Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, October 7, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016: (Our Lady of the Holy Rosary)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, your best weapon against Satan and all of his temptations is praying the holy rosary. My complete rosary is the fifteen decade rosary of the fifteen Mysteries which was modeled after the 150 Psalms. Pope John Paul II has added the Luminous Mysteries because all the Mysteries are about my life and the life of my Son, Jesus. You have heard the many powerful stories of how my rosary has helped my children throughout history. Today, more than ever, we in heaven need your prayers to balance out all the sins of your world. Many times I have given you my intentions, which are prayers for the conversion of sinners, for the souls in purgatory, for stopping abortion, and for peace in the world. You have been praying many years for the conversion of communist Russia. You are also praying for the people who are suffering from Hurricane Matthew. I applaud all of your reparation Masses for the souls who die suddenly in disasters because they did not have time to prepare for their judgment. Remember to pray your rosaries every day, and if you should forget them, you need to make up for them on the next day. In the Gospel, my son, you saw mention of Beelzebul, who is the lord of the flies. You actually experienced thousands of flies in your new chapel as an attack on your good intentions. With praying the St. Michael prayer and consecrating your land to my Son, Jesus, this evil has been cleansed from your refuge. God bless you in your missions, and I thank all of My prayer warriors for praying my rosary.”
Jesus said: “My people, a while back you were without power for eleven days, and your natural gas heater was not working in a cold March, 1991. You know what it is like to be without power for an extended period of time. You can empathize with the people of Florida in their power outage, only they will suffer the heat without air conditioners. There also is damage that may take a long time to repair. When people are suffering in one state, it is hard for people in other states to appreciate any stress the people in Florida are feeling. It will be hard to assess the total damage and hardships suffered from this storm. Pray for these people that deaths will be minimized and that power could be restored quickly. I told you that this event of Hurricane Matthew was one of the main events for this year. You still could see another main event in the next few months. Pray for the people who are suffering now, and those people who could suffer in the next event. Some of these events are a punishment for your sins, especially for your abortions.”
Source: ➥