Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, January 6, 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, in the days when I was on the earth, they did not have all the medical aids that you have today. So when the people saw some of My healing miracles of the sick people, word spread throughout the area, and many came to Me to be healed. I did heal many people, but in order to be healed, these people had to believe that I could heal them. In many cases I was concerned first with healing their souls before I healed their bodies. I would say to them: ‘Thy sins are forgiven.’ Some of the Jews criticized Me saying that only God could forgive sins. They did not realize it, but I am God the Son in their midst. I gave healing power to My apostles so they could heal people both in body and soul. Even at times I cast demons out of people to heal them. My apostles also were enabled to cast out demons. My faithful can pray deliverance prayers of St. Michael to help exorcize any demons connected to addictions. Even some of My messengers have been given healing gifts. Give praise and thanksgiving to Me for any physical or spiritual healing.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have used your Adoration DVD several times because of the freezing and snowy weather. You have seen severe cold below zero, and fifteen inches of snow above your normal snowfall. Some people have been killed because of the weather, either from the cold, or in accidents on icy and snowy roads. Ice storms have also caused some deaths and power outages. You truly have been seeing one weather disaster after another. The one world people have been using the HAARP machine to cause worse storms than you are used to seeing. Another growing concern is a meltdown of the spent fuel rods at the Fukushima Nuclear plant in Japan that is continuing to send out clouds of radiation in the air and in the Pacific Ocean. There is no reasonable attempt being made to isolate these nuclear reactors in cement so the radiation could be reduced. By allowing this radiation to continue to pollute the air and water, people will be endangered with radiation sickness and cancers. Pray that people will be able to endure your storms, and that something can be done to limit this radiation.”
Source: ➥