Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the devil is strong right now, and many people are falling away from their faith in Me because they are being distracted by many material things and the
events of your world. The attack is being felt the most on the people who are weak in their faith, and they have forgotten to pray their daily prayers. It is hard for some people to recognize how their spiritual lives are deteriorating, but their physical lives are normal. This starts with people who do not come to frequent Confession, and they stop praying. Coming to Mass on Sunday is not enough to remain close to Me. Gradually, these weak souls stop coming to Sunday Mass, and they become part of the lukewarm who know better, but I will vomit them out of My mouth. Pray that the coming Warning will wake up these lukewarm souls, or they are risking hell which I will show them. America is slowly becoming a pagan nation because of your liberal and atheistic media that is removing My Name from everywhere, even from your coins. It is time for America to wake up in this coming election, or you will become a part of the North American Union with no rights, and the loss of your dollars over to the amero.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that time is running out before the main events as the Warning and the Antichrist’s coming are very near. Since the devil’s time is running out as well, he will be working harder to bring souls to hell. You are living in the end times as evil will have its reign for a short time. You have been living a sheltered life for many years with all of your modern conveniences. Soon My people will be suffering an increasing persecution. After the Warning, events will lead up to the Antichrist’s declaration. It is at that time that My faithful will need to come to My refuges for My protection from the evil one.”
Jesus said: “My people, every time that you look on My crucifix, you are reminded of how much I love each soul in My desire to die for all of mankind’s sins. It is these rays of love that shine out into your hearts which are very much like the rays of grace and mercy that come out in My Divine Mercy image. Be grateful that I came to earth as a redeeming Savior so all souls could have an opportunity to come to heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for fulfilling My promise after Adam’s sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, I instituted My Eucharist at the first Mass when I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This gift of Myself to My faithful is the most precious gift that I could give you. This is how I will be sacramentally present to My people in every tabernacle until the end of this age. I have given you My other sacraments as a source of grace, and Confession is how I can cleanse your sins to make your soul worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. My people can come to Me at any open church so you can pray to Me in My tabernacle. Adoration is a special love for Me where I can hear your petitions and I can give rest to your soul. Treasure these moments with Me in Holy Communion and when you are present in front of My consecrated Host.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all know that your bodies are mortal, and one day I will return to take you home to your judgment. Those, who fear death the most, are those souls who are far away from Me. Every soul will have to make an accounting for that soul’s actions and how time was used. I will be looking for the least glimmer of love from each soul. Souls, who completely reject Me, will be condemning themselves to hell by their own choosing. Those souls, who love Me, may need to be purified in purgatory, and then they could come to Me in heaven. Few souls can come directly to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, every day you have a struggle with the evil one’s temptations as you strive for the higher levels of heaven. You have choices to perform good works for your neighbor and to pray each day for My Blessed Mother’s intentions. Every day is another step closer to heaven on this stairway. I have given each soul a set number of years to work on the mission that I have appointed for that soul. By giving your ‘yes’ then your heart will be open to follow My plan for your life.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people go through life and they accumulate physical wealth in the bank, in stocks, or in precious metals. This is called elusive wealth because it can be taken away just as it was gained. You will not be judged in heaven on how much wealth you have accumulated on earth because this world is passing away. In your heavenly treasure box your spiritual treasure cannot be stolen, nor will it lose its value. It is this spiritual treasure that you will have at your judgment to offset any of your sins. This heavenly treasure is much more valuable than any earthly treasure.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you many times that My faithful will come under persecution so much that you will need to go underground in secret to have any celebration of Mass or prayer groups. For a time you will be able to worship Me in this way at your homes. Once your government authorities start to imprison and kill Christians for their faith, or for a failure to take a chip in the body, then you will need to come to My refuges for protection. It is My angels who will guide you to My refuges and protect you with an invisible shield. Rejoice in My protection because soon I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
Source: ➥