Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011: (Presentation of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in this short Gospel I remarked how the widow put all that she had to live on in the Temple treasury. The wealthy contributors gave from their excess wealth. In the Scriptures it is suggested to give ten per cent of your income as a guideline for tithing. Some, who have less income, may have more difficulty in being this generous, but people with more income can afford this out of love. Sometimes greed for money, or buying more things than you can afford, can interfere with any concern for sharing in charity. If you plan your personal budget, you can plan a fair amount of your income to support My Church and help the poor. You are having your Thanksgiving Day soon, so sharing with the less fortunate in your local food shelf would be a worthy donation. I have asked My faithful to be loving and cheerful in your giving. I have asked you to share your money and your time with your neighbor, but your sharing should be in the spirit of loving your neighbor. As you share with others, you will be storing up a more beautiful treasure in heaven, which is worth more than your material wealth. I love everyone, and I want My faithful to love Me and their neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, you see in the vision how I had difficulty in carrying My cross along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary. I am asking My faithful every day to pick up their own cross in imitation of Me. It is not easy to put up with all of life’s stresses to make a living for your family, but I will give you the grace to succeed. Offer up all that you will endure for the day for all of your family members, especially for those that are away from the faith. It is your prayers and offerings that could save their souls. Thanksgiving is coming, and many families come together to celebrate this feast. Truly you should be thankful for all that I have given you. You may even want to make a donation to your local food shelf so they can feed the hungry while you are having a big meal. I am thankful also for all the work of My missionaries who are constantly working to convert souls. Enjoy your feast with the love that you have for your family. Remember to say some extra prayers of thanksgiving at your turkey meal.”
Source: ➥