Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, May 6, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011:
Jesus said: ‘My people, I want to emphasize in today’s reading about the multiplication of the bread and fish in how generous I am in both My physical gifts and My spiritual gifts. In this feeding of the 5,000 men, you read of how they collected twelve baskets of fragments that were left over. Not only was this a lesson in not wasting food, but it also shows you how generous I am when I provide for your necessities. This was the physical food to sustain the crowd from starving in a deserted place. This story of the bread is also a representation of how I feed My faithful with the consecrated bread and wine which are My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. In the Mass I feed My people spiritually as well with the abundant graces of My Blessed Sacrament. I only ask that My faithful receive Me worthily with a clean soul. You can cleanse your souls in Confession where I forgive your sins through the priest’s absolution. Then with a pure soul, you can worthily receive My graces in Communion. My sacraments of grace are always available to you, so take advantage of this opportunity to be blessed every time that you come to Mass. Do not be lazy by not coming to frequent Confession, but be strong in your faith by coming to Confession at least once a month. By keeping close to Me in My abundant graces, you will have the spiritual strength to fight off the evil one’s temptations.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for all of your prayers tonight while you spend time with Me in Adoration. Celebrating an hour for Divine Mercy is also rewarding to you as you receive My mercy for praying My Chaplet of Divine Mercy. You know that I am always with you, and this miraculous picture in your possession shows My foot and even some of My robes. This is a witness to you of My constant Presence with you, and also a sign of how important My Divine Mercy devotions should be for everyone. St. Faustina has shown you the way to My mercy, and especially My graces are given to you when you pray in front of My Divine Mercy image.”
Source: ➥