Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 6, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday, November 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you further visions to ponder the end of your life, as you are coming to the end of the year. Your first thought is how you will face Me at your judgment, as you think of all the things you did in your life, both good and bad. When you go through your life review at the end of your life, I will weigh all of your good deeds against your sins. If you have been faithful to Me, you will avoid hell, and only suffer some time in purgatory. Those people, who have done evil and were not faithful, are on their path to hell. Only if people were praying for such souls, could they be saved. Once you die and you are in your casket, you are relying on your relatives and friends to pray for you, and have Masses said for your soul. You may want to put a request for Masses in your will, to insure Masses will be offered up for your soul. This will help you in getting released from purgatory at an earlier time. You also can pray for a plenary indulgence on Mercy Sunday to remove the reparation due for your sins. Thinking about your destination with Me after your death, is the best plan you could make to be with Me in heaven for all eternity. You also need to make a good friendship with Me now, because only My friends will be invited to My banquet in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed another mass killing in Sutherland Springs, Texas by a deranged gunman who was killing young children. He was chased down and died in his car. This is the third mass killing incident in a short time. You saw a false flag staged mass killing in Las Vegas where many died and were wounded. You also saw an ISIS terrorist kill and maim more people in New York City with a rented truck. Now you have another deranged gunman who killed people in a church service. The focus has been on guns, but it should be on how ISIS people are not followed, and how mental people need to be treated. There are a lot of questions around how these people acquired their weapons and ammunition. It is difficult to prevent attacks on what are called ‘soft’ targets. You can see that these gunmen are all seeking crowds to kill more people and gain notoriety. These events are being caused on purpose to cause fear and divide your society. Pray for the souls of those killed, and comfort the families of the deceased. Pray for peace and less division in your country.”
Source: ➥