Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings have many meanings. The first reading is when Adam and Eve faced their judgment for committing their sin against Me. I promised man a Redeemer, but I cast them out of the Garden of Eden. Man would have to work by the sweat of his brow to get his food, and the woman would have to suffer pain in bearing children. Adam and Eve also were separated from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, so they could not live forever, but now they would die. I have told My faithful that in My Era of Peace, you would have many Trees of Life, so you could live a long life. But at a certain length of time, all of you would die and be prepared to come to heaven as saints. In the Gospel you are seeing how I took pity on the four thousand people, and I multiplied the seven loaves of bread and the two fish so all of the people ate and were satisfied. They collected twelve baskets of fragments so the food did not go to waste. When I distributed the bread, I broke it and blessed it, as I gave it to My apostles. This was similar to how I broke the bread and blessed it, and I gave it to My apostles at the Last Supper. You now receive My very Self in the consecrated Host, as I feed you in Holy Communion both physically and spiritually, as I am the ‘Bread of Life.’ After My Resurrection, you remember when My two disciples walked with Me on the road to Emmaus, and I explained all the references to Me in the Old Testament. Then at supper I broke bread with them, and they recognized Me, as I disappeared. So all of you can remember Me in the ‘Breaking of the Bread’ at every Mass. Even at your refuges, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, your time for converting souls is growing short before I will bring My Warning. Those souls, who are faithful to Me, will not be tested by seeing any mini-judgment to hell. If you come to frequent Confession to keep a clean soul, then you will only see some possible purgatory time. After My Warning, you will be moving as fast as you can to win souls over to Me, especially those souls in your own family. Once your people witness their life reviews, they will be seeking My forgiveness, and they will be more open to your conversion efforts. If you can convert them, then My angels will put a cross on their foreheads. Without accepting Me in faith, they cannot enter My refuges. With your brief power outage, you were able to get a fire going in your fireplace, and you quickly got your oil lamps burning for light. Your wind-up flashlight helped you find your gas lighter, your lamps, and your lamp oil. You see now how important it is to be able to get heat and light quickly when the power goes out at night. You need to call your solar installer to check how your battery equipment could get turned on when the power goes out. You may have had some shorts when the water came in your lines. Be thankful that you have made your preparations to survive without power. I will have My angels assist you in multiplying any needed fuels, water, and food. Trust in My protection that you had a practice drill to get you ready for the real tribulation.”
Source: ➥