Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, just as St. Paul and many saints were in prison, so My people will have to endure a great persecution, where some will be tortured and killed in the many detention death camps in America. All of My believers will be targets for extermination by the one world people who are controlled by Satan.
Just as the Moslems are killing Christians in other countries, you will soon see the same threat in America. My faithful need to have their backpacks ready to leave for My refuges at any time. As soon as I warn you that it is time to leave, My faithful, who leave on time, will be saved at My refuges. Those, who do not leave right away, are risking being captured by the men in black, and these faithful will be thrown in prison and later martyred for their faith. Those, who are martyred, will become instant saints in heaven. My faithful, who come to My refuges, will be protected by My angels, and you will have food, water, and bedding for the less than 3½ years of the tribulation of the Antichrist. Rejoice, whether you are a martyr, or you are at My refuges, because you will all be sharing in My coming Era of Peace for your reward for being faithful to Me.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the chapel of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts is very ornate with relics of the saints. I am showing you this chapel because this devotion to the Divine Mercy is very important to remember to pray the chaplet at the 3:00 p.m. hour. You have seen how powerful this chaplet is in saving souls, if you pray it at someone’s death. When you call on My Divine Mercy, I will always listen to those requests, especially in having mercy on souls that are leaving their body. The soul remains around the body for several days, so your chaplet is effective while the soul is there.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some religious orders, as the Poor Clares, who pray for the world’s souls in their contemplative prayer of silence. I have asked My adorers to take five or ten minutes to pray in silence with contemplative prayer. During that silence I could talk to your soul, and give you advice on how to live a holy life. The more you come to Me in your Adoration visits, the easier it will be to listen to My advice for how to live your lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your priests and bishops without criticizing them or gossiping about them. Only if they are making heretical statements, should you speak out against My clergy. My priest sons are being tested every day, so they need your prayers and your support in their ministry, which provides you My sacraments. Pray for more priestly vocations because priests are needed for the harvest of souls. Some of your churches are being closed because of a priest shortage. Each priest is My gift to you because I am acting through each of them.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Eucharist is My very Presence among you in every tabernacle. Give reverence to My Eucharistic Presence by genuflecting when you come into a Catholic Church. Some churches do not have My tabernacle in plain sight, but it is in a back room. I am the most important Guest, so My tabernacle should be in a prominent location. Give reverence in receiving Me in Holy Communion by bowing or genuflecting, and it is more reverent to receive Me on the tongue, instead of in the hand. You also need to take some private moments with Me after you receive Me. By giving reverence to My Eucharistic Host, you are acknowledging your true belief in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts.”
Jesus said: “My people, My sacrament of Reconciliation is very important for souls to cleanse their sins and to seek My forgiveness. It is necessary to have a pure soul in order to lead a holy life. My faithful should come to Confession at least once a month so you can remember your sins. If you should commit a mortal sin, then you need to come to Confession as soon as you are able. You need to confess any mortal sins before receiving Me in Holy Communion, so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. Make sure you make a good examination of conscience before you come to Confession. Remember to do your penance from the priest, and have true contrition that you are sorry for having offended Me in your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, faith is a gift from Me, and it needs to be instilled by good training and a good example from parents or grandparents. When your children are young, you take them to Sunday Mass, and you should take them to monthly Confession as well. As your children grow up, sometimes they lose their original fervor for the faith. You need to pray for your children, even when they leave your house, so they can keep the faith. Encourage your children to attend Sunday Mass and come to Confession. Your prayers can be your children’s salvation, so be persistent in your prayers for them.”
Jesus said: “My dear prayer group people, I am pleased with all of your prayers and petitions that you bring to Me each week. When you pray in a group, you multiply the prayers and graces that I bestow upon all of you. Even this church and parish receive graces for your prayers of Adoration at your meetings. Continue to have faith in all that I do for you in your daily activities, but your prayer time is needed to help all of the souls in the world and your individual petitions.”
Source: ➥