Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, August 1, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen the reaction of the people to the words of Jeremiah when he called the people to repent. He also prophesied the destruction of the holy city. For this the people wanted to kill him. Jeremiah was allowed some time for his mission, but eventually they killed him. In the Gospel I received a similar rejection in My hometown when I told the people that Isaiah’s word was fulfilled in My coming. These people of Nazareth tried to throw Me over a cliff, but I walked through their midst because it was not My hour. Later, these people scourged Me and crucified Me. Many prophets of the Old Testament were killed because the people did not want to hear My words of chastisement. You, My son, have accepted My mission to call America to repent and change its ways. You also are called to prepare My people for the coming tribulation which will bring about the fall of America, and the coming into power of the Antichrist. You also will see the rejection of My words, and you will be persecuted for My Name’s sake. I will protect you for a while, but then you will need to flee with My faithful because the evil ones will be searching to kill all Christians. Even in parts of your world today, My followers are being martyred and forced to flee for their lives. Satan has inspired his evil followers to remove all places of My Name, and they will also try to kill My faithful. I have provided refuges for the end times so My people will be protected by My angels. You will also see some Christians martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints. Trust in My words because they are true for all time.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are nothing without Me. Your size is minimal against the massive storms in nature, earthquakes, or even the tides. Compared to My creation on earth, you take up little space and have a minimal effect on any of earth’s events. I am showing all of you this comparison to keep you humble, and not to get puffed up with pride in what you have done, or what you can do. Even though you are small in the physical world, I treasure the love of every soul in your spiritual life. You can have a huge effect on the spiritual lives of others with your prayers, actions, and good deeds. In the end, it is the souls who are most important, because they live on forever. All of creation is ordered by My Word, but men and women have free will, and they have to choose whether they will live in harmony with My creation or not. Where you have evil, you have disharmony, and this is why your world is in chaos. If you had peace all over the world, your world would be in harmony with My Divine Will. It will take My Warning and deep faith to bring more souls to Me in conversion. Choose life that you may have your reward in heaven.”
Source: ➥