Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Me separating the goats from the sheep at the first, or particular judgment when you die. The goats represent the evil people who had all that they wanted in this life. The sheep are the people who suffered persecution and abuse in this life for My sake. The evil ones are judged to hell, while the good people are purified in purgatory, and then come to heaven. The last judgment is when My faithful will be resurrected with their glorified bodies in heaven. The evil ones will be joined with their earthly bodies in the resurrection to hell. Strive to love Me and your neighbors while you are living a good Christian life, and you will be rewarded by being with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two major addictions that some people are misled by the devil. It is desirable for some to live in comfort for the body, and you know it takes money to live such a life. Some people worship money as a god. They are violating My First Commandment, which states that you are to worship only Me, and you shall have no other gods before Me. There is another addiction to sex when some people are craving to look at pornographic pictures or movies. This has broken up families when such viewing perverts one’s morals. When you see people addicted to money or sex, you need to pray for them, and try to show them that these things are sinful actions against Me and My Commandments. It is better to love Me and their families, than ruin their lives with selfish addictions. Pray deliverance prayers for such addicts to break them free from the demons who are controlling them.”
Source: ➥