Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, July 6, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, I chose My apostles from many walks of life, and Levi was a tax collector to whom I gave the name Matthew when he decided to follow Me. When I went to his house for dinner, there were many tax collectors and sinners there. The Scribes and Pharisees asked My apostles: ‘Why does your Master eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?’ In answer to them I confounded them when I said: ‘The healthy people do not need a physician, but the sick do.’ I came to call sinners to conversion, and not the self-righteous. In My eyes all of the people are sinners, but many do not want to admit it. It is the humble of heart that know they are not worthy of heaven by their own merits. Only those, who are purified, are worthy of entering heaven. You must strive for perfection, and you can only be purified by My help, and the Blood of My perfect sacrifice. I offer all peoples an opportunity for salvation, but you must come to Me and repent of your sins, and ask for My forgiveness. I have given you My sacrament of Penance where you can come to Me when you go to the priest in Confession. Once you confess your sins, I can release you from the bonds of your sins, and grant you My grace to renew your soul. I invite all sinners to cleanse their souls, and come to My Eucharistic banquet at Mass to share My dinner. Unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life.”
Jesus said: “My people, My angels are praising Me constantly at every tabernacle on earth. Even if people do not visit Me in My tabernacle, My angels are always keeping company with Me all day long. You are being graced to see My angels at My tabernacle in the vision because they are spirits who you cannot see normally. When you see these angels giving Me praise, this is another proof to you that I am truly present in every consecrated Host. My Hosts appear as bread, but you have My Body present just the same. My Blessed Sacrament is a source of grace to you in Holy Communion, and you receive graces for making holy hours in adoring Me and praising Me. I have told you many times that My faithful adorers, who visit Me regularly, are very close to Me, and they have a special place in My Sacred Heart. Many of you make special trips to come and pray before Me, and I will store your treasure in heaven for the day of your judgment. Because you are familiar with Me, and I know the sincerity of your faith in Me, you are assured of coming to heaven. Woe to those, who do not know Me, since they will not enter heaven because they did not love Me, and they did not follow My Commandments.”
Source: ➥