Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s special Gospel was very appropriate from St. John that talked about how I gave up My life for the salvation of all mankind. This speaks of My great love for all of you. (John 15:13) ‘Greater love than this no one has, that one lay down his life for his friends.’ This was the same love that St. Maximillian Kolbe had for the poor man that was condemned to die. There was a prisoner who escaped the prison, and the punishment for his remaining group was that every tenth man had to die. One of those condemned prisoners had a family, so St. Maximillian Kolbe volunteered to die for his fellow prisoner. He had the same love for this man to give up his life as I have a great love to give up My life for all of your souls to be saved. You may not be called on to die for your friends, but you still need to love everyone, even if you do not like their actions.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, one of the worst plagues that has come against America is the illegal drug culture, and the abuses of pain killers. About sixty years ago, there were hardly any illegal drugs that were obviously being used in public. Today, you are seeing cocaine, heroin, and marijuana being spread all over America. The latest push has been to legalize marijuana which would widen its use even more to the young people. These drugs destroy brain cells, and it could be another problem for drugged drivers on the road. There is an evil plan to destroy America, and spreading drug use and pain killer abuse is one of these methods of destruction. Teach your children and adults about the bad effects from drug addictions. Many lives are being destroyed by allowing so many drugs to come into your country. You see many people and even celebrities dying from drug overdoses. Abusing your body with drugs is a sin against your own body.”
Jesus said: “My people, your liquor business is another source of drinking addictions. Some drinking is acceptable, but excessive drinking is also a sin that causes addiction to alcohol. You have demons connected to these addictions, which is why it is difficult to rehabilitate someone from excessive drinking. These alcoholics find many people to enable them with money to buy their alcoholic drinks. Without a serious desire to stop, it will take prayer, fasting, treatment, and even exorcisms to break these addictions. Please help any alcoholic addicts to cure themselves. They need encouragement and prayers to be healed.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have already experienced how you could get addicted to using computers for games, programming, and internet sites. You see many young people using handheld devices for excessive texting, and social networks. There are a lot of dangerous people who could harm innocent people by stealing money or with sexual abuse, as well as with pornography, which is another source of addiction using computers. Many of these addictions start out with innocent curiosity, but these things can control people with bad habits. Pray also to help people who are addicted to computers or pornography.”
Jesus said: “My people, smoking cigarettes seems like an innocent thing to try, but many people become addicted to a nicotine habit that is expensive, and can cause cancer in your lungs. You have learned that even second hand smoke can be dangerous for people’s lungs. Many public places have forbidden smoking, so the number of smokers is on the decline. There are various helps to wean people off of cigarettes. This is another addiction to prevent by not starting. Pray for people to desire to stop this dangerous habit.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the influence of the one world people who instigate many of your wars for the purpose of making blood money in selling weapons, planes, tanks, missiles, and other means of killing. You see some wars fought for power, land, greed, and religious differences. I want all of you to live in peace and harmony with My creation. Do not be taken in by the devil’s temptation to take things by force. Satan is behind the one world people who perpetrate wars for power and reducing the population. Continue to pray for peace all over the world to put an end to the selfish motives behind wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, death is a natural end to your life which is usually occurring in older people. When mothers take the lives of their own children by abortion, they can cause a major reduction in your population. Satan again is behind your abortion mentality because he hates man, and he is using various means to encourage abortion. This is a grave sin to take any life, but these aborted babies never had a chance to fulfill their mission. Pray for the stoppage of abortion that is killing My little ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I am reminding you in today’s messages of how important it is not to let anything control you that could lead to an addiction. You need a daily prayer life to show your love for Me, and to help you to avoid these temptations to addictions that could threaten your lives. Those, who are faithful to Me, are less effected by depression and anxieties, because I give you a desire for love in your life. If you pray, wear blessed sacramentals, and receive My sacraments worthily, you will be protected from many of Satan’s temptations. Life is too precious to lose by addictions, so keep My peace in your soul, and do let things control you.”
Source: ➥