Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011: (Roger Poisson Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Acts of the Apostles you have read how Stephen was stoned to death because of his preaching of My Word, and the Jews could not debate him. The early Christians had to endure persecution by the Jews, even as I had to suffer. This persecution has been ongoing even in your time, but it will get much worse in the coming tribulation. The other apostles and the deacon Philip also were given power by the Holy Spirit to cast out demons and to heal paralytics and cripples. It was these outward signs of healing that gave witness to the truth of My power in My disciples. The people recognized this power and many were converted to the faith. There was great joy in the city of Sumaria as a result.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a Democrat controlled White House and Congress for the last three years. In that time frame legislation has occurred favoring abortion and a health plan that was intended to mandate chips in the body. This government has also turned more socialist and is running up major deficits because of the recession, unemployment at high levels, and ongoing wars. Since the last Congressional election, this agenda has slowed down, but the deficit spending is still continuing. If America does not change its deficit spending with the next crisis over raising the debt ceiling, then the credit worthiness of the dollar will be in jeopardy. There are continuing debt problems in Greece and other countries which are a warning to America to get its financial house in order. As you see these other countries getting close to bankruptcy, you can see the same threat coming to America. Pray that your leaders will understand the immediate need to change your spending ways before it is too late.”
Source: ➥