Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Micah (5:1-2) a sign was given that a virgin shall give birth to a Ruler of the world in Bethlehem. I prepared My Blessed Mother to be the perfect woman without original sin, when she was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. She truly lived in My Divine Will without any sin. She would be the holy Ark of the Covenant to carry Me in her womb. She gave her free will ‘fiat’ to conceive Me in her womb as well. My Blessed Mother’s birth was one of the first steps to man’s salvation, before I came into the world as your Savior. Rejoice on this day commemorating her birth, as she later was the fulfillment of this prophesy from Micah.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you could see various kings that inherited power over certain lands. I came on the earth as King of the Universe, but Herod tried to kill Me. Even though I had a spiritual nature and a physical nature, the people did not recognize Me as the Messiah, despite My many miracles. I kept My identity hidden, until My hour came, and I admitted to Pontius Pilot that I was a king. When I told the high priest of the Sanhedrin that I was the Son of God, he did not believe Me, and he wanted Me crucified for blaspheming. So My people need to give praise and worship to your heavenly King.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the parable I told about the five wise virgins who brought oil for their lamps at the wedding feast. There were five foolish virgins who did not bring oil with their lamps, and their lamps were going out. The foolish ones went to buy oil, but when they returned, they could not enter the closed door. The time of the tribulation is coming soon, and My faithful need to be prepared with daily prayer and frequent Confession. Keep faithful to Me, and the doors to My refuges and the gates of heaven, will be open to you.”
Jesus said: “My son, you were welcomed to Mexico and My Blessed Mother’s Shrine at Guadalupe. I thank you for coming, and you had everything fall into place so you could give your talks. The people treated you well, and they were open to My messages. As you came to My Blessed Mother’s Shrine, you were given graces for coming, and for going through the holy doors. The people were blessed by your visit, and you prayed over many people. This was a very successful and fruitful trip to Mexico.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have struggled to obtain your outhouse kit from the trucking company, and then you carried the wood to your shed. Now, you need to find a way to put it together for your future latrine. Call on My help and I will have people help you to put it together. You may not have to dig a hole yet, but you could buy some extra lime to be multiplied. You also have purchased eight more 55 gallon barrels, but you need to fill at least six of them with water before you have freezing weather. You will need to keep your barrels inside, so the water does not freeze. You could keep some in your garage where it does not get too cold. You need to complete these projects as soon as possible.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have been urging you to get your projects done soon because there will be some serious events about to occur in your country. In the vision you had a sense of the ominous events that will be coming that could even lead to a martial law. If these events do result in martial law, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. This again is why your refuge needs to be ready to receive My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My son, you need to research any progress of this plan to have a one world religion. I do not want My Church compromised to change any of My teachings. Such a one world religion is a plan of Satan to bring down and persecute My Church, and your belief in Me. Do not accept any one world religion because this could be the vehicle to cause a division in My Church.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision speaks of two types of building processes. The first speaks about My refuge builders who I am helping to build places of safe haven for My faithful to be protected during the tribulation. Preparing buildings, providing food, bedding, and water is not easy, especially for a lot of people. I have enabled some people with financial gifts to have the money to build their refuges. The second building up of My Church is another ongoing mission to bring converts into My Church. You need to have souls with open minds and hearts so they can receive My Word, and grow into a gift of faith. Continue to pray for the conversion of poor sinners.”
Source: ➥