Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 2016: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My son, you have a personal interest in today’s feast of St. John Fisher because he is the patron of your Diocese, and he was the bishop of Rochester, England. You also are a graduate of St. John Fisher College where you received your degree in Chemistry. St. John Fisher stood up to the king who wanted to change the Church laws on divorce. He defied the king’s demands, even at the risk of being beheaded. You were in the very tower where these saints were held before their execution. There are many saints in heaven who would rather be martyred than give up their faith. It takes a special courage and faith to die for My Name’s sake. The Gospel reading is a witness to all of My saints and My faithful today who bear good fruit in their works of mercy for their neighbors. I told the people that you could tell the good people from the bad people by their fruits or their actions. A good tree will only bear good fruit, just as evil people bear mostly evil deeds. A Christian will truly stand out as one of My disciples, by the love for Me, and his or her love for the neighbors.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a room so cold with evil that there were icicles all over the ceiling. I have warned you before that one of the signs of the presence of evil is a deep cold in a room. These icicles and the cold also represent the coldness of the people’s hearts in not coming to love Me. Many people go about their lives without even thinking about Me, let alone loving Me. This total indifferent attitude toward Me, is a sign of a cold, lukewarm heart that I wish to vomit from My mouth. I wish that souls are either hot or cold, but indifference is truly insulting Me. Those people, who are aware of Me in their lives, know that they cannot exist without My help and My grace. As you look upon My consecrated Host, you believe that I am truly Present in My Body under the appearance of bread. Those faithful, who truly love Me, seek to be close to Me at daily Mass, and daily Adoration. I pray that your priests would teach the people more about My Real Presence in their homilies. How will My people know about My Real Presence if they are not taught about it? I will be bringing My Warning soon to wake up all sinners, and give them a chance to repent and change their lives, before the Antichrist’s tribulation will test all of them. Keep praying and working to save souls, especially the wayward souls in your family. Those souls, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be saved in heaven. But those souls, who continue to ignore Me, and do not repent of their sins after the Warning, are on the road to hell. Do not be so taken up with the cares and pleasures of this life, but let Me run your life in all that you do for Me.”
Source: ➥