Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the Philistines inflicted large losses in defeating Israel. This is a sign to you that everything in life will not go smoothly. At times you endure financial problems when your car needs repair, and your appliances, or devices in your home need repair or replacement. At other times you may endure sicknesses, operations, or deaths in the family. These earthly trials are all part of life, and you need My help and the help of others to solve your problems. The Gospel reading shows the cleansing of a leper from his leprosy. In your world you also have problems with contagious diseases that require quarantines. There is also an analogy in having your sins cleansed from your souls. You have My sacrament of Reconciliation always available in My priests, so you should have pure souls by asking My forgiveness of your sins. I died on the cross to bring salvation to all those who seek My forgiveness. Do not be lazy in your spiritual life, but you need to confess your sins at least once a month. If you have an aching tooth, you go to the dentist immediately. So if you are in mortal sin, you should come to Me in Confession quickly as well. Do not risk dying in mortal sin, so you can have a better judgment when you face Me at death. Also, you love Me dearly, and you want to keep a good love relationship with Me. If you are dead to Me in mortal sin, ask My healing in Confession, and you will be made clean again.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you decide what time to choose for your prayer time, you should consider praying during the day time instead of at night. At night you are tired from the day’s work, and it is hard to pray late at night. Try to get your rosaries in before supper when possible so you can focus more on your prayers. Remember when you have a lot of unplanned events to make up any missed rosaries on the following day. I rely on My faithful’s prayers to counter balance all the sin of the world. So do not grow lazy with your prayer life because prayers for sinners are greatly needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, setting aside a general time for prayer is the best way to plan around your daily events. Guard this time of the day so nothing else can interfere with your daily prayers. Even if people are visiting, excuse yourself to do your prayers, or invite them to pray with you. By forming a prayer habit at a set time of the day, you are saying to everyone that time with Me is too important to interrupt with only earthly concerns. You make priorities for everything in your life, and I should be your first priority.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you pray, there are various kinds of prayer. You pray for petitions, for Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, for penance for sin, for thanksgiving for favors answered, and for help to get through each day. All of these reasons for prayer have their place, and I hear all of your requests. Even your good works and sufferings can be offered up to Me for any of your intentions. You can pray also for souls to be saved from their sins, even when they are not acknowledging Me in life. Many souls can be saved in this way, but they also require fasting for those with a higher price for their soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, these nuns are performing a selfless suffering for the sinners of the world. Contemplative prayer in silence is very powerful for souls. Praying in quiet is not easily done for people who are busy with only worldly concerns. It takes concentration and training to pray in contemplative prayer. This is why I have asked you to pray this way for five or ten minutes whenever you come to Adoration. Even this short time of quiet is hard to keep focused on Me with all of your worldly distractions. Pray the best that you can from your heart to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you pray your rosaries together before My Blessed Sacrament, you are multiplying your prayers for all of your intentions. I have asked you to place My Divine Mercy Picture before you at every prayer meeting because you can gain great graces as St. Faustina has told you in her diary. My mercy and My graces are poured out on all people who pray before this picture. Be grateful that these heavenly secrets are being revealed to you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you wake up each day, you could pray your morning offering and your guardian angel prayer to consecrate all of your actions of the day up to Me. For those, who attend daily Mass in the morning, you have Me intimately with you in Holy Communion. The Mass is the greatest prayer of all. You can pray your rosaries in the afternoon, especially your Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. Pray your grace before each meal to honor Me in feeding you. At night you could spend some time with Me at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Before going to sleep, you could pray your Act of Contrition in case you should die during the night. Even My priests and lay people recite the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day. By remembering Me in your prayers throughout the day, you are showing Me your love as you keep your focus on Me. I will watch over you as I love each of you so much.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of your most frequent prayers are those intentions for healing the sicknesses or diseases of people. When you pray for physical healing, the persons who you are praying over need to have faith that I can heal them. When you pray for a physical healing, you also should pray for a spiritual healing of that person’s soul. This is the way that I healed the whole person both body and soul when I was on the earth. When you pray over people, My prayer warriors need to pray also for a healing of both the body and soul. Remember when you pray to Me, that you are truly communicating with Me from your heart.”
Source: ➥