Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in the Triduum services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. In today’s Gospel you are reading of Judas’ betrayal again, according to St. Matthew’s Gospel. Yesterday, you read a similar betrayal, according to St. John’s Gospel. The betrayal by a friend or disciple hurts you more because that person was someone you trusted. I knew that Judas was My betrayer for a long time, since he would be an instrument of My death on the cross. This is why I came into being a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life as the Lamb of God for all of mankind’s sins. Tomorrow, you will be celebrating My Last Supper, which is truly the first Mass of the Passover. Every Mass is a re-enactment of My Last Supper as I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood for the first time. I told the people that unless they eat My Body and drink My Blood, they could not have eternal life with Me. In the vision you saw Me scourged at the pillar, as the whips took bits of flesh off of My back and chest. The soldiers mocked Me as a king by placing a crown of thorns on My head. I was later condemned to death by Pilate. I had to carry My heavy cross down the Via Dolorosa to Calvary where I was crucified on the cross. I suffered all of this pain and death as reparation for your sins. This is truly a sign of My love for all sinners, even those sinners who do not accept Me. Pray for all sinners so they could be saved by seeking My forgiveness.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a view of a depiction of a tar pit of hell with souls burning in the flames. You just made a DVD of a movie about hell, and you were struck by the descriptions of the souls who were in hell briefly, before I brought them back to life on earth. The one man said there is one choice between heaven or hell. I love every soul, but it is your free will choice which destination that you want for your soul. I prefer that you come to Me out of love, rather that out of the fear of hell. There is no way out of hell, and it is eternal to suffer there. You would much prefer heaven, but each soul needs to repent of his or her sins, and accept Me as your Master to be saved from hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know how important water is for people to survive. In the same way My well of graces are always available to you in My sacraments. I have told you that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life with Me. I forgive your sins in Confession, and you receive My sanctifying grace in Holy Communion and Confession. My grace is your spiritual lifeblood for the soul, and you feed on Me as the Bread of Life.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you have been called to pray and fast to protect your soul from the devil’s temptations. I have called you to pray quietly in contemplative prayer to listen for My words to you. You can also read some spiritual books as the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Imitation of Christ. Speak to Me in your informal prayers in addition to your formal prayers. Prepare for the most holy days of the Triduum.”
Jesus said: “My people, on the Easter Vigil you will see how the priest puts My five wounds of My hands, feet, and My side on the Easter Candle. This service is performed in the dark, representing the sin in the world. Then a fire is started and a new fire lights the Easter Candle which is a symbol of how My Light disperses the darkness of sin. On Good Friday you carry My crucifix to the altar that again represents how I suffered for your sins. You come forward to kiss My cross to show Me how much you love Me. Take time to come to all of these services.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you in the Northern States are happy the snow has melted away, and new spring flowers are coming through the soil. This new life in nature can also encourage you in your own new spiritual life that has been cleansed by your Lenten devotions and Confession. As Easter approaches, you are seeing longer days of daylight, symbolizing My Light coming into the world. Rejoice as you see the Easter lilies trumpeting My victory over sin and death.”
Jesus said: “My people, in some areas of tornadoes and high winds, you are still in need of a spring cleanup. It has been difficult to remove all the debris from your fallen trees. Even some homes and cars will need some repairs. Be grateful if you avoided serious damage, and pray for the victims who have either lost their homes, or had some power outages.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how much blood I lost in My scourging and My crucifixion. I am not the only life that was offered up, because your country has the blood of your abortions on your hands. You are seeing a procession carrying My crucifix on Good Friday on the anniversary of My death. Your mothers and doctors are killing a million of My unborn babies every year. Pray for the stoppage of your abortions, and that your mothers will give birth to their babies. Life is too precious to discard these babies for any reason. Each baby has a soul and My Presence in them, and each soul has My plan for his or her life. Keep struggling and praying that you can overturn this disgrace in your Supreme Court.”
Source: ➥