Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of Corpus Christi is to honor My Real Presence in My consecrated bread and wine, as it is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. When I first offered My Body and Blood to eat and drink, some of My followers left Me because they thought I was calling them to cannibalism. (Jn 6:61) Then I asked My disciples if they wanted to leave Me also, but St. Peter said: ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life, and we have come to believe and to know that you are the Christ, the Son of God.’(Jn 6:69,70) In St. John’s Gospel it is stated very clearly that only those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will find eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day. (Jn 6:55) This is why your Catholic faith is centered around the Mass, when you hear My words of Consecration and receive Me in Holy Communion. I give you strength and My grace every time you receive My Eucharist worthily. Because you receive My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, you need to have a soul free of any mortal sin. Those people, who take Holy Communion in mortal sin, commit a sin of sacrilege against Me. If you have mortal sin, you need to come to Confession to the priest as soon as possible, because you do not want to risk hell if you should die in mortal sin. You have seen the multiplication of the bread and fish for the five thousand men, so I also multiply My Hosts at the Consecration of the Mass. Give praise and thanks to Me for sharing Myself with you in Holy Communion.”
Source: ➥