred for their faith, I will ease any pain, and you will be an instant saint in heaven.”
Source: ➥