Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
(St. Anselm)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how St. Paul healed a crippled man when he saw that the man had faith to be healed. I also healed many people while I was present to you as a man, and I went one step further because I wanted to heal the whole person. This is why many times I told the person ‘your sins are forgiven’ first to heal their soul, and then I healed their limbs, their eyes, and even a few I raised from the dead. The people around St. Paul were astounded that he could heal a crippled man from birth. Their reaction was to praise St. Paul as a god instead of giving praise and thanks to Me. Even among your people, they are more awed by a healing of the body, than a conversion of the heart to loving Me. But the body is in a constant state of decay, and a healing only postpones another failing, and eventually death itself. It is the soul that lives on forever and it is immortal, whereas the body is mortal and last but a short time. Among mankind a gift of conversion is a mild thanks, but in heaven there is great rejoicing among every angel and saint over one that is saved on earth. Be grateful to Me for any physical healing, but see the need even on earth to rejoice even more when a soul is converted to the faith and believes in Me.”
For Father Bill: Jesus said: “My people of this church, you have great faith in Me and you have built a beautiful shrine and cross to honor My Blessed Mother and Me. These grounds are consecrated and they will truly be a place of protection for the people in the end times. I will have My angels protect this area and provide for the food and water and shelter for those who come here. Many of My messengers have had messages and visions here, so they are your blessing for this refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, today I want to direct your attention to the need for family prayer both at meals and praying the rosary together. Whenever you have two or more praying together, I am there in your midst. It is not easy to have the family together for the evening meal, but you can try to make prayer a family custom at that time. You all have busy schedules, but put aside a few minutes after supper to pray the rosary together. You have wars and much discord in the world, and world peace starts with peace among each family. Family prayer is very powerful in protecting the family from divorce, discord among members, or a falling away from the faith. By daily prayer you are also giving good example to your children in having a good prayer life to help them through the difficulties of life. Life will always have challenges and troubles to deal with, but if you have Me and My Blessed Mother helping you, they will not be as severe. We are always available to you in prayer, so call on us every day for help in your daily consecration of everything over to us. By loving Me and everyone, and walking in My Light of grace, you will have fulfilled your mission in life. Remember your family prayer because it is an important part of your life.”
Source: ➥