Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016: (St. Nereus & St. Achilleus)
Jesus said: “My people, you may not see Christians being martyred today in America, but there are Christians being brutally beheaded by Moslems in other countries. You may not be martyred now, but you could be persecuted for speaking out against abortion, people living in fornication, or same sex marriages. Now, you are dealing with transgender people, and those people who are favoring euthanasia. These acts are all sins against My Commandments, and you need to stand up for what you believe, instead of following what some say is politically correct. My ways are different from man’s ways, and you could be persecuted for publically standing up for My Commandments. Even if you are threatened with death, never deny your belief in Me, and refuse to take any chips in the your body. The days are coming in the tribulation when Christians will be martyred for their faith, and you will have to seek out My refuges for your physical and spiritual protection.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, with the male history of deacons and priests, it is hard to imagine such a change in tradition to consider women deacons which could even mention possible women as priests. I made My apostles into My first priests, and deacons were chosen from among men for the most part. If I had wanted women to be priests and deacons, I could have done so, but the men are now living celibate lives in My service. Changing such a tradition would be difficult after so many years. It should be a decision by the Holy Spirit, if women should be deacons.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some leaders in the GOP that are having a struggle with the issues over the current Presidential nominee. This nominee does not want to change his ways just to please a few Congress people. Their goal is to win the Presidency, so there will need to be some compromises. There are still several possibilities that something will interfere with this election process. The one world people do not want to give up without a fight over their influence, so you could see an event that could delay or cancel this election.”
Jesus said: “My people, your electric grid is very vulnerable to an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack or terrorism on your transmission lines. Without electricity your banks and your home heating would be in jeopardy. Your communications, cars, trucks, and buses would not work. Your economy would come to a standstill, and many could die of starvation. There have been people looking into it, but it would take billions of dollars to protect your lines from an EMP attack. This is why I have had My refuge builders put in solar panels and batteries to have electricity. I will protect all of My refuges from any EMP attack.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages that events of this year could lead to a martial law. It is the goal of the one world people to take over America, and put you into their North American Union. These unions on all the continents will be given over to the Antichrist when he declares himself ruler of the world. The tribulation is coming, and the one world people will be America’s punishment for all of your sins against Me. When martial law occurs, there will be chaos and riots in your streets, as people will be looking for food and water. This will be the time to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several countries buying up as much gold as they can find, because the dollar will be losing its value as a reserve currency used for buying oil. America has a huge National Debt, and there is no real value backing your dollar. Once the dollar fails, you will see the one world people bring out a new electronic money called ‘SDRs’ or Strategic Drawing Rights. This is when your money system will collapse, and the one world people will bring about their new world order. Again this will be a time when My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, when the Holy Spirit came over My disciples with tongues of fire, they began to speak different languages, and they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit to go out and make converts. Pentecost Sunday is the last big feast of the Church Year, so enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You also should be finishing up your Novena to the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer before you leave, and on your return. Call on Me and My angels to protect you in your travel, and in sharing My messages with the people. I thank you for all of your traveling and evangelizing the souls that you meet. Call on the Holy Spirit to speak My words that will touch the hearts of the people who will receive you. Remember that even if one soul is saved on your trip, then your trip was worth your efforts. All of heaven rejoices over one soul who converts, and accepts Me as that person’s Master.”
Source: ➥