Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, January 23, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017: (Right to Life protest for the unborn)
Jesus said: “My people, you see in the Gospel about the mention of Beelzebub, the ‘Lord of the Flies’, that attacked your refuge chapel. When you are fighting the devil and the evil ones, you know you can count on Me to help you, because I have power over the demons. When you are fighting to save the lives of the unborn, you are battling devils and evil people who support abortion. All of those women, who abort their children, will suffer at their judgment. I will forgive sin, but there is still reparation for this sin that has to be paid for. Also, those people, who support abortion, are liable for punishment. All of My faithful, who struggle to save the lives of the unborn, will receive their reward in heaven. I will send My angels to guard and guide you on your trip to the March for Life on January 27. Do not worry about parking because I will assist you in your need. Everything that you do in prayers and good deeds for the unborn, is well appreciated in your efforts to save lives. You remember well how My Blessed Mother said: ‘The greatest sin of omission is for those people who do not pray or protest abortions.’ The lives of My little ones are too precious to kill for any reason. Pray for these mothers to have their children. The unborn babies are gifts of life that the devil is trying to take away. Pray for the stoppage of abortion because your prayers will be answered one day.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want to continue My message to America about stopping the killing of My babies by your abortions. How can you not see that My babies are little miracles, and the parents have the right to join with Me in creating new life? You all need to understand how precious life is whether in the womb or near death. I am so appalled by your disregard for life in allowing your babies to be aborted. This is not an old issue, but it is an important issue at all times. Your mothers need to love their children, and not kill them. This killing of the unborn babies is a mortal sin, and it greatly offends Me that abortion is about rights. The baby is different from the mother, and it is not a choice to kill the baby or not. The baby should not be killed at all. I sometimes have to shield My eyes from watching your abortions. But the guardian angels of these little martyrs are coming to Me to tell Me of the death of My little ones. Your abortions alone are calling down My wrath on your country. When I bring My Warning as My intervention, every mother of an aborted baby will know exactly the kind of life their child was meant to live. There will be great lamentation when they view the killing of their baby in their life review. I will forgive this sin if the parties repent and seek My forgiveness. Try to counsel these women not to have an abortion, but bring their baby to the term of birth. I love all of you, and I want you to love all of My creations of life.”
Source: ➥