Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Moses presented the Commandments to his people, and gave them a choice between the blessing or the curse. He told them to choose life and avoid the sins. You all have free will to follow My Commandments or not. There are consequences for all of your actions that you will have to account for at your judgment. Those people, who follow My laws and love Me and their neighbor, will have eternal life. Those people, who disobey My laws and do not repent, are risking the fires of hell. In the Gospel and during Lent, I asked My people to pick up their cross of life daily, and carry it for My sake. Unless you deny your life and follow My ways, you cannot be one of My disciples. Offer up all of your trials and disappointments to Me out of love, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”
(Jerry Schneider Funeral Mass) Jerry said: “I am grateful for all of my family and friends who were able to come to My funeral. I suffered with my lung problem, but now I am with my Jesus after this Mass. I love Grace and my family so much, and I will be watching over you and praying for all of you. I loved my working with wood, and you can remember me every time you look at the cross I made, that is now hanging in St. Charles Borromeo Church. I remember this altar and the Holy Name altar, where I prayed many times with my Nocturnal Adoration members in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I love my Jesus so much, and now I am resting with Him. I am waiting to see you when you all can come to heaven with us.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I know your needs, and I will find a way with My angels to get you out of the problem you are in. Have patience and pray for My assistance. I have never let you down in your needs, so do not worry about your situation that needs a way out.”
Jesus said: “My son, the picture of Maria Esperanza and Geo Bianchini was a gift from Juliet that you have placed on your altar. Geo died recently, and your conference was your tribute to a great man. You used to get messages from Maria for a while at Holy Communion time. You have made many trips to see Maria and Geo. You had the Bianchini family talk to your group using Skype, and they sang three songs for you. Several daughters gave some words to your Gospa Prayer house group. Give thanks for this experience.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you had air turbulence on the plane, you were praying harder for safe travel. This same windy storm caused some downed tree limbs to your property and others. With your storm prayer, I protected your refuge and the people around you. You saw a downed tree that frightened your daughter, and it just missed her garage. There were also some power outages in your area, as you saw your lights flicker a little. Be grateful that you did not have much damage, and you only had some branches to pick up.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President’s talk was very uplifting for your people, but your stock market is speculating that his plans will be carried out. The opposition party and even some of his own party members are not all helping your President, and they may even make his plans hard to implement. Keep praying that your President and Congress can come together on what is best for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, having a national health plan without being forced on everyone, will require some compromises from your people, the insurance providers, and your doctors and nurses. It is difficult to see how the premiums will be paid, and how many people will be allowed free medical help. This will be difficult to get through Congress, especially through the Senate. Your old health system was collapsing, so pray that you could have a satisfactory health plan that truly is affordable.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know My Church’s historical position on having relations outside of marriage. Such relations, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are considered mortal sins outside of marriage. This requires Confession before such a sinner could receive Holy Communion. Even divorced Catholics require annulments for a proper marriage. When you defy My laws, you need to seek My forgiveness, otherwise people in mortal sin commit a sacrilege if they receive Holy Communion. Pray for poor sinners that they will seek My forgiveness for their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Lenten Season has begun, and you need to decide what penances you will carry out to help in your spiritual lives. Fasting between meals and avoiding meat on the Fridays of Lent is just the beginning. You could make some personal sacrifices to help restrict some of your temptations for sin. By fasting you are controlling some of your passions and desires for things that you could do without, as desserts, sweets, TV, smoking, or any other addictions that you have. By working to make your spiritual life better, you are preparing yourself for your judgment day. Try to be persistent in your Lenten intentions and sacrifices.”
Source: ➥