Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, March 18, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday, March 18, 2019: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in the vision how people are hiding from the evil ones at one of My refuges. This reminded you of Moses and the Exodus when they had to eat a meal in haste with unleavened bread. They were hiding in their house with the blood of a lamb on their lintel to protect them from the angel of death. My faithful will soon be called to My refuges, and My people will need to leave in haste with your backpacks. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to your nearest refuge. My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility. I thank all of My refuge builders, and I bless their work for saying ‘yes’ to My call to have a refuge for My faithful. This will be My means of dividing My faithful remnant from the evil people, when I draw you to My refuges. My faithful will be protected from the Comet of Chastisement and fires from the volcanoes. The evil ones will be killed, and their souls cast into hell. Rejoice when I will call My faithful to come to My Era of Peace for your reward for being faithful to Me.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing unusual proposals by the opposition party that do not make financial or social sense for your people. The media and your college teachers are promoting a ‘green’ plan to stop using fossil fuels as natural gas, oil, and coal. Your gasoline that powers your cars, comes from oil, and that oil also lubricates your cars. There is no ready way to power your cars without fossil fuels. Electric cars still use fossil fuels to generate your electricity. Coal is still used to generate almost 30% of your electricity. Your power plants are converting some power plants over to natural gas from coal, but this is still a fossil fuel. So how are you going to run your cars, heat your homes, and generate your electricity without fossil fuels? Nuclear, wind, solar and hydroelectric power covers only about 20% of your needs. A second proposal concerns your Medicare program which is financed for seniors’ medical plans for people over 65. If Medicare is given to everyone, there would not be enough funds to run it. You already have ruined the Social Security program meant for retirees by more of your giveaway programs. Now, you want to ruin your Medicare with more giveaways. The third proposal is to legalize marijuana in all of your states for recreational use. Your states think they can make money by taxing marijuana, as they do for cigarettes. This legalization is already causing more accidents on the road similar to deaths caused by alcohol. This drug will ruin your brains, and it makes no social sense to legalize. All of these proposals defy common sense, but they are all part of a plan to bring down your country. Pray for sound reasoning to prevail, or your country will go down in ruins.”
Source: ➥