Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, June 23, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called people to come to Me all of you who are burdened with this life, and I will give you rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. This is the feast day of My Sacred Heart, and you can see how much I love all of you, because I died on the cross for the reparation of your sins. I have chosen all of you to be My evangelists. You did not choose Me. I created each of you out of love to know, love, and serve Me. Your parents conceived you, but I placed your soul into your body to give you life. This whole month of June is dedicated to My Sacred Heart, so remember Me in all that you do for Me. Follow the love of My Sacred Heart, and that of My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, that you could celebrate tomorrow. The picture of Our Two Hearts in your computer room is a devotion for the both of us, and thank you for honoring us, and praying to us every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, ultimately, there are two kinds of people who are walking your streets, those people who believe in God, and those people who do not believe in God. Those people, who do believe in Me, need to do more than just call ‘Lord, Lord’ to be saved. They need to repent of their sins, pray daily, and show Me by their good actions how they truly love Me. The faithful people are being marked by My angels with an invisible cross on their foreheads. My faithful will be tested by the devil and the Godless people. I will give you sufficient graces to ward off any temptations or attacks by the devil and the evil people. You also can reach out to souls to try and convert them to faith in Me. You should know that there is a battle for souls going on between Me and the devil. I am more powerful than the devil, but I do not force My love on your free will. Everyone has to make a choice whether they love Me or not. It is unfortunate that your children are being taught and brainwashed with hate for Me in schools and colleges. Unless your children pray to Me every day, they will find it hard to counteract the atheism taught in schools and colleges. If you do not encourage your children in their faith, then they will not come to church or go to Confession. This is part of the reason that your young people are losing their faith. Pray for all of your family to be saved from hell every day, especially those people who are not coming to Sunday Mass.”
Source: ➥