Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed that starts with a small seed and grows into a large bush. Again, the Kingdom of God is like the yeast that mixes with the dough, and it rises to feed you the Bread of Life. Wherever I am present, the Kingdom of God is among you. When two or more of you are present in prayer, I am there in your midst. Treasure My Presence, because I am always with you, all of the time. I call you to be obedient to your superiors, and especially to your spiritual director. Most of all I call you to be obedient to My Commandments, which are really summed up in your love for Me and love for your neighbors. There is a special love for married couples who are called to love each other by their vows. They are committed for life to care for each other equally without one dominating the other. Out of this married union comes forth the children, who require upbringing in faith and preparation for surviving in the world. Your families are truly the basic building blocks of your society. When you tear down the families, then your society will crumble as well. I made Adam and Eve as an example for how I want most people to live. You also have the example of My Holy Family of St. Joseph, My Blessed Mother, and Me. Continue to love one another as I love all of you.”
Jesus said: “My people, let Me say with certainty that Satan and the demons exist, and they are allowed to torment people in some cases, and they can even possess people who invite them. Hell with its flames does exist, and it is eternal. The souls who are in hell will be there for all eternity. Hell was originally intended for the bad angels, but a good number of souls are choosing to go there. You are seeing more occult groups and more black masses where they offer up bodies or body parts to Satan. You are also seeing a battle for souls. I am warning My faithful to wear your blessed sacramentals as a protection against demon attacks and any curses or spells. You could wear scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, blessed salt, holy water, and relics for your protection. There are some people who are inviting obsessions or possessions with cursed potions, Ouija boards, tarot cards, or occult meetings. So avoid opening any portals for the demons to enter. These demons can also gain entrance through your addictions. Do not let anything control you, and refuse to accept any chip in the body or mark of the beast for any reason. You are seeing evil leaders who worship Satan, and they carry out his evil orders. There is even a death culture run by the one world people who are intent on reducing the population. These are the people behind abortions, euthanasia, wars, viruses, vaccines, and even gay marriage. Satan has a counterfeit for everything that I promote as holy. Beware of evil things and demons, and call on Me to send you My angels when you are attacked by demons. Use your long form of the St. Michael prayer for protection, and for deliverance of afflicted souls.”
Source: ➥