Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast day commemorates when I left My apostles as I ascended into heaven. I will return again in My glorified Body at the end of the age. I encouraged My apostles to wait until they received the Holy Spirit whom I would send in a short time. In ten more days you will celebrate this event on Pentecost. I commissioned My apostles in Matt. (28:19): “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.’ This was the beginning of My Church as you have been reading in the Acts of the Apostles. It was not easy to evangelize souls to the faith because Christians faced martyrdom for the first three hundred years. Even today, My faithful have their Baptism and Confirmation sacraments to empower them to go out and preach My Word to all the nations. Evangelizing souls to the faith is your most important work.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in previous messages that you will continue to see ongoing natural disasters. Many people have remarked that they have never seen tornadoes in Massachusetts where they have just occurred. You have seen record numbers of deaths from tornadoes this year, and they are even continuing in areas that do not normally have them. This unusual violence is the signature of the HAARP machine that can enhance storms into more violent weather. The damage and injuries have also caused many people to have their lives disrupted. Pray that there will not be any more deaths due to these storms.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious by the data put forth that the amount of taxes collected from each person for Medicare does not come close to how much is being spent on that same senior person. This is also the same problem for Social Security and the rest of your entitlement programs. There is some agreement that changes need to be made, and that cuts in the deficits need to be tied to your debt ceiling. Those, who do not want to face up to entitlements running out of money, are not facing the reality of how they can be paid. Some changes in these benefits need more tax money and a combination of less payments to even come close to a solution. Since many do not want more taxes or less payments, it becomes very difficult for your politicians to make any changes. Your deficits cannot continue, or America will be bankrupted.”
Jesus said: “My people, your spending is going beyond your current debt ceiling, but your Congress people are still reluctant to reduce any entitlements or other budget items. Attempts to date have only changed $30 billion when your deficit is $1.6 trillion this year. This facing up to your excessive deficits requires immediate action, or America will fall. This actually is the plan of the one world people so they can takeover America. Pray that your Congress and President will be more responsive to the debt control that is needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, your unemployment numbers are not improving enough for the man in the street to have a job to support his family. Wages are not keeping up with the increasing cost of your daily necessities. With interest rates held so low, many savers cannot live off of this income as seniors need. Many companies are not making enough jobs in America, even though they have the money and are still sending jobs overseas. This plan to ruin your economy by eliminating manufacturing in America is becoming more obvious why your unemployment rate is not going down. Indeed, the average person is getting poorer while the rich are getting most of the benefits of any recovery. These evil ones of greed will receive My punishment when I return.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are ten days before your coming Pentecost Sunday. This is another time for a novena to the Holy Spirit. Do some research to find this novena, and make your preparations for this coming feast day of Pentecost. Many of your major feast days have novena preparations for them. By praying these novenas, you can better understand the significance of each of these special feasts in My early Church and in My Church of today.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is at this time of the Church Year that your attention is being focused on the Holy Spirit who is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are all temples of the Holy Spirit from your Baptism. It is this power of the Holy Spirit that enabled My apostles to have the gifts of the Spirit to help them in their mission of evangelization. Call on the Holy Spirit to give you the words needed to convert sinners to the faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were downcast at first when they saw Me ascend into heaven. The gift of My Eucharist is the gift of My Real Presence among you. I did not leave My people orphans when I ascended into heaven. My Blessed Sacrament is available at every Mass and in My tabernacles so you can receive Me into your souls. Call on the grace of My sacraments to strengthen you in living out your lives on earth. Be grateful that I am truly present to you, even though you cannot see My physical Body.”
Source: ➥