Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010: (Mass of the Ascension)
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing of My Ascension and how I sent My apostles out to be witnesses of My Resurrection and share faith in Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. This time between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost is your novena time to prepare for the feast of Pentecost and invite the Holy Spirit into your lives. This vision of a DNA strand is how your genetic make-up is passed on to your children and their children. You pass on your name and who you are to your children. In a spiritual way you are passing on the faith as your ‘spiritual DNA’ to your children and grandchildren. Your children are your heritage, so they need to see a good example of faith in their parents. Just as the apostles were sent out to evangelize souls, so all of My faithful as well are sent out to all the nations to bring souls to Me in faith. This gift of faith, that you have inherited from your parents, teachers, and priests, must now be passed on to the next generations. If you are not seeing many young people coming to church, it could be that they are not receiving enough training and fervor from their parents. As parents become lukewarm, then their children will have less desire to come to Sunday Mass. The Third Commandment is about giving Me worship on Sunday, or you commit a mortal sin if it is intentionally missed. So encourage your children in their faith by seeing you at Sunday Mass and in your daily prayer. Your children are your spiritual responsibility, so give them good example and pray for their faith to be strong.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to find good paying factory jobs in America because many of these jobs have been outsourced to foreign countries. In some cases it is because cheaper labor can be found in places like China where they do not have benefits that are demanded in your country. In other cases where labor is competitive, it is the CEOs of big companies that want to control middle income workers so the one world people can better control the population by keeping them poor and dependent on government. This is why the unemployment level will be held high by design, even while workers are being imported for low paying jobs. Service economies that produce few goods are going to be less influential countries and eventually will turn into third world countries. Eliminating America as a financial giant is the aim of the one world people in taking you over. I am watching over My faithful, and I help families to find ways to survive. So trust in Me and pray for your needs, and I will answer your prayers. America’s entrepreneurial spirit in your small businesses has provided your jobs and this is causing the one world people problems in defying their plans. If America repents and changes its sinful ways, your country could have its freedoms longer. If not, then you will be taken over with the loss of all of your freedoms.”
Source: ➥