Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you all make choices in life, but some choose to improve their spiritual lives in this high set of steps in the vision. Others consistently make the wrong choices and they are drowned in the world’s pleasures and sins. In the readings you are also called to help those around you by advising them how to change their sinful lives. If they are fornicating and missing Sunday Mass, reach out to your friends and family to warn them, even if it may cause some hurt feelings. If you do not make this attempt to save their souls, then you also will be partly to blame for their falling away. If they refuse to listen, then you have done your part, and they are responsible for continuing in their sin. Even if they refuse your teaching, continue to pray for the conversion of their souls. Never give up on these souls, even as I pursue to change them as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing severe hurricanes still forming in the Atlantic Ocean, and almost all of the storms that were given names have had some effect on America. Other years there were less storms and very few hit America. The sharpness of this saw in the shape of a hurricane is an indication of the severity of damage that people along the coasts are enduring. You have been fortunate with your notices of evacuation that very little loss of life has occurred in America. Some of this severity has been a result of America’s sins of abortion, and your sexual sins. I have told you before that the violence of man is reflected in the more violent weather. Even man’s weather making machines have made your weather more violent as well. Pray for the conversion of sinners in America and the stoppage of abortion. If your country repents, you could see less severe weather. If you refuse to repent as a nation, then you will be experiencing worse events without My blessings.”
Source: ➥