Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Saturday, June 17, 2017

Saturday, June 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a hole or a rut at the edge of the road when it is difficult to get back on to the main road. I am giving you this example because sometimes you get stuck in sinful bad habits, and it is hard to break them. First you need to realize, as you look at your life, that you have a sinful bad habit. Recognizing the problem is the first step. This means that you should have a properly formed conscience to know when you are offending Me in your sins. The next step is to make a plan how to change or avoid any sinful habits. This should involve coming to frequent Confession so you can have your sins forgiven, but you must make an intention to avoid that sin in the future. You have to avoid any occasions that lead you into sinful situations. It may even take prayer and fasting to be delivered from your bad habit. You could even seek counseling on how to change your life from a bad habit. The main goal is that you want to desire to break any bad habit, no matter how much you are drawn to that sin. Once you have stopped your bad habit, pray to Me for the grace that you do not fall back into that same rut of sin.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass, Corpus Christi) Jesus said: “My son, I know you love Me very much, because you attend daily Mass, and you see Me nearly every day at Adoration. You also believe in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament, and you want to be with Me as much as you can. You are giving a good example to other Roman Catholics who may not be as strong in their faith. When you come to extra Masses more than just on Sunday, you are coming because you want to, and not just out of obligation. In the same way you make many visits to My Blessed Sacrament because you desire to be close to Me. It is a blessing for you that you receive an inner locution message every time that you receive Holy Communion, or you come to Adoration. You receive My graces and you are fulfilling My promise: (Jn 6:54) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’”
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed eight years of socialism under your previous President, and now these same socialists are trying to force their ideas and way of life on to your new President and your people. These latest hate tactics have gone to a new level when liberal Democrats are encouraging acts of violence, as when your Republican leader of the House of Representatives was shot. These liberals are using an old communist tactic. If you tell a lie long enough, the people will begin to believe their fake news and lies. You may not recognize what the left is doing, but they are like the communists who desire to take power any way they can get away with it. If your people cannot live peacefully, then you are inviting the anarchists to cause a civil war over your divided country. Pray for peace, or you could get what the left wants in a war.”
Source: ➥