Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of My Ascension into heaven, those people, who have been to Israel, think of the hill on Bethany where it is marked by a shrine building. The significant reading is when My angels told My apostles that I will return on the clouds, even as I left on the clouds. It is this promise of My return that My faithful are patiently awaiting. When you see the sun out, and all the beautiful spring flowers, you have a new joy of being alive. The celebration of Ascension Thursday means you have ten days until you celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Today, you are starting your Novena to the Holy Spirit. When you have your flower pictures printed, you can remember this spirit of joy in spring, and the joy of being with Me amidst all of these feast days. Life with Me every day is a joy to be close to your Lord.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a miracle to watch how seeds planted in good soil can sprout forth when it is watered with warm temperatures. This is a parallel to the Parable of the Sower where the seed is My Word that is planted in the hearts of people. You need an open mind to receive My Word, and those people, who hear and act on My Word, are the seeds who are planted in good soil. You have read where the seed that falls on rocks or hard trails, cannot sprout without any roots. The seed that falls among thorns is choked by the distractions and cares of this world. Those, who hear My Word and accept it, can produce thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Easter Season is placed appropriately in spring because it is a time of new life among My creation. Both the animal world and the world of plants are teeming with life at this time. I call My faithful to share your faith life with those people who do not know Me. Evangelizing souls is the most rewarding work you could do to save souls from hell, and bring them to My love.”
Jesus said: “My people, each person has been given a mortal body and an immortal soul. It is your soul that is constantly seeking peace, but each soul can only find peace in My Presence. This is why your spiritual life is seeking after My love, but it is always battling the earthly life of the body which seeks the world. Your body and this world will pass away, but your soul will live on forever. This is why it is better to be with Me in love, because I can promise you eternal life with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people have a book of this Novena to the Holy Spirit. You can also find this Novena online on your computer, so you can print it out. This is a good preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. You pray many novenas as with your prayers to St. Theresa, but this Novena to the Holy Spirit is one of the oldest novenas. You can call on the Holy Spirit to bestow His gifts on you to strengthen your faith. My son, you know how the Holy Spirit helps you to write down My messages, and He helps you to give your talks. When you pray the ‘Glory Be’, you are calling on His help.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on the importance of finding and protecting your fresh water sources. Even rainfall is distilled water that comes back onto the earth. This is your easiest source to capture off of your roofs in rain barrels. Other sources are aquifer wells, streams, and some fresh water lakes. Protect your water from pollution and other poisons in your places of recycling water. I give you My gift of water, but drinkable water is harder to find.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look to space travel, you realize how fortunate you are to have the earth at the right distance from the sun for you to survive. You have the right temperature for water to be liquid, and you have an oxygen rich atmosphere to breathe and live. All of My gifts of food, water, oxygen, and the light of the sun, are all blessings that you receive from Me for your life to be viable. Give thanks to Me every day for all that I do for you. Show your love for Me and your neighbor in all the works that you do.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know the story of My creation of everything from nothing according to the Book of Genesis. It is one thing to appreciate My creation in all of its miracles, but there are some people who do not want to believe that I exist, and they do not believe in My creation of everything. Man is caught up in science, and some scientists have ‘big bang’ theories, and evolution theories. These things are all theories, and they have not been proven. Trust in My creation, because the perfect order of My creation does not happen by chance or by itself. I am the Prime Cause of all creation, and when you die, you will realize how everything is under My control.”
Source: ➥